Tagged: The Rook


Art: George Sellas

New Pulp Author Barry Reese announced the creative line up of writers contributing stories to Tales of The Rook Volume Two, coming soon from Pro Se Press.

Press Release:

The Rook first took flight into the world of New Pulp with the release of his debut story, “Lucifer’s Cage,” in 2006. Since then, he’s starred in six volumes of his own adventures, plus a comic book adventure in All-Star Pulp Comics # 1. The character has become a New Pulp standard-bearer and is recognized both inside and out of the ever-growing field. A favorite of many artists, The Rook has been depicted by the likes of George Sellas, Frank Brunner, Norm Breyfogle, Ed Mironiuk and Anthony Castrillo.

Art: Bob Hall

Earlier this year, Tales of The Rook Vol. 1 was released to great critical and commercial acclaim, debuting at # 1 on the New Pulp Best Seller List. Now comes of the follow-up volume, which will see print in 2013 from the Reese Unlimited imprint of Pro Se Press.

Rook creator Barry Reese says, “All of the authors who took part in Volume One did a wonderful job but I wanted to continue mixing things up, getting different visions of the character and his universe. To achieve that, I only sent out invitations to authors who didn’t take part in the previous book — and I think we’ve got one heck of a lineup!”

Pro Se Editor-in-Chief Tommy Hancock, who took part in the first volume, shares that same belief. “There’s nothing like a great idea. Except when that great idea has enough legs to come around again. Pro Se is ecstatic about Tales of the Rook Volume 2 and the ever-growing collection of writers leaving their stamp on this iconic character.’

Lined up for Volume Two:

Russ Anderson, author of We Keep the Cars Running and the editor of the How the West Was Weird series.

Jim Beard, author of Sgt. Janus, Spirit-Breaker and Captain Action – Riddle of the Glowing Men.

Adam Lance Garcia, author of The Green Lama – Unbound and The New Adventures of Richard Knight.

James Palmer,author of Slow Djinn and the mastermind behind Mechanoid Press.

Sean Taylor, author of The Ruby Files and Gene Simmons’ Dominatrix.

Creator Barry Reese will also be contributing a brand-new Rook story.


This week, the Earth Station One crew travels back to the heyday of the pulps as the Hardest Working Man in New Pulp, Tommy Hancock joins us to talk about the newly released Tales of The Rook and other Pro Se Productions goodies.

Then, the ESO crew rolls a hard six as they join a rag-tag fugitive fleet fleeing Cylon tyranny, search for a shining beacon known as Earth, and try to figure out just exactly if the Cylons really had a plan.

And finally, ESO co-hosts Mike Gordon and Bobby Nash announce their new graphic novel project, Strong Will, on this week’s podcast as well as the release of Bobby’s latest novel, Earthstrike Agenda.

Find out all the scoop on these stories and more at www.esopodcast.com episode 117: Making Our Escape on the Battlestar Galactica!
Direct link: http://erthstationone.wordpress.com/2012/06/27/earth-station-one-podcast-episode-117-making-our-escape-on-the-battlestar-galactica/


Cover Art: Bob Hall

New Pulp Author and Rook creator Barry Reese visits Ric Croxton and Art Sippo at The Book Cave to introduce his latest Rook bestseller, “Tales Of The Rook.”

Listen now at The Book Cave. http://thebookcave.libsyn.com.


Reese Unlimited, an Imprint of Pro Se Productions, proudly announces the release of TALES OF THE ROOK!  The Rook, a character created by Barry Reese, now lives on in stories written by Reese as well as five other premiere writers of New Pulp!

“When The Good Is Swallowed By The Dark…There The Rook Shall Plant His Mark!”

For years, New Pulp Author Barry Reese has masterfully written the thrilling adventures of The Rook, a masked Hero of Reese’s creation who is compelled through dark dreams to hunt down and destroy evil wherever it might hide! Assisted by loyal friends and a vast array of allies from the annals of Classic and New Pulp as well as Comics of a bygone era, The Rook’s escapades have been a hallmark in the world of New Pulp!

