Tagged: Thor

Interview: Zak Penn on The Grand, X-Men Fans and Co-Writing Hulk

Interview: Zak Penn on The Grand, X-Men Fans and Co-Writing Hulk

[UPDATE: After posting this interview, a representative of Zak Penn contacted ComicMix to state that Penn is not attached to a Captain America film at this time, despite the timing of his response during this interview (and our accurate transcription of the interview as it occurred). -RM]

In Hollywood, where "overnight success" can often take many years, writer/director Zak Penn is one of those exceptions that proves the rule. Rocketing to A-list screenwriter status right out of college with his first script, Last Action Hero, Penn has had a varied and successful career during the intervening years.

Since his first sale, Penn has written or contributed to screenplays for films such as Inspector Gadget, X-Men 2, X-Men: Last Stand, The Mask of Zorro, Men In Black, Fantastic Four and the soon-to-be-released Incredible Hulk. In addition to writing, Penn has also taken turns behind the camera and directed two films. His latest directing effort, the improv comedy The Grand, opened last month in Los Angeles and New York — with a wider release to come later this month. 

Recently, ComicMix caught up with the talented Mr. Penn to get all the latest news on The Grand, Incredible Hulk, X-Men, as well as his thoughts on dealing with fan reaction to his work and the comic book movie he really wants to make someday.

COMICMIX: Zak, thanks for taking the time to talk. How are you doing?

ZAK PENN: Good, man. Hectic as usual.

CMix: You’ve got a movie you directed that’s just come out in L.A. and New York and opening wider this month. Tell us a little about it.

ZP: The Grand is an improvisational ensemble comedy, set against the backdrop of a World Series Of Poker-type tournament.  It’s basically Woody Harrelson, David Cross, Richard Kind, Chris Parnell, Cheryl Hines, Dennis Farina, Ray Romano, Werner Herzog, Gabe Kaplan . . .

CMix: So, a bunch of unknowns, then…

ZP: Yeah, a bunch of nobodies. [Laughs] And Gabe Kaplan and Werner together… So good. I did it like I did my last movie, using an outline and just [improvising] off of it. We shot it and it premiered at Tribeca last year and now its out and expanding to 20 cities this month.

CMix: That’s great. So as a screenwriter, obviously you’ve written a lot of movies, so why improv?  Why not write a script?

ZP: I think it kind of forces me to get away from the stuff that I do, you know? I’ve kind of gotten used to writing in a certain style and falling back on certain types of scenes and this forces me out of it. I can’t do those things.  So I think part of it is to kind of create a new discipline for myself to get something different done.

One of the things I liked about this movie is, I never would have written this script.  If I sat down, I wouldn’t have thought of going in the same directions this movie does, so it’s new to me and fresh to me. It’s almost like having an entire cast of co-writers.

CMix: Because you’re creating it as you go along, basically, with all of your actors?

ZP: Yeah.
CMix: Did you get into screenwriting with a plan to direct someday?


ComicMix Six: Why Marvel’s ‘Secret Wars’ Was Better Than ‘Civil War’

ComicMix Six: Why Marvel’s ‘Secret Wars’ Was Better Than ‘Civil War’


[EDITOR’S NOTE: In last week’s edition of ComicMix Six, we told you why the Skrulls’ "Secret Invasion" probably isn’t worth losing sleep over, given our list of the worst moments in Skrull invasion history. This week, we’re playing in the sandbox of big events yet again, with a list of reasons why Marvel’s recent  Civil War event doesn’t stack up against one of its popular predecessors, the 1984 series Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars. -RM]

Just over a year ago, Marvel shook up their universe with Civil War, a series-spanning event wherein the U.S. government decided, after a tragic accident involving super-powered heroes and villains, that anyone with superhuman powers would be required to register and become official federal operatives. Costumed crime-fighters picked sides, Marvel picked a slogan ("Whose Side Are You On?"), Spider-Man unmasked, and Iron Man’s pro-registration camp hunted down the anti-registration crowd led by Captain America. In the end, Cap tearfully surrendered, only to be "killed" for his troubles a few issues later.

Throughout the series’ seven issue (and countless tie-ins), the Merry Marvel Marketing team hailed Civil War as the most mind-blowing storyline since, well… ever.

Here at ComicMix, we’re not quite sure we agree. After re-reading Civil War and comparing it to one of the first epic Marvel crossover events, the ’80s action-fest Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, there’s a good argument to be made for the superiority of the earlier project.

Oh, and remember, what’s being discussed here is the 12-issue Secret Wars series, published by Marvel in 1984 (and featuring the first appearance of Spider-Man’s famous black costume), not to be confused with Secret War, the 2004-2005 five-issue series written by Brian Bendis.

Got it? Good. Now let’s begin…

6. REMEMBERING THE LESSONS ‘SESAME STREET’ TAUGHT THEM: In Civil War, heroes who fought alongside each other for years decide that the best way to debate the merits of a new law is to spy on one another and brawl at each and every opportunity. In Secret Wars, heroes who don’t necessarily trust each other decide that, despite their differences, teamwork and cooperation will improve their situation.

