Tagged: Doctor Who

#SDCC: Guinness World Record-breaking

#SDCC: Guinness World Record-breaking

One of the vast hordes wandering around the San Diego Comic-Con was Craig Glenday, the Editor-in-Chief of Guinness World Records, who was busy handing out numerous certificates to various and sundry folks. To wit:

  • Farscape for Most digital FX in a TV series (40-50 per ep, 7 days per ep, 22 ep a year! Season 3 alone: 1109 shots)
  • DC Comics for Longest running monthly comic book (presented to Paul Levitz)
  • Largest gathering of zombies, for the Zombie Parade that wandered the streets of San Diego looking for sweet, sweet braaaains.
  • The most people ever to recite the Green Lantern oath in unison (still checking on that one).
  • The 501st Legion for being the Largest Star Wars costuming group.
  • Largest gathering of Steampunks.
  • Doctor Who for “Most successful sci-fi show on TV”. According to Glenday, the record is based on longevity, DVD sales, spinoff books, iPlayer stats, downloads… (Yes, go ahead and argue that, you know you want to.)
  • Longest line ever: getting into Hall H for the Twilight pa– okay, that last one probably isn’t a record. But I’ll bet it was in the running.
#SDCC: Doctor Who, David Tennant and ‘The End Of Time’

#SDCC: Doctor Who, David Tennant and ‘The End Of Time’

In one of the most anticipated panels of the day, writer/executive producer Russell T Davies, David Tennant, director Euros Lyn, and executive producer Julie Gardner (not pictured) discuss their creative process and experiences working on Doctor Who, television’s longest-running science fiction series, along with a few tips and teases about what’s to come in the (sob) short time left.

While there was healthy applause for Davies, Lyn and Gardner at the beginning of the panel, the crowd went wild for the entrance of Tennant, wearing a glittering Stormtrooper T-shirt and jeans. He was a bit mock-taken aback– “they told us nobody knows Doctor Who in America.”

Pretty quickly they went stright into the trailer for Tennant’s finale on the show, “The End of Time” airing Christmas 2009, featuring the return of Donna Noble, her grandpa, and the Master. After showing of the trailer, Tennant said it went by too fast and demanded that it be played again. No one objected.

Davies accepted the Guinness Book of Records award for the series’ longevity, which he accepted on behalf of the late Verity Lambert, the show’s founding producer.

After that, the floor was opened to questions.

How they do everything on such a small budget? Julie Gardner: “We go over budget.”

Tennant says seeing his face on grocery store cakes, t-shirts and kids’ pants is not something they prepare you for in drama school.

Someone in the crowd yells that she loves Tennant. Tennant replies: “We love you — each one of you in a slightly individual way.” Tennant threw out bunches of quips in the panel, such as “Tonight you’re going to see the premiere… the legal premiere… of ‘Planet of the Dead’,” and “There’s a new rumor every day at Comic-Con. Apparently, I’m playing The Hobbit!”

Does the tenth Doctor wear a brown coat because Tennant likes Firefly? Tennant: “Never heard that one before…” but he likes that show.

Did you steal things off the set? Gardner: “I think John Barrowman just stole things off the set so he could be strip-searched on the way out.”

Would Tennant come back for charity specials or anything else? “It’s the 50th Anniversary in 2013, isn’t it? I dunno… That’s not me making an announcement. There’s no plan. Don’t Twitter that! That’s not a thing! Yet!” Waaaaay too late, David.

One of Tennant’s favorite Doctor Who memories was hearing Elisabeth Sladen, a voice from his childhood, call him “Doctor” during a table read of “School Reunion.” Tennant will be in an upcoming Sarah Jane Adventures episode, called “The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.”

Did Tennant’s Shakespearean training prep him to play Doctor? Tennant was stumped. Gardner offered: “Well, you did meet Shakespeare in an episode…”

David Tennant on the end of his run and his replacement: “Come on the journey and cry and sing with us. And three weeks later you’ll think Matt Smith is the best thing ever. There is no one in Britain who has worked with Matt [Smith] who hasn’t raved about him. I’ve met Matt and chatted with him a couple of times … and he’s going to be brilliant. Which is annoying.”

Any regrets in leaving the show, David? “I am leaving the series
slightly sad that I didn’t get to snog Bernard Cribbins. I snogged all
the rest.”

Review: ‘Leverage’ Season One on DVD

Review: ‘Leverage’ Season One on DVD

There are only so many hours one can devote to television watching so a show has to garner some excellent buzz in order to get sampled in my household. I was initially tempted by TNT’s Leverage last winter but something or other kept us from trying it but as it aired, people started chiming in about how cool it was. Thanks to Paramount Home Video, the first season was released last week and my wife and I blitzed through the 13 episodes to see what the buzz was all about.

