Tagged: Marvel Comics

An Unshaven Rant: Should I worry about the 2009 Chicago Comic-Con?

An Unshaven Rant: Should I worry about the 2009 Chicago Comic-Con?

Hello ComicMix dwellers (and loyal FOMAFers…). I come to you today a bit… deflated. Why you ask? Because I just took a sneaky-peak over at the Chicago Comicon’s exhibitor list and program schedule. Long story (…forthcoming…) short? It’s not looking great on paper. This angers and frustrates me to no end, but I digress. The more I get angry at this, the brighter the silver lining comes creeping in. Confused? Now, I ask unto you my loyal readers, all seven of you, to take this brief journey with me on the anger-train. After we reach the end of the journey, you’ll see why our last stop is in Happyville.

The Backstory

The Chicago Comicon (as long as I’ve known it, mind you) was built on the ‘Wizard World’ platform. (Yes, I know it predates Wizard, but that’s not how I experienced it.) Growing up on comics in the 90’s meant Wizard was my one-stop shop for all the hip and trendy news about comic books… whilst the “internets” was still in it’s primordial-ooze phase. My first con, sadly, was right prior to my senior year in high school. Even back then (and if you ask Glenn, or Mike, or Russ, or really, a lot of people patrolling this site) it wasn’t that long ago, this con was pretty darned cool. I’m a mid-westerner mind you, so trekking to SDCC is NOT in any Chicago-kid’s budget. But it never mattered. SDCC was always at the beginning of the summer, and Chicago’s was at the end. There was enough time for people to calm down, and as Dan DiDio says (said) every year… “Chicago’s con is always about the books. Always about the fans.”

Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Image all put up HUGE booths where fans could grab free schwag like buttons, posters, and bookmarks. Samples and previews of forthcoming issues adorned tables behind which our favorite creators were signing piles of their own penned materials. Beside these mammoth booths sat smaller publishers, just as happy to show off their wares. And of course beyond that lay the monstrous sea of dealers, and beyond that still, the indie and mainstream friendly confines of Artist Alley. When time came that one could be sick of this massive room of geekocity, there sat a bevvy of panels where the pros came to sit and talk to their fans nearly face to face on a multitude of topics. Some came for the sneak peaks of the years books to come, some (like me) came for the free hints and tricks to learn in the schooling panels, and some came for screenings of geek-laden cinema. All in all, it was wrapping up Christmas Channukkah, my birthday, and your birthday all in one long weekend.

And every year since, for the next 7 years, I went as a fan. Last year I went for the first time as a “semi-professional (having published a graphic novelette in 2008. Over the course of these last 8 years now, looking onto my 9th, I’ve begun to see my “Rome” begin to crumble. (more…)

The Point Radio: Vampire Love Secrets

The Point Radio: Vampire Love Secrets

AIDEN TURNER, star of the BBC’s BEING HUMAN shares some backstage secrets on making vampire love scenes, plus an invite to Marvel’s Big Birthday Bash, and your opportunity to help COMIX4SIGHT and hear our first LIVE broadcast direct from Wizard World CHICAGO.


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PROGRAMMING NOTE: There will NOT be a regular Podcast this Friday (August 7th). Instead, we will be filing stories right here direct from Wizard World Chicago plus join us for 24/7 Pop Culture Updates on THE POINT RADIO. And don’t forget our LIVE BROADCAST OF THE COMIX4SIGHT AUCTION Saturday at 8:30pm (Eastern Time).
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#SDCC: Marvel’s Super Hero Squad Show! Hero Up!

#SDCC: Marvel’s Super Hero Squad Show! Hero Up!

If you’re anything like me, your interest in the upcoming animated Marvel Super Hero Squad Show was pretty low, based as it is on a line of toys and comic strips meant for kids too young to know that proper superhero stories involve lots of rape and horrible gory messes. Which is to say, I thought it would be fine for its target demographic, but a little too lowbrow to have the same level of grown men in tights and Neil Patrick Harris musical numbers that the discerning adult requires.

But then there was the Q&A panel at San Diego Comic Con.

Now, what if I told you that Stan Lee was voicing the Mayor?

What if I told you Kevin Sorbo was voicing Ka-Zar?