Sure, Spider-Man had a skirmish with the X-Men and the Hulk was shouting at everyone, but they still came together in the end. Wolverine and Captain America shared a heart-to-heart, and the heroes even accepted Magneto’s help, knowing that the greater good was more important than issues of mistrust.


Matthew Vaughn to Direct ‘Kick-Ass’ Movie

Matthew Vaughn to Direct ‘Kick-Ass’ Movie

Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass hasn’t even released its second issue and it’s already supposedly headed to the big screen courtesy of Matthew Vaughn, the director of Layer Cake and Stardust.

Vaughn, who was attached to X-Men: The Last Stand before Brett Ratner took over and who is currently attached to the film adaptation of Thor, will be writing and directing the adaptation of Millar’s latest. Joining him on writing duties will be Jane Goldman, his partner on the Stardust script.

Kick-Ass is the story of 15-year old Dave Lizewski, a dweeby kid who decides to take on the mantle of a superhero despite having absolutely no powers or combat training. Predictably, he gets the crap knocked out of him regularly. The series features art by John Romita Jr. and is published by Marvel’s ICON imprint.

(via AICN)

The Weekly Haul: Reviews for March 20, 2008

After skipping town last week, I’m back with an all-new spate of reviews for this week’s comics issues. Lots of super hero fare this week, with a few studs and a whole lot of "meh."

Book of the Week: Captain America #36 — I know, I know. Not a very out-there choice. But, c’mon, this is simply the best superhero book coming out right now. Ed Brubaker sets it up perfectly to test Bucky, the new Cap, by pitting him against some serious supervillains. And we get to see how Bucky is different from Steve Rogers, for good and bad.

And while Bucky brawls his way through that challenge, the defining moment of the issue comes when Bucky can’t summon the Captain America aura to calm a riotous crowd. And, if that’s not enough, Butch Guice’s fill-in art is so good that I didn’t realize he’d replaced Steve Epting until I looked back at the credits.

Oh, and then – SPOILER – there’s that little cliffhanger that a certain dead person might not be so certainly dead.

Runners Up:

The Brave and the Bold #11 — Here’s another "can’t go wrong" series (at least until Mark Waid jumps ship). The Challengers see just how tough Megistus is (and just how crazy), then Superman and Ultraman have a zany little team-up only after Ultraman impersonates Clark and runs roughshod through the Daily Planet newsroom. The too-big, too-fun antics culminate in one of those straight-from-the-silver-age moments, when Megistus throws a Green Lantern (the actual lantern, not a hero) into the sun and turns it green. Bad news for Ultraman and Superman.

The Immortal Iron Fist #13 — I’d be calling this book the best of the week if it weren’t for a weaker than usual outing from artist David Aja. His work isn’t as polished as usual, which means it’s still decent but not great. That aside, this Seven Cities of Heaven storyline is finally coming together in a big way. What’s really remarkable about this issue is how Brubaker and Matt Fraction keep up the excitement with only a couple punches thrown. It’s a perfect setup to the big brouhaha coming down the pike next issue, and offers the line of the week when Danny finally reveals his plan to the villainous Xao: "So we can get out, you dumb son of a bitch."


ComicMix at WWLA: The Mondo Marvel Panel

ComicMix at WWLA: The Mondo Marvel Panel

Wrapping up our coverage of this weekend’s Wizard World LA convention, we have this report from Sunday’s Mondo Marvel panel at the Los Angeles Convention center.

Like the X-Men panel, leading the discussion again this time is Marvel Comics marketing guru Jim McCann. Once things settled down a bit and got organized, he introduced the distinguished panel of Marvel creators including Matt Fraction, Chris Gage, Aubrey Sitterson and Charles Knauf.

Knauf, who is currently co-writing Iron Man: Agent of SHIELD, said of the book, "It’s kind of interesting to write the most hated man in the Marvel Universe. I can’t wait till the movie comes out; it’s going to bring a lot of attention to the book."

Among Knauf’s future plans for the book are the introduction of a new "femme fatale" and an attempt to return Iron Man to his "hero status." He will also be trying to make the book "a little more fun."

"The flaws are what make him so great," chimed in Fraction, who’s also writing an Iron Man title: Invincible Iron Man. Said Fraction: "I’m looking forward to sending Iron Man on a big redemptive arc. He is his own arch-rival. I’m looking forward to grinding him to dust and seeing where he ends up," said Fraction.

Next, McCann turned to Chris Gage who is currently working on Avengers: The Initiative with Dan Slott — which has issue #10 at comic’s shops now. According to Gage, Issue #11 will feature the Mighty Avengers and Gage also said fans of the New Warriors may want to check it out, too, "just in case."


Marko Djurdjevic on the Interior Art of ‘Thor’

Marko Djurdjevic on the Interior Art of ‘Thor’

Marko Djurdjevic first caught my eye with some of the amazing cover work he did for Marvel’s short-lived Blade series, and he’s continued to impress with his cover work on a wide variety of Marvel titles.