There’s little original about the premise since it’s been heavily compared with the [[[Oceans]]] movie or television’s [[[A-Team]]]. The latter is more apt as is a comparison with [[[Mission: Impossible]]] without the federal angle. In fact, in watching Timothy Hutton’s Nate Ford, he really is a modern day George Peppard, blending his insurance investigator [[[Banacek]]] with his A-Team Hannibal Smith. Looking a little shaggier than Peppard, Hutton is a deeply flawed man and makes for an interesting series lead. He is struggling with his alcoholism at the same time as he copes with the grief of losing his son, denied insurance coverage for treatment by the firm he worked for. As a result, he comes to form a team of thieves who will now do good and pick up where the law leaves off.

The pilot episode cleverly introduces the quintet of characters while giving us the briefest of glimpses of why they were criminals and what drove them. Across the 13-episode first season, you watch them grow and bond with one another in unusual ways as each gains a family for the first time and they come to realize being good guys isn’t all that bad. Their cases are nicely varied and while the cons are a tad too slick and without true complications to be threatening, the show is engaging.

A series like this lives and dies by its cast and the ensemble put together shows a terrific eye from the production team led by co-creator (and former [[[Blue Beetle]]] writer) John Rogers and producer/director Dean Devlin. While Hutton is the most recognizable face, genre fans will welcome Gina Bellman ([[[Jekyll]]]) and Christian Kane ([[[Angel]]]) along with newer faces Beth Riesgraf ([[[Alvin and the Chipmunks]]]) and Aldis Hodge ([[[Friday Night Lights]]]). Across the episodes we learn interesting things about their characters, delighting in Hodge’s tech geek who uses [[[Doctor Who]]] actors as aliases and is One of Us. Kane’s brawler turns out to be an excellent chef and Bellman’s Sophie is a would-be actress but truly horrible on the stage.

The show has a slick look and in the hands of Devlin and fellow director Jonathan Frakes (who handled two shows) there’s a relaxed feel among the cast as they go up against crooked bankers, mobsters, senators and the like. Many of the stories have that ripped from the headlines feel, which keeps things feeling modern.

Guest stars enliven most episodes especially with the always welcome Mark A. Sheppard’s insurance company rival, who appeared in four shows and Kari Matchett ([[[Studio 60]]]) as Hutton’s ex-wife. Many other familiar faces turn up and are welcome.

The four disc set contains copious commentary throughout and a tremendous number of deleted scenes, many showcasing Hodge’s improvisational skills. Other featurettes include [[[Leverage]]]: Behind the Scenes, a nice look at the cast and crew; Anatomy of a Stunt Fight, a pretty standard feature with Kane; The Cameras of Leverage, a bizarre visual valentine; Leverage Gets Renewed, a fun peek as the cast learns the news; and, Beth Riesgraf’s Crazy Actress Spoof, which is amusing for the first half.

The series debuted its second season this past Wednesday and I have to say, it’s off to a strong start. There will be two sections, seven episodes now and another eight in the winter.

The Point: Torchwood & A Flash Movie

The Point: Torchwood & A Flash Movie

TORCHWOOD Executive Producer JULIE GARDNER braces us for tonight’s premiere of CHILDREN OF THE EARTH (BBC America) and tells us when we can expect a visit from The Doctor, plus Geoff Johns to guide THE FLASH movie and HARRY POTTER bends the box office, but doesn’t break it.

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PROGRAMMING NOTE: There will be no POINT Podcast on Friday (7/24), but we will return for a special ComicCon Wrap-Up on Tuesday (7/28).  Meanwhile, we will post some updates from ComicCon here over the weekend. However, for your full access pass to ComicCon, check into our 24/7 coverage on THE POINT RADIO running from Wednesday through Sunday AND be sure to follow us on Twitter (“ThePointRadio”) for late breaking updates!

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Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig hit Broadway

Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig hit Broadway

First it was Doctor Who meets Captain Picard in Hamlet. Now it’s James Bond meeting Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig
will appear in the Broadway production A Steady Rain this fall, a play about two
Chicago policemen and how the events of a few days change their lives

Jackman has been on the New York stage before, winning a
Tony for his role in the musical The Boy from Oz, but this is Craig’s Broadway debut, although he has appeared
in the West End.

A Steady Rain is expected to open on September 29 and run for 12 weeks. Previews begin on September 10 at the Schoenfeld Theater. Tickets are expected to sell very quickly, for some reason. Let the fangirl drooling begin.