Well, if the Marvel liveblog is to be believed, it’s all true. Some other highlights:

  • Steve Blume, who voiced Wolverine in Wolverine and the X-Men and Wolverine vs. The Hulk will be reprising his role here.
  • Tom Kenny, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants, will be playing the roles of Iron Man and MODOK. Other casting announcements here
  • “Over 40 years we have seen many interpretations,
    and Marvel has a history of poking fun at themselves- this is a show I can watch, and want to watch with my 8-year-old.
    There is humor on an adult scale,” said Marvel E-I-C Joe Quesada, who’s also the show’s Executive Producer.
  • The plot, according to producer Matt Wayne: “All the heroes are in Super Hero City, the
    villains in Villainville, Dr. Doom wants all the pieces of the
    shattered Infinity sword, Iron Man is trying to make sure that doesn’t
  • The associated video game is out October 20th and will feature the main voices from the show.
  • You’re going to see the Heroes for Hire, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Paste Pot Pete, and Screaming Mimi in the first season.
  • Premieres Sept. 19th on Cartoon Network.

Q&A action, reactions to the teaser they played, and some priceless Stan Lee quotes at the full liveblog.

#SDCC: ‘The Prisoner’: Do You Want … Information?

#SDCC: ‘The Prisoner’: Do You Want … Information?

Jim Cavalziel (The Passion of the Christ) suffers a whole
new kind of persecution when he stars as Number Six in the six-episode remake
of Patrick McGoohan’s classic 1960s show The Prisoner, which is set to air on
AMC in November.

Today’s SDCC panel on The Prisoner reboot featured Jim
Cavalziel as well as Prisoner co-star Lennie James (Jericho), AMC VP Vlad
Wolynetz, and miniseries writer Bill Gallagher. Alas, Sir Ian McKellan, who
takes on the role of Six’s nemesis, Number Two, was not present.

Gallagher characterized the remake as a “response,” and not
a duplication of McGoohan’s concept. (We don’t have to worry about Cavalziel
being overly influenced by McGoohan’s take on the role of Number Six; according
to a Wired interview, he’s never even seen the show. Maybe that’s worrying in a
whole different way.)

The panel premiered nine minutes of footage from the new
Prisoner, embedded below for your viewing pleasure, and of course, your judging. According
to official AMC tweeter, ThePrisoner_AMC, “The crowd … [went] wild after rover is
revealed in #ThePrisoner panel at Comic-Con.” Presumably, that was out of appreciative
nostalgia, not fear, because the Village’s security device is still a decidedly
unintimidating, giant white balloon. Watching the footage, it’s clear that the
premise has shifted quite a bit, although several scenes and bits of dialogue have
carried over and sound a bit odd voiced in American accents. The setting has
also moved thousands of miles from the cool, green precincts of Wales to a
considerably hotter, more arid enclave in Namibia.

Marvel Comics and AMC have also
collaborated on a Prisoner comic, which is being given away at San Diego.

Download a PDF of the comic from the AMC website.

#SDCC: Marvel’s Cup o’ Joe — Red She-Hulk, Deathlok, and Miracleman

#SDCC: Marvel’s Cup o’ Joe — Red She-Hulk, Deathlok, and Miracleman

Judging by the exhausted tweets and blog posts coming out of SDCC, it sounds like everyone there could use a Cup O’ Joe–which is good, because that’s what they’re getting as Joe Quesada, Jim McCann, Dan Buckley, Jeph Loeb, CB Cebulski and Steve Wacker revealed some of the biggest news of the convention. Special guests and announcements galore, all from the Marvel liveblog:

  • Bob Gale is writing some Marvel.com Amazing Spider-Man stories in continuity — once every 2 weeks. You need to be a Marvel Digital Comics subscriber to read them
  • Red She-Hulk will be appearing in Hulk, and is on the cover of #16.
  • After Incredible Hulk #600, there are two Hulks, neither of them Banner, leading into World War Hulks.
  • To kick off that event, John Romita, Jr. is doing a one-shot called World War Hulks Gamma, which kicks off with the death of “a major character.” It comes out in December.
  • We want to have digital plans, but not INSTEAD of, ” says Joe Quesada about a push towards digital comics.
  • Within the next 6 weeks there will be news about the future of Marvel’s cosmic line of books.
  • Thor is the next character to get a major push into the spotlight with the movie on the way.
  • Dan Buckley said that there would be four or five Ultimate books a month, on average, beginning in January.
  • Ultimatum #5 “should answer 90% of the questions that you may have regarding what we have been doing.” – Loeb
  • Deadpool/Red Hulk with McGuiness on pencils, coming in August. Deadpool will be showing up in Hulk this fall.
  • Joe Quesada revealed that the Dark Reign will last until December, but was otherwise mum.
  • Charlie Huston and David Medina are doing 7 issues of a Marvel Knights Deathlok series.
  • Quesada’s big announcement: Marvel has officially won the rights to Marvelman/Miracleman, and will be starting to publish stories featuring the character next year. It will be the CONTINUING adventures of the character, not a reboot. Mark Buckingham came on stage for the announcement. This is huge news, folks. Watch ComicMix for more.