Now, for the first time and under the REESE UNLIMITED imprint, Barry Reese has invited some of New Pulp’s finest authors into The Rook’s world to put their unique spin on the character and tell their own tales…TALES OF THE ROOK! Featuring stories by Ron Fortier, Bobby Nash, Mike Bullock, Percival Constantine, Tommy Hancock, and a brand new ROOK tale by Reese himself! 

Concerning the popularity of The Rook and his cast of characters, Barry Reese commented that the concept was still with him, six years after its debut.  In the book’s introduction, Reese says, “Others have felt the siren’s call, as well. The Rook has appealed to them to the point where they agreed to write new stories featuring my hero. I’m flattered and thrilled to present the results to you. Some of the greatest writers in New Pulp have crafted their own takes on The Rook and it’s a lot of fun to see where they went when given the chance.”

TALES OF THE ROOK also features an explosive cover by Bob Hall, stunning interior art by George Sellas, and outstanding format and design by Sean Ali! Ready for the best in New Pulp? Get it today in TALES OF THE ROOK! From Reese Unlimited and Pro Se Productions!

Tales of The Rook can be found at:

Pro Se Productions- Puttin’ The Monthly Back Into Pulp! www.prosepulp.com

Table Talk: In the Wake of the Rook…

Cover Art: Bob Hall

Welcome back to Table Talk, a (wanna-be) weekly column where New Pulp authors Barry Reese, Bobby Nash and Mike Bullock babble on about whatever ricochets through their speakeasy. This week, the guys are still inhaling the euphoric fumes of rarified air that is the success of Tales of the Rook, the most recent release from Pro Se Press and Reese Unlimited. For those who have been on the lamb from all things New Pulp, Tales of the Rook has planted its flag squarely on the NewPulp best seller list since it debuted last month. If you haven’t read it yet, grab a copy and enjoy.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled gibber-gabber, already in progress at www.newpulpfiction.com.
Direct link: http://www.newpulpfiction.com/2012/06/table-talk-in-wake-of-rook.html

Follow the Table Talk Trio on Twitter @BarryReesePulp @BobbyNash @MikeABullock and Facebook.


Tales of the Rook
Edited by David White & Barry Reese
Pro Se Productions
Reese Unlimited Imprint
Guest Review by Kevin Rodgers
Barry Reese, the creator of the Rook, recently invited his New Pulp colleagues to enter his universe and take turns with his iconic character.  Five writers accepted his invitation and allowed their creative talents and imaginations to propel the Rook into dangerous predicaments and thrilling plots. I’d been waiting impatiently for “Tales of the Rook,” to arrive because I knew this anthology would be well worth the money and I was right.
Barry Reese rightly anchors the collection with his newest Rook tale called, “The Killing Games.” Reese’s story interrupts a sea voyage for Max Davies, and his wife, Evelyn, who are forced to journey to a mysterious island after their ship is damaged in a storm. Ruthless Nazis, a mysterious castle and other devilish surprises await them on this island.  Reese’s exciting tale sets the tone for the rest of the book.
I thoroughly enjoyed “The Miss Beantown Affari,” by Ron Fortier.  Fortier uses his keen eye for detail and his mastery of action sequences to turn a beauty pageant into a wild shootout and abduction. I can’t say too much more because I don’t post spoilers in my reviews. Still Max Davies/the Rook definitely finds a way to expose the sleazy underbelly of old-school Boston and pinpoint the reason for all this chaos.
Up next is Bobby Nash who really knows how to turn up the heat and compel the reader to feel claustrophobic in his brilliant tale, “Where There’s Smoke.” I felt sympathy for the Rook when he steps into a trap and realizes there’s no escape from an arsonist’s inferno.  What follows is a fast paced sequence of events involving a well-equipped, hard to defeat villain.
Reese, Fortier and Nash rely heavily on action and adventure in the first half of this volume.  The second part of the book, which features stories by Mike Bullock, Percival Constantine and Tommy Hancock showcases the supernatural aspects of the Rook’s crime fighting saga.
Bullock lures the Rook into a labyrinth of demonic intrigue in, “Onyx Raven,” an imaginative, well written tale which introduces an intriguing, new character named Xander Janus.  We will be seeing more of his adventures in the future.
Percival Constantine ups the ante with the Family Grace’s connections to vampires and zombies in an entertaining contribution called, “The Curse of Baron Samedi.” The fun of this story is Constantine’s Rook is not Max Davies, but a future hero wearing the bird mask.
At the end of the anthology, Tommy Hancock pits the Rook against the classic pulp villain Doctor Death in a highly descriptive page turner called, “The Rook Nevermore,” which sets the stage for future Rook novels to be penned by Hancock.
In the end, “Tales of the Rook,” is a satisfying blend of well written, carefully crafted stories which held my interest from beginning to end. Fans of New Pulp should add this book their libraries without hesitation!


