Fity-seven channels and nothing’s on…

Elayne Riggs

Elayne Riggs is the creator of the popular blog Pen-Elayne on the Web. She was a founding member of Friends of Lulu, an organization dedicated to increasing the involvement of girls and women in comics, as readers and creators. She is married to inker Robin Riggs, with whom she shares two cats, and has odd love/hate relationship with Hillary Clinton.

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4 Responses

  1. Mark Behar says:

    Wish I coulda' been there.

    • Adriane Nash says:

      Well you have the pics.. I'm a little cnfused as why everyone was so freaked out by black candles… I saw them and said 'aww cool!' seems it didn't carry over…

  2. Kai says:

    there's nothing wrong with black candles – they were cool!

    • Linda Gold says:

      I with you Kai, I thought both the black candles and black ballons were really cool and it's not like black was the only color, they were offset by bright green and goldenrod.