Tagged: Michael Davis

Another ComicMix summer party

Another ComicMix summer party

Can’t stay long, gotta get back to ComicMix‘er Kai Connolly’s birthday party.  ComicMix columnists wrote stuff this past week.  Here it is:

And that’s not even including tons of news wrapups from Andrew Wheeler, loads of reviews, even a pool-playing post!  By the way, today’s bash emanates from the home of Mellifluous Mike Raub, who has arranged it all and still had time for his Big ComicMix Broadcasts:

The me who wrote this entry this morning hopes the Raub Residence will be as air-conditioned as the Riggs Residence…

Getting wind of what’s been happening

Getting wind of what’s been happening

Once again we’re away from Second City comic book happenings here in the First City, but at least we can all share Chicago nickname puns as well as the Perseid meteor showers this evening from pretty much wherever we live.  That, and the ComicMix columns from this past week:

As you might expect, Mellifluous Mike Raub is in attendance at WizWorld Chicago, meaning more Big ComicMix Broadcasts than usual:

The interesting thing about many vacations is how much you want to do at the beginning and how little you’ve done at the end.  Mine has gone according to plan in terms of reading (see my column linked above) but not writing.  Ah well, maybe next time…

Fity-seven channels and nothing’s on…

Fity-seven channels and nothing’s on…

Yesterday was a very special day for lots of folks.  In the baseball world a couple of home run records were set, in the political world attendees at the progressive blogosphere’s Nerd Prom (yes, they have one too) schmoozed with the Democratic presidential candidates, and we at ComicMix celebrated head honcho Mike Gold’s 57th go-round in life.  All the incriminating photos my camera could muster can be found here.  And here’s our review of what we columnist types have been up to this past week:

I finally got to meet all of Mellifluous Mike Raub‘s many M-named sons, and the one with the "S" name.  He’s been busy as usual with the newest Big ComicMix Broadcasts:

I’m on vacation from my day job this coming week, so who knows, you might even see my byline again on something other than my column and this wrap-up…

When San Diego is too far away…

When San Diego is too far away…

Yeah, I guess I’m missing San Diego, in more ways than one.  But then again, they’re missing the Del Close improv marathon here in NYC, so that makes us even.  Not.  Ah well, on to this past week’s ComicMix columns:

I haven’t even begun to keep track of all Mellifluous Mike Raub‘s Big ComicMix Broadcasts, so why don’t you do it for me?:

Tomorrow’s probably going to be a slow day while my colleagues travel and sleep, so it’s a good time to get all caught up!

Once you’ve finished That Book…

Once you’ve finished That Book…

Nerds, geeks and thinking people everywhere are settling down to read J.K. Rowling’s latest and last adventure of Harry Potter prior to packing for sunny southern California.  At least that’s what they tell me; I’ll wait for the easier-to-heft paperback, thanks.  But there are no queues at all to read ComicMix columnist contributions from this past week:

If you see Mellifluous Mike Raub at San Diego, speak loudly and clearly into the mic!  Here are his contributions as he hits the Big Seven-Oh:

Have a safe flight of fancy, everyone!

A midsummer’s weekly reading

A midsummer’s weekly reading

Another glorious summery weekend here in the New York metro area, so with the necessary errands all done (why is it that most of them seem to involve spending money?), it’s time to catch you up on what ComicMix columnists have written this past week:

Hey, Mellifluous Mike Raub has reached a milestone with his big ComicMix Broadcast #65 and beyond; does that make him eligible for senior citizen privileges?

Lastly on a personal note, a huge thanks once again to Andrew Wheeler for all his comics link posts during my extended day-job swampitude! I hope to be back here full time before y’all know it (but not before Sandy Eggo)…

ComicMix columns declare independence

ComicMix columns declare independence

Between the final episode of this season’s Dr. Who airing on the Beeb last night, and this afternoon’s "live" (read: an hour delayed) VH1 running of the Concert for Diana (sure, I could have seen the actual live stream online, but then I wouldn’t be able to do anything else with my computer), it seems this weekend as though England must have won that war a couple hundred years ago, at least the cultural end of it.  Nonetheless, our ComicMix columnists have been doing our all-American best to keep you entertained this past week, and here’s your weekly wrap-up of our latest:

Did you catch Mellifluous Mike Raub‘s "Words and Pictures" below?  If you want to relisten to the Big ComicMix Broadcasts to which he’s referring, here they are again:

Lastly, we extend a laurel and hardy handshake welcoming Andrew Wheeler to our happy little gang!


MICHAEL DAVIS: Not What You Think

MICHAEL DAVIS: Not What You Think

Years ago I wrote a column for Comics Buyers Guide (CBG) called Picture This. I actually started writing that column even before Peter David started writing his. Being the professional he is, Peter has been able to sustain his column But I Digress for well over a decade. I lasted a few months before I simply stopped writing it. Demands on my time and personal life caused me to abandon what truly was a great gig for an even greater magazine.

Now I’m writing this column and have managed to keep my deadlines (except for one little itsy bitsy time when I got my column in late and it had to run on Saturday instead of Friday) for twenty weeks and I am having a great time.

There are some people who still remember my Picture This column. If you think I am a raving manic now you should have seen me then. I pissed off more people than Katharine Harris did during the 2000 election. In my career I have also written guest columns in a few magazines as well as a few editorials over the years in various outlets. Those people who know me know that I am a shameless self-promoter. That said, in all of the hundreds of articles I have written I have never plugged a current deal that I was involved in. I may have mentioned what I was working on but never with any eye towards getting people to go out and watch what I was doing on TV or buy what I was publishing in the comic stores. In fact in all my ranting over the years I have only written about one subject more than once.

That subject was rumors.

I just heard a recent rumor that has compelled me to write about a current project I’m involved in, The Guardian Line (TGL)

I was recently talking to Lovern Kindzierski on the phone. Lovern is one of my best friends and we are working together on TGL. I have a book open and I’m looking for an artist and asked Lovern if he knew of anyone. He then mentioned that there is a creator in a comic book chat room saying that UMI (TGL’s parent company) does not pay their creators.

At this point I would usually launch into a tirade and make a few cleaver attacks on the unnamed creator.


Overloaded on cons?

Overloaded on cons?

The older some of us get, the more tendency to burn out.  Transportation troubles and physical limitations may conspire to prevent us from getting the full con experience, but when you can keep up with everything from the comfort of your own computer, things don’t seem so bad.  Here’s your weekly wrap-up of ComicMix columns:

It was great seeing Mellifluous Mike Raub and Kai and Matt yesterday; as usual, they’ve been busy as well with their podcasts:

And don’t forget this week’s special bonus:

Remember, summer’s just started — pace yourself!

ComicMix comes to Poppa

ComicMix comes to Poppa

While my ComicMix colleagues are having the time of their lives in Charlotte or Philly, I’m moping here in NY with a bad case of the sufferin’ sciaticas.  It breaks my heart, I love Heroes Con and really wanted to be a part of its big silver anniversary celebration.  Oh well, at least I can catch up on comics reading while hearing about all the cool stuff to come (PAD on She-Hulk!  Dwayne on JLA!  MWaid back on Flash!  Oh yes, I’m a happy fangirl) and, of course, bring you the weekly columnist wrap-up:

Meanwhile, Mellifluous Mike Raub marches on with his Big ComicMix Broadcasts:

Hope my fellow ‘Mixers bring me back some goodies from down south!