‘Doctor Who’ movie with David Tennant coming?

‘Doctor Who’ movie with David Tennant coming?

That’s the latest rumor kicking around everywhere across the web– that there might be a new Doctor Who movie that, if the rumors are correct, would star David Tennant as the Doctor and that the movie will be officially announced later this month at Comic-Con in San Diego, like everything else in the world.

The rumors also have former Doctor Who writer/executive producer Russell T. Davies involved in the project, and both he and David Tennant are rumored to be showing up at San Diego… are they showing up for a victory lap, or is there something bigger going on? Hmm… IDW is doing the Doctor Who comic, maybe they know something.

The Point Spider-Man Speaks!

The Point Spider-Man Speaks!

He is the voice behind the power – Josh Keaton is the lead on the SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN TV show and now he shares his secrets & success right here, plus a new Doctor Who RPG and will Longbox be the iTunes of online comics?

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Don’t forget that you can now enjoy THE POINT 24/7. Updates on all parts of pop culture, special progarmming by some of your favorite personalities and the biggest variety of contemporary music on the net.

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The Point Growing Up Comic!

The Point Growing Up Comic!

We know you’ve heard it before, but here is a really delightful comics that really is for everone! We’ll give you a preview, plus DC course-corrects The JLA with new creators, a weird Conan movie factoid and Doctor Who at ComicCon!

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And be sure to stay on The Point via iTunes - ComicMix, RSS, MyPodcast.Com or Podbean!

Don’t forget that you can now enjoy THE POINT 24/7. Updates on all parts of pop culture, special progarmming by some of your favorite personalities and the biggest variety of contemporary music on the net.

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‘GrimJack: The Manx Cat’ #1 available from IDW Publishing this August

We might as well make it official:

IDW Publishing is pleased to announce the
upcoming launch of the first series of ComicMix.com properties,
GrimJack: The Manx Cat. For the first time in print, fans can now enjoy
the adventures of GrimJack in 26 full color pages published straight
from the online comic. Writer John Ostrander and artist Timothy
Truman skillfully return to the grim and gritty interdimensional land of
Cynosure, in which gun-for-hire GrimJack holds court in the fabled
Munden’s Bar.

“We’re excited to be bring some of the best ComicMix properties to
real-world books, and GrimJack is a great way to start,” said Greg
Goldstein, chief operating officer of IDW. “The new books are a great
new way to enjoy ComicMix fans to enjoy their favorite comics, and
expose the properties to new fans.”

GrimJack debuted in the mid-80s and rapidly became one of First
Comics’ best-selling titles. Created by Ostrander and Truman, the
series was revived in 2005 for the graphic novel Killer Instinct,
published by IDW, which is also home to the trade paperback reprints of the First Comics’ material.

“It’s sort of a homecoming for us,” GrimJack and ComicMix
editor-in-chief Mike Gold notes. “We’ve had a long and productive
relationship with IDW – absolutely the best I’ve had in my career.
There’s no better choice to restart at the place we took off initially,
with a brand-new GrimJack mini-series.”

GrimJack: The Manx Cat #1 will be available in stores in August. Diamond order code JUN09 0951

About IDW
IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books,
graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. As
a leader in the horror, action, and sci-fi genres, IDW publishes some
of the most successful and popular titles in the industry including:
television’s #1 prime time series CBS’ CSI:
Crime Scene Investigation
; Paramount’s Star Trek; Fox’s Angel; Hasbro’s
The Transformers, and the BBC’s Doctor Who. IDW’s original horror
series, 30 Days of Night, was launched as a major motion picture in
October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film
in its first week of release. In April 2008, IDW released Michael
, the first title from its new children’s book imprint,
Worthwhile Books. More information about the company can be found at http://www.idwpublishing.com.

ComicMix Six: Batman Replacements

ComicMix Six: Batman Replacements

This week Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely have brought us the new Batman and Robin #1, featuring the brand new partnership of Dick Grayson as Batman and Damian Wayne as Robin.

But did you know this isn’t the first time someone has stepped in as the Dark Knight or attempted to replace Bruce Wayne? Here is a list of six other blokes who have donned the famous cape and cowl.

SUPERMAN – Ever since the 1950s, there have been times where Superman and Batman have had to impersonate each other in order to protect their secret identities or to fool criminals. This also happened in the Batman/Superman animated series from the 90s in the episode “Knight Time”. With Batman missing, Superman donned the cowl and surprised several Gotham criminals who concluded that the Dark Knight must have somehow gained supernatural powers.
