Tagged: Doctor Who

Doctor Who episodes online…

Stringer Lisa Sullivan notes: "Doctor Who is scheduled to be among the programs to be made available on demand via the BBC’s iPlayer service. BBC News says the service will be launched later this year.

People will be able to watch selected shows online for seven days after their first broadcast. Episodes will also be able to be downloaded and stored for up to 30 days. The iPlayer has been given the go-ahead by the BBC Trust after consultations with the public. Initially, the iPlayer application is only available for people with Windows PCs but the trust wants the application to run on different systems within "a reasonable time frame."

It is unclear at present whether access will be limited to UK users, but based on their previous actions with the interactive comic, it’s sure looking like they’re going to try.

Make your own Dr. Who comic

Make your own Dr. Who comic

Via Lisa at Sequentially Speaking, the BBC has launched an interactive Comic Maker section of its ever-growing Dr. Who website.  If you’re not from England, however, don’t bother clicking here, because rights restrictions will prevent you from using the site’s Flash portion.

Nothing like proprietary software rights to take the fun out of things.

Apparently the site "offers fans the chance to create and star in their very own Doctor Who comic using scenes, characters and devices from the show itself. There is a writer’s room which features a step-by-step video guide to making the comic with Executive Producer Russell T. Davies. In coming weeks there will be a top ten gallery as well as the chance to search through previous entries." Here in the US we’ll just have to take Doctor Who Online‘s word for it.

The Joker and Doctor Who

The Joker and Doctor Who

Sometimes you just don’t want to know.

This was on the Daily Mail site this morning.  Presented without comment, mostly because we’re not that awake yet.

Doctor Who 3 hits Sci-Fi this summer

Doctor Who 3 hits Sci-Fi this summer

The third season of the new Doctor Who series will hit the U.S. cable channels in July, starting with the 2006 Christmas Special, "The Runaway Bride".

The new series will run on the Sci-Fi Channel, home to the previous two seasons of shows. Ultimately, it will be syndicated and appear alongside its "adult" spin-off show Torchwood on BBC America.

The week following "The Runaway Bride" U.S. fans will meet the Doctor’s new companion Martha Jones in the season’s opening episode "Smith and Jones."


Infinite Crisis goes audio

Infinite Crisis goes audio

Doctor Who fans have been getting all-new full-cast audio adventures for years. Recently, Dark Shadows has been invited into the club. And now, GraphicAudio has signed DC Comics up for the ride.

Purveyors of full cast audio adaptations of such well-known action paperback series as Stony Man, The Destroyer and The Executioner, the Graphic Audio corporation will be releasing DC’s Infinite Crisis miniseries in two box sets, each containing six hours of programming. The first will be released in May, the second in June. They describe the plot thusly:

"Superman, the Man of Steel. Wonder Woman, Amazon Princess. Batman, the Dark Knight. Together, they are the greatest super heroes of all. But they have turned away from each other in Earth”s hour of greatest need. As space is ripped apart, super-villains unite, and four mysterious strangers threaten reality itself. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman must put aside their differences to save the world, but even the combined might of all Earth”s heroes might not be enough to stop the coming crisis…"

Actually, the CD sets are an adaptation of Greg Cox’s novelization of Infinite Crisis, buy why quibble. I’m a fan of such original audio shows, and I’m looking forward to reviewing the series. GraphicAudio CDs are widely available at truck stops and Interstate rest areas, and through the manufacturer.

Who’s a Christmas present?

Who’s a Christmas present?

Australian pop star Kylie Minogue will be making her return to acting in this December’s Doctor Who Christmas special… as a Cyberwoman.

According to the British newspaper News Of The World, singer with acting credits as diverse as Moulin Rouge, Beavis and Butt-Head, and Street Fighter: The Movie will be co-starring as a Cyberwoman with rather peculiar designs on The Doctor, David Tennant. Executive producer Russell T. Davies will be writing the episode.

This Doctor is no stranger to working with big-name pop stars, as his first companion was Billie Piper.

Who’s a Trekkie?

Who’s a Trekkie?

Well, not Doctor Who — but Freema Agyeman, the actress who plays the Doctor’s current assistant, Martha Jones, certainly is:

And apparently, Star Trek had an impact on Christopher Eccleston, too…

Hat tip to Sailorboy for the initial photo.

Marc Andreyko speaks to ComicMix Podcast!

Marc Andreyko speaks to ComicMix Podcast!

Today’s pop quiz includes the brain busting questions of who was Dickie Goodman, where has Manhunter been, why is someone ripping off Richard Dawson, wow does The Doctor get to the fast lane, and WHO was "John And Ernest?" We give you good news on a much loved DC book, dig into Doctor Who’s latest romp, we hear from comics writer Marc Andreyko, and much more.

After all that, wouldn’t you feel guilty if you DIDN’T press the button?

MATT RAUB: Your weekly Who review!

MATT RAUB: Your weekly Who review!

Hey gang, Matt Raub back again, and that can only mean one thing – it’s Who time! So here we are, already a quarter of the way through another explosive year of Doctor Who. And what better time to start the season three story arc than in the 727th produced episode, beating out all of the Star Trek series combined!

In the episode, entitled “Gridlock,” the Doctor and Martha travel on their third voyage together, this time to the future city of New New York. Some of you may remember that we’ve been to New New York, and fairly recently (Don’t worry, Martha brings that up too). Last time, the Doctor and Rose visited a sick friend in very chic hospital above ground, but this time we find our traveling duo deep in the city’s bowels and on the New New York Motorway, which reaches all the way to New New Jersey. Fun thing about this motorway is that, due to the traffic, it takes about 10 years to go four miles. Well, in all the chaos, Martha is kidnapped by two motorists hoping to get into the express lane. The doctor then does his doctor thing and declares he will find her if it’s the last thing he’ll do.

The greatest part of this episode isn’t a quirky part of dialogue, or interesting plot point, but the way the episode was shot. The majority of this episode is going from car to car, whilst the doctor searches for Martha. Now, each car is shot in the exact same set, just with a change of furniture and a few new actors. This makes for an incredibly cheap budget for the episode, and while this is completely unnecessary for the BBC’s top rated show, it reflects some of the ingenuity that American TV lacks. My hat is tipped to executive producer and episode writer Russell T. Davies and the boys and girls overseas for this particular stunt.

Back to the episode, while looking for Martha, the doctor comes across an old buddy – in fact, the same old buddy he came across the last time we were all in New New York: The good ol’ Face of Boe. Those of you who remember the last encounter with that giant head-in-a-jar, remember that Boe said he would meet the Doctor a final time, and then he would tell him the great secret. So now here we are, and that big secret is? **SPOILER WARNING**


Torchwood season 2 announced

Torchwood season 2 announced

Torchwood co-executive producer Julie Gardner disclosed the show’s second season will begin airing on the BBC at the beginning of next year.

In its article about the new Doctor Who season in the British publication The Stage, Ms. Gardner stated last season the show didn’t have as much post-production time  as they would have liked. This year, the season debut will be pushed back a bit – after the as yet unannounced Doctor Who special that airs on or around Christmas. This would likely push the debut of the next season of Doctor Who back a few weeks.

The current  Doctor Who season will be featuring several guest appearances from Torchwood‘s Captain Jack. The first season of Torchwood will be making its American debut on BBC America this September.