With Thor #7, Djurdjevic makes the leap to interior art for a two-issue run, and I’m looking forward to seeing how well he handles the transition. Den of Geek has a great interview with Djurdjevic about his process, his artistic inspiration and how he made the jump from covers to interior work:

So this is basically my first sequential artwork if you want if like that, my first full comic, but Marvel have been approaching me about doing this since like forever. Since I started out they asked me to do sequential artwork but we simply couldn’t find the right gig for me, for the first year so I kept doing my covers until Thor came up and I was like, you know, I’m gonna do this!

There were couple of good offers but you know, like this offer was especially good because there is just the two issues and it’s a good start out for me because basically I never did sequential artwork before. I didn’t want to jump on to a twelve issue ongoing series or whatever and realise halfway through them that I’m not the guy to do this. It’s better to start slow and find your way through than decide to jump on something different later on, so just two issues was the perfect start for me.

Oh, and the interview also includes evidence of what appear to be some worrying similarities between his habits and those of his favorite author.


(via Blog@)

First ‘Incredible Hulk’ Game Screenshots Go Online

First ‘Incredible Hulk’ Game Screenshots Go Online

Remember back when Sega announced that they had grabbed the rights to Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thor videogames? Well, we’ve seen sweet Iron Man game footage based on the upcoming movie as early as last year. But where are the screenshots for The Incredible Hulk movie-based game?

Evidently, Sega has been waiting for Universal to debut the new movie Hulk’s look in the official trailer. Only hours after the scenes of Hulk and Abomination tearing up Harlem hit the net, we were finally treated to images of videogame Hulk. Incredible is the only word to describe the detail put into Hulk and the soon-to-be-smashed New York City setting for the game. Developer Edge of Reality seems to have taken a cue from the critically acclaimed The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and basically followed that open world formula but with much prettier next-gen graphics.

Images from the game are posted after the jump. Stay tuned to Sega Incredible Hulk game page for more details coming soon.


Marvel Comics Unveils ‘Secret Invasion’ Covers

Marvel Comics Unveils ‘Secret Invasion’ Covers

Even with all the hype and recent discussion of Marvel’s grammar skills, like it or not, the "Secret Invasion" is coming from Marvel Comics. Another example of this inevitable occurrence was revealed today by Marvel with the release of cover art for the first issue of the Secret Invasion comic book series.

However, Marvel didn’t just release one cover by artist Gabrielle Dell’Otto, featuring some of Marvel’s heroes who may or may not be Skrulls, they also unveiled two pretty-cool variant covers for the first issue as well. One of the variants, by Civil War veteran artist Steve McNiven, features some of your favorite Marvel heroes being squeezed by the claws of a giant Skrull.

The other variant cover is by series penciler Leinil Yu and showcases Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor and other heroes standing in defiance of the invasion and ready to kick some Skrull butt.

Check out larger pics of all three covers after the jump.

Secret Invasion #1, written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Leinil Yu, is set to hit your local comic shop on April 2nd.


Updates on ‘Thor’ and ‘Ant Man’ Films

Updates on ‘Thor’ and ‘Ant Man’ Films

Empire Online has the latest news on two Marvel movies currently in development, Ant Man and Thor, straight from the mouths of the directors behind the projects.

Ant Man is being written and directed by Edgar Wright, the English director responsible for Spaced, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. In regards to the pint-sized hero’s big screen adaptation, Wright said:

“It’s written and we’re doing a second draft of it,” said Wright. “It’s going to be less overtly comedic than anything else I’ve ever done. It’s more of a full-on action adventure sci-fi film but with a comedic element – in the same spirit of a lot of escapist fare like that. It’s certainly not a superhero spoof or pastiche and it certainly isn’t a sort of ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’ endeavor at all.”

Wright was mum on the subject of casting and whether or not the Ant Man in the film will be Scott Lang or fan favorite Hank Pym.

While Ant Man is chugging right along, the god of thunder seems to be stuck in neutral. The film adaptation of Thor, scheduled to be directed by Matthew Vaughn (Stardust, Layer Cake), is currently in a holding pattern until the parties involved decide on the future of the project.. The Odinson hath been forsaken.


Marko Djurdjevic Joins Marvel’s ‘Thor’ as Guest Artist

Marko Djurdjevic Joins Marvel’s ‘Thor’ as Guest Artist

According to Marvel Comics, acclaimed cover artist Marko Djurdjevic is joining the hit-comic series Thor as a "special guest artist’ for a two-issue arc that promises to, as Marvel puts it: "turn the God of Thunder’s world on its head!"

And as if that were’t enough, Djurdjevic and regular series artist Olivier Coipel have also teamed-up to create a special variant cover for the issue which, according to Marvel, "you need to see the results of this superstar jam to believe it!" The team-up cover is also available as a poster.

Here’s some more info on the Thor comic, and Djurdjevic’s involvement, from the official press release:

Thor’s world has been rocked by the machinations of others, but will the return of his father set him on a path of no return? And what of Loki’s machinations with the deadly Dr. Doom? If you haven’t checked out one of 2007’s most critically-acclaimed new series, then don’t miss Thor #7, kicking off a series of events that promise to shatter the status quo!


THOR #7 (DEC072216)




Rated T+…$2.99

FOC—2/28/08, On-Sale—3/19/08



24×36 Color Poster…$7.99