Tagged: DC

Why Green Lantern Matters

In the wake of the release of Green Lantern in theaters everywhere, there have been a few interesting reveals from people. Heidi Macdonald reveals that she doesn’t get the character of Green Lantern, and Adam-Troy Castro shakes his head at what may be the most famous page of Green Lantern ever (reproduced above). Ty Templeton, as he is wont to do, goes full mock, as does Let’s Be Friends Again.

Here’s what they’re missing.

Quoting Heidi:

While I’m willing to shoulder the blame for shunning Green Lantern over the years, as I’ve been learning and growing, I have noticed a few things about the character that do strike me as flaws, dramatically speaking. It’s often noted that DC’s heroes for the most part lack the melodramatic emotional flair of the Marvel heroes, Batman and Superman being the notable exceptions. Marvel’s heroes are flawed and troubled and their powers echo and magnify those flaws and troubles; DC’s leads, generally speaking, are dudes who get some great idea to shrink or go fast and then proceed to shrink or go fast. Green Lantern is a prime example of this.

Hal Jordan is precisely that type of flawed character. He’s a cocky guy with tremendous willpower who gets a ring that runs on willpower and can create anything he can think of (although it’s often had a weakness for yellow) and is turned into an interstellar policeman. So far, so good– he has a science fiction version of Aladdin’s lamp, he can create whatever he wishes if he believes hard enough.

But the fuel of his power is also his greatest flaw– he thinks he can solve everything through sheer force of will.


Here Comes Speed Racer Back To Comics


As we hinted earlier today, Speed Racer is returning to comics, with new stories by Len Wein (Human Target, Swamp Thing, X-Men, Wolverine), Tommy Yune, Robby Musso, Lee Kohse, and James Rochelle.

[[[Speed Racer]]] is an English adaptation name of the Japanese manga and anime, Mach Go Go Go, but is best known in the US from the 60s television series translation and the 2008 film. Selected chapters of the manga were released by NOW Comics in the 1990s under the title Speed Racer Classics, later released by the DC Comics division, Wildstorm Productions under the title Speed Racer: The Original Manga, then collected by IDW.

The release date of the new series has yet to be announced. Maybe in this new series, the Mach 5 will actually have a trunk lock? Or is that too much to hope for?


ComicMix Quick Picks: June 15, 2011

ComicMix Quick Picks: June 15, 2011

Natalie Portman at the TIFF 2009-01 at the pre...

Image via Wikipedia

Boy, migrate one server, and a lot of links can pile up while waiting for your computers to reboot. Here’s some of the stuff we have to do before we get to the stuff we didn’t get around to covering yet…

Anything else? Consider this an open thread.

DC Comics Collected Editions September 2011 Solicitations

Written by LEE BERMEJO
Art and cover by LEE BERMEJO
On sale NOVEMBER 2 • 112 pg, FC, 7.0625” x 10.875”,
$22.99 US
Inspired by Charles Dickens’ immortal classic A Christmas Carol, BATMAN: NOEL features different interpretations of The Dark Knight, along with his enemies and allies, in different eras, from writer/artist Lee Bermejo (JOKER).
In this spectacular, oversized graphic novel, Batman must come to terms with his past, present and future as he battles villains from the campy 1960s to dark and brooding menaces of today, while exploring what it means to be the hero that he is.


DC’s Official #1 Solicitations For September 2011

Making it all official, here are all 52 of the #1 solicits from DC Comics for September.

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by JIM LEE and SCOTT WILLIAMS
1:25 Variant cover by DAVID FINCH
RETROSOLICITED • On sale AUGUST 31 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US RATED T • Combo pack edition: $4.99 US
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for more information.
Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

This spectacular debut issue is also offered as a special combo pack edition, polybagged with a redemption code for a digital download of the issue.


Ryan Reynolds Slips Into Green Lantern

This week, DC steps into the Box Office arena with the movie debut of one of their most iconic characters – GREEN LANTERN.  Can Ryan Reynolds hold his own against THOR and X-MEN? We talk to him about the pressures in doing the role, plus what it was like to NOT wear that suit. And would you like to be in a super hero film? Grab a ticket to Cleveland (or Pittsburgh) and you just might be!

Can GREEN LANTERN make it as a film, or is it too “CGI heavy”?  Drop us a comment below!

POLL: Which New DC Comics #1’s Will You Buy?

POLL: Which New DC Comics #1’s Will You Buy?

All of the DC Comics post-Flashpoint titles and creative teams have been announced. But now the real question is: which ones are people actually going to buy?

A lot rides on the answer to that question. Nobody knows how all of these new titles are going to perform, particularly with DC releasing all these comics day-and-date online as well. Retailers are going to be ordering blindly for a while, even though they’ll be returnable for the first few months. So they need your help.

Please take a minute to answer this poll– the comic book shop you save could be your own. And please, just check off the ones you expect to be buying in paper– nothing against digital editions, lord knows, but this is to try and gauge reader interest in the stores.

[poll id=”82″]

Sharon Osbourne – Superwoman

She is considered the “Godmother Of Reality Television” and now Sharon Osbourne has reinvented herself again with her part in AMERICA’S GOT TALENT and a daytime talk show. She tells us how to live the 24 hour day, plus we get some disturbing news from DC on Vertigo.


Is the DC Relaunch a mistake or comics’ “last chance”??  Drop us a comment below!

“Uncanny X-Men” ending


Looks like DC isn’t the only one canceling long-running titles of late, as this October Uncanny X-Men #544 concludes the long running series.

For a while, this was the highest selling title Marvel had, and was the benchmark against which all other titles were measured. But hey, let’s get that first issue sales pop, right?

Yet Another Reason For Comics To Go Digital: 40 Is The New 15

Yet Another Reason For Comics To Go Digital: 40 Is The New 15

Logo of the Entertainment Software Association.

For years, comics executives have quietly worried that the comics audience is aging out. We’ve been seeing surveys year after year showing that the average age of a comic book reader has been moving up year by year, leading many to conclude that we haven’t been bringing younger readers in– and thereby causing a lot of panic.

But that may not be the conclusion to draw at all.

According to a survey of 1,200 households compiled by the Entertainment Software Association, the average videogame player is now 37 years old, and the average buyer is 41. In fact, 29% of players are over 50. And the average gamer has been playing for 12 years. 42% of them are women.

Those demographics are disturbingly close to the comic book reading audience in general, and to ComicMix in particular– 32% of our readers are between the ages of 35 and 44, and 29% of our readers are over 45. We do tend to skew male, though, with 67% of our readers being male.

The study also notes that as games become ubiquitous on all platforms, especially smart phones, more players could eventually make that demo younger, considering games are now played, in some form, by 72% of American households, stealing away audiences from TV shows and movies, the trade group said.

With such similar demographics, DC’s move to focus so much on digital platforms, both the day-and-date reboot this fall and the DC Universe Online MMORPG, make a lot of sense– they want part of that $25.1 billion on game content, hardware and accessories that consumers spent in 2010.

Something to consider as everybody goes out to E3 this week.