For the blow-by-blow, and even more news, check out the Marvel liveblog. For more about the Marvelman announcement, don’t touch that dial, we’ll be following the story right here on ComicMix.com.

#SDCC: Marvel: X-Men

#SDCC: Marvel: X-Men

San Diego Comic-Con 2009The streets have erupted in violence and the safe haven that mutants thought they’d found is in turmoil. The Dark Avengers have put Daken in Wolverine’s place, and there’s an all-out war tearing through space and time with a certain red-haired green-eyed girl at the center of it. In other words, it’s another Wednesday in the life of the X-Men.

 X-Men group editor Axel Alonso was joined by panelists include Matt Fraction (Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia), Craig Kyle and Chris Yost (X-Force), Marjorie Liu (Dark Wolverine), Daniel Way (Deadpool), Jason Aaron (Wolverine: Weapon X), and several special guests to share the news about what the future holds for Marvel’s band of merry mutants. Marvel’s got their own liveblog going, and here are the highlights:

  • Daniel Acuna joins X-Men: Legacy as the ongoing artist.
  • Magneto is back in the upcoming Nation X storyline, presumably in Uncanny X-Men.
  • Necrosha is an upcoming crossover between X-Force, New Mutants, and X-Men: Legacy featuring the evil priestess Selene, led into by a one-shot. Starts in October. 16 million mutants promised to return, but it’s not an M-Day fix or reversal. “Suck it, Blackest Night,” quoth UXM scribe Matt Fraction. CBR has more about the crossover here.
  • On a note very near and dear to my heart — the cover to New Mutants #6 features Magik hugging someone who looks very much like the long-dead Doug Ramsey. Of course, he looks like a zombie, but we take what is given.
  • Daken’s sexuality is brought up, only to be met with a resounding “shrug” from the panelists. “When you see him involved with women and men, it isn’t about sexuality, it is about power and manipulation,” said Marjorie Liu.
  • X-Statix mascot Doop will be returning, though no word on how, when, or in what title.

Point your X-browser over here, X-fans, for more X-bloggage.

‘Curses! Foiled Again!’ Marvel goes back to 90’s cover gimmicks

‘Curses! Foiled Again!’ Marvel goes back to 90’s cover gimmicks

Yesterday I wrote about how DC was trying, with Wednesday Comics, to do something that couldn’t easily be reproduced on the computer screen to drive sales of paper. Marvel has now announced they’re doing something that doesn’t work on computers well– though it might be the return of the biggest disaster to hit comics in the 90s.

Don’t worry, says the press release:

“This is Marvel doing the nineties right,” explained David Gabriel,
Marvel Comics Senior Vice President of Sales & Circulation. “We’re
taking two of the most popular cover treatments of all time—foil and
holograms—to create an all new kind of cover, as a ‘thank-you’ to fans
who’ve been demanding this kind of variant! Retailers and fans don’t
need to worry. We’re only doing this on a limited basis. You won’t see
one on Ms Marvel #46 or Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #4. We’re using
them to mark very special occasions…such as the launch of Ultimate
Comics line.”

I had the same type of feeling when the Bush Administration said it didn’t torture, and anyway those were special circumstances.

The hell of it is, foil covers do catch the eye and help promote books, that’s why they do it with novels, record covers, and every other kind of packaging. But if they crank up the stupid collectibles market again… or rather the collectibles stupid market… Marvel will have no one to blame but themselves.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to reading piles of press releases about stupid exclusive collectibles being released at San Diego Comic-Con this year. Ooh, a special Gleek action figure only at SDCC! How could I have ever survived without it…?

The Point First Chance To See First Flight

The Point First Chance To See First Flight

Fireworks & beaches lay ahead and in the meantime we’ve got your answers to questions like how can I meet comics’ top notch Asian comic creators, how can I be a VIP member of MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE and how can I see GREEN LANTERN FIRST FLIGHT – first?  Just click and all will be covered!

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