Cover Art: Bob Hall

After a few weeks off, the guys (Barry Reese, Bobby Nash, and Mike Bullock) return to the table to discuss their involvement in Pro Se/Reese Unlimited’s most recent release Tales of the Rook.

New Pulp’s Table Talk – Tales of The Rook is now available at www.newpulpfiction.com or at the direct link: www.newpulpfiction.com/2012/06/table-talk-tales-of-rook.html

Follow the Table Talk Trio on Twitter @BarryReesePulp @BobbyNash @MikeABullock and Facebook.


Reese Unlimited, an Imprint of Pro Se Productions, proudly announces the release of TALES OF THE ROOK!  The Rook, a character created by Barry Reese, now lives on in stories written by Reese as well as five other premiere writers of New Pulp!

“When The Good Is Swallowed By The Dark…There The Rook Shall Plant His Mark!”

For years, New Pulp Author Barry Reese has masterfully written the thrilling adventures of The Rook, a masked Hero of Reese’s creation who is compelled through dark dreams to hunt down and destroy evil wherever it might hide! Assisted by loyal friends and a vast array of allies from the annals of Classic and New Pulp as well as Comics of a bygone era, The Rook’s escapades have been a hallmark in the world of New Pulp!

Now, for the first time and under the REESE UNLIMITED imprint, Barry Reese has invited some of New Pulp’s finest authors into The Rook’s world to put their unique spin on the character and tell their own tales…TALES OF THE ROOK! Featuring stories by Ron Fortier, Bobby Nash, Mike Bullock, Percival Constantine, Tommy Hancock, and a brand new ROOK tale by Reese himself! 

Concerning the popularity of The Rook and his cast of characters, Barry Reese commented that the concept was still with him, six years after its debut.  In the book’s introduction, Reese says, “Others have felt the siren’s call, as well. The Rook has appealed to them to the point where they agreed to write new stories featuring my hero. I’m flattered and thrilled to present the results to you. Some of the greatest writers in New Pulp have crafted their own takes on The Rook and it’s a lot of fun to see where they went when given the chance. “

TALES OF THE ROOK also features an explosive cover by Bob Hall, stunning interior art by George Sellas, and outstanding format and design by Sean Ali! Ready for the best in New Pulp? Get it today in TALES OF THE ROOK! From Reese Unlimited and Pro Se Productions!

And at www.prosepulp.com!


