Tagged: ComicMix

Friends of friends

Friends of friends

The more years we all spend involved in comics, the less able we are to escape our past, especially in the Web 2.0 age.  And that’s actually A Good Thing.  For instance, check out cartoonist Howard Cruse’s blog post where he effusively and rightly pays tribute to ComicMix’s own Martha Thomases, whose family he and his partner Ed Sedarbaum have known for a good long time.  I’m a sucker for "then and now" photos.  Of course, Howard’s not above posting possibly incriminating photos of himself, as you can see by the lovely Esther-and-Vashti ensembles which he and Ed chose to don for their local Purimspiel.

Speaking of past Friends, Leigh Dragoon reports that there will be a forthcoming press release from Friends of Lulu (an organization with which Martha and I both spent many years) regarding their ill-fated Empowerment Fund.  From what she writes, it seems the organization is intent upon correcting past wrongs, which bodes well for its future.  Considering the long journey women in comics still have to undergo before the industry’s playing field is truly level, the continued vitality of organizations dedicated toward that goal is more important than ever.

ComicMix linky love

ComicMix linky love

Another week older and deeper in debt — to you, our readers!  Here again is your one-stop shopping post linking to this past week’s regular columns: 

Meanwhile, Mellifluous Mike Raub is making history thrice weekly with his podcasts:

If you’ve only been reading ComicMix and not listening as well, you’ve been missing out on a lot!  And of course, there’s much more to come…

Black Betty screams just for you

Black Betty screams just for you

After Dark’s Black Betty speaks to ComicMix about To Die For!, the scoop on Superman’s changes, our update on teevee news, 

All this, Timeline, more news and serious thrills on ComicMix’s eighth exclusive Podcast — available right here:



The female gaze

Tomorrow marks the start of Women’s History Month (with March 8 being International Women’s Day), so it’s probably a good time to mention that I’m one of those double-x chromosome types. That fact automatically puts me, along with the majority of the population, in the category of non-default, of Other.

Which always confused me; how can a majority not automatically be considered the default? Well, it’s a matter of historical societal power, isn’t it? Take South Africa under apartheid; the white rulers there were certainly the minority, outnumbered 4 to 1, yet they were the Default among South African citizens, and the blacks they oppressed were the Other. The accepted wisdom was that they needed to be Other, in order for the Default to remain in power. (The fact that the minority oppressors had weapons as well certainly helped reinforce that.) The Default controls the culture, most especially cultural thought.

A lot of people today have no notion of how revolutionary a step it was for feminism to succeed in getting gender neutrality language accepted in this culture a mere 30 or so years ago. Before that, you never heard "he or she" — the default was "he" and that was that, the majority population devalued to the point of invisibility in terms of anything of significance or importance. Heck, it’s been less than a century since we were first allowed to cast a vote in most of the United States!

But you’ll be getting enough of those historical factoids during the month to come. What I want to discuss is something else.



GL political followup

GL political followup

Those of us who frequent the liberal end of the political blogosphere got a real kick out of A-list blogger and comics fan Matt Yglesias’ post The Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics on the group blog TPM Café.

Of course, Denny O’Neil responded in his column last week here on ComicMix, and now Matt has since followed up on his own blog (of particular amusement is that post’s comment section).  Will this be the last word on the subject?  Check out Denny’s next column, available mid-day Tuesday, right here.

ComicMix catchup

ComicMix catchup

We at ComicMix are dedicated to bringing you as much stuff as we can, but we also know that means sometimes you miss things.  We know you want tagging and site feed and comments and that’s all coming down the pike real soon, but in the meantime here’s your handy-dandy guide to the second round of entries by our regular columnists. 

Look for Mike every Monday (in fact, his latest should be right below), Denny on Tuesday, me on Wednesday, John on Thursday, and Michael on Friday, and guest features on the weekend.  For those of you who, like me, grew up with the Marvel superhero cartoons in the ’60s, that means Mike = Captain America, Denny = the Hulk, me = Iron Man, John = Thor, and Michael = Namor.  (Hey, don’t knock it, that’s how I first discovered that Thursday was named after Thor!)

We also gave you a special "mother and child reunion" pair of featured columns this past weekend:

And our latest podcasts, hosted by Mellifluous Mike Raub, continue:

Happy reading and listening!


ComicMix takes Manhattan

ComicMix takes Manhattan

To quote Dr. Seuss, "We are here, we are here, we are here!"

Pictured above, from left to right: Standing, we have Brian Alvey, Mike Gold, Mike Raub and Glenn Hauman.  Seated are Martha Thomases and me, Elayne Riggs, as the Beav — oh no wait, people might think that’s something other than a reference to SCTV, never mind.

Anyway, we’re here at the New York Comic Con all weekend, through today’s trade hours of 10 AM through 4 PM then the open-to-public show itself (4 to 9 tonight, 10 to 8 tomorrow, 10 to 5 Sunday), getting news and views and definitely some schmooze. We have our cameras and recorders and other digital goodies to get the full story from anyone who flags us down or veesy-versey, so please look for us and give us feedback.  We look forward to seeing all of our friends not just from NY but from all over the world.  "San Diego East" has begun!

Kyle Baker goes bananas

Kyle Baker goes bananas

From Cartoon Network’s Class of 3000, here’s some Kyle Baker work.

Did we mention Kyle will have a booth at the New York Comicon? Did we mention he’s doing caricatures? Did we mention the pretty women who will be at the booth? Go forth and find him and buy many copies of his books. Tell him ComicMix sent you.

Podcast #5 up and running

Podcast #5 up and running

Our second reviewer, longtime comics writer Tony Isabella, makes his debut as a ComicMix podcast critic and spells out his rules and regulations. Archie Comics takes on Marvel Comics in "Civil Chores." More previews of this weekend’s NYCC. 

Mike Raub delivers the news and the goods on ComicMix podcast #5 — which you can get right now by pressing play:


John Ostrander: Scattershot – Past / Present

Perhaps it’s a sign of aging when you’re more attuned to what came before than what’s going on now, especially in entertainment. Oh, I’m up on what’s going on with movies and TV (less so in music) and I certainly have my faves in those areas. Recently, however, I’ve been re-discovering some music I’d had before, some TV I had seen when I was a boy, and have found that some of my favorite movies were created before I was born. This column is a grab-bag (hence "scattershot" — it’ll be our code for columns that have a variety of topics) of some of those. Given the age of the material, these are probably less reviews than post-mortems.

• We Five came out of San Francisco about 1965 when I was still in high school. If you know this folk-rock group at all, it will be for their one big hit, "You Were On My Mind". I not only loved their big single, I bought their two albums, the first named for the hit single and the second was "Make Someone Happy". They broke up after the second album and later reformed with new members. I’ve discovered that the reformed We Five still plays venues today.