Pro Se Productions- Puttin’ The Monthly Back Into Pulp! www.prosepulp.com


By Barry Reese
Pro Se Productions
230 Pages
As much as most writers enjoy creating new series characters, eventually many of them, after writing the adventures of the same cast multiple times, start to feel the burden of familiarity.  Add to the fact that each new volume often builds upon the fictional cast from allies to recurring villains so that eventually the poor writer is saddled with a huge ensemble that he or she feels compelled to include in each new story.  These moments of repetitive angst seemed to be evident in Reese’s last volume of his Rook series.  For the uninitiated, the Rook is a masked vigilante created by Reese years ago as his entry into the new pulp community and was an instant success among fans; this reviewer included.
Still, by the sixth volume of that character’s exploits, the sheen of newness had faded and the Rook stories started becoming more about the supporting cast rather than the central hero.  Like Arthur Conan Doyle’s ultimate dissatisfaction with his own creation, Sherlock Holmes, Reese somehow seemed to be struggling to keep the Rook afloat.  It was clearly time for him to move on to something new and with this collection, he has done just that in a most triumphant way.
Lazarus Gray is Reese’s new hero and is an homage to the classic Avenger series, wherein we have our mysterious leading man aided and abetted by a team of loyal assitants; in this case a trio.  Together they are known as Assistance Unlimited.  Although Gray’s creation was part of a shared world that included two other heroes, Reese clearly found his old muse with these new characters and has produced some of his best, most energetic and enjoyable fiction to date.  These stories move at a breakneck speed and are filled with memorable characters and well delivered action to match anything done in the days of the old pulps.
At the beginning of the volume, we meet  an amnesiac washed ashore on the beach of Sovereign City with a strange medallion around his name on which is embossed the words Lazarus Gray.  Within minutes of awakening, an assassin dressed as a police officer attempts to kill him, but Gray is more than a match for him and is the victor.  Perplexed at his background, he assumes the name on the medallion and sets about creating a new life for himself as a champion of the underdog, the lost and impoverished while at the same time investigating his own unknown past.
Along the way he acquires three unique followers: Morgan Watts, a one time crook, Samantha Grace, a blonde debutante with both brains and beauty and Eun Jiwon, a Korean martial artists. All three are fiercely loyal to each other and Gray for various reasons and always eager to go into battle with him.  Reese’s ability to define this trio and breathe life into them is deft and although they do represent classic iconic pulp figures, he also injects original personal touches that set them apart in a truly refreshing way.
Having been a fan of the Rook series from the start, I had come to expect a certain level of quality from Reese.  That this collection totally blew those expectations out of the water was one of the best surprises this reviewer has had in a long while.  “The Adventures of Lazarus Gray” is by far the best work Barry Reese has ever produced and I predict will soon build an even larger fandom than that of his Rook tales.
One point does require mentioning and that is the last story in this volume appears in print for the second time.  It was first printed in “The Rook – Volume Six” and is a team up between the two heroes.  I have no problem with the publisher reprinting the story, but a notice of such should have been made in the book’s indicia.  Which brings about a minor goof because this story was clearly written before the others, although chronologically it appears last.  In this book Gray discovers his true identity as being one Richard Winthrop, yet in “Darkness, Spreading Its Wings of Black” we are told he was Richard Davenport. 
Finally let me add this book is a gorgeously designed package with a wonderful cover by graphic artist Anthony Castrillo and superb interior illustrations by George Sellas. So what are you waiting for?  Go pick up “The Adventures of Lazarus Gray,” you’ll be happy you did.  You can thank me later.


Sketch: George Sellas

Over on his blog, (http://barryreese.net/) Barry Reese posted a rough sketch by artist George Sellas of the image from Bobby Nash’s story, “Where there’s Smoke…” for the upcoming Tales of the Rook anthology from Pro Se Productions Reese Unlimited imprint.
About “Where There’s Smoke…” In Atlanta, GA, a fire bug who is burning down buildings whose owners dared to oppose the arsonist’s employer. The Rook intervenes and finds himself in a fiery deathtrap.

Cover Art: Bob Hall

From Barry’s blog:

Direct link:

Attached you’ll find a rough sketch by George Sellas depicting a scene from Bobby Nash’s Tales of the Rook story. Let this whet your appetite — and keep in mind that it’s only a rough sketch so while it’s awesome as-is, George is really knocking the ball out of the park on the finished stuff. I’m thrilled to have George on the project — his artwork is going to make the incredible stories by Fortier, Hancock, Bullock, Constantine and Nash even better!

Tales of The Rook Cover Revealed!

Cover Art: Bob Hall. Colors: Tom Smith

Barry Reese unveiled the cover to the new Tales of The Rook anthology over at his website, http://barryreese.net/, this week. The cover (seen above) is by comics legend Bob Hall with colors by Tom Smith.

The Tales of The Rook anthology will feature stories by Ron Fortier, Mike Bullock, Perry Constantine, Tommy Hancock, Bobby Nash, Michael Edwards, and Barry Reese.

Look for Tales of The Rook from Reese Unlimited and Pro Se Press in the first half of 2012!