Author: Elayne Riggs

Nancy Drew draws

When you think of famous fictional females and hear "teen sleuth," I’ll bet only one name comes to mind. Well, other than Veronica Mars.

Did you know that Nancy Drew stories are now being published in graphic novel format?  NY-based company Papercutz is serving the teen and tween markets in a big way, and it’s about to get bigger.

Papercutz, whose Nancy Drew #1: The Demon of River Heights won the Benjamin Franklin Award last year from PMA, the Independent Book Publishers Association, also puts out young adult graphic novels featuring those other teen mystery-solvers The Hardy Boys, as well as Zorro and a really adorable-looking "teenage Charlie’s Angels" book called Totally Spies.  But it’s Drew that’s going to draw this summer, as Warner Bros. will be releasing a Nancy Drew movie this June 15 starring Emma Roberts, the star of Nickelodeon’s hit show Unfabulous.  And ICv2 reports that WB will be using the graphic novels to promote the movie.  The GNs will be given out as prizes in on-air radio promotions, and will also be available as the "Gift With Purchase" during the movie’s mall tour in major markets.

Papercutz is also seeking artists to help draw their graphic novels, particularly those "versed in the manga style."  Nancy Drew is currently drawn by Sho (Sei) Murase, a woman of Japanese and Korean descent who grew up in Spain, then moved to Canada and now lives in California — a real multicultural phenom!  She’s also the author of Sei, Death and Legend published by Image Comics and is currently also working on the graphic novel series ME2 for Tokyopop.

Expanding comics exhibitions

Expanding comics exhibitions

For those who, like me, were disappointed that the Masters of American Comics art exhibition was fairly literal, in that all 15 of "the artists who shaped the development of the American comic strip and comic book during the past century" just happened to be white and male despite vast historical contributions to the artform by women and non-whites, you’re not alone, and Eye Trauma Comix is doing something about that.

Eye Trauma’s purpose is to "curate exhibitions which showcase in the gallery setting areas of sequential art that might otherwise be overlooked or underappreciated."  To that end, they’ve planned a two showings for this year and next.  From April 4 through 25, their exhibition Other Heroes: African American Comic Book Creators and Characters will showcase at Mississippi’s Jackson State University, featuring just about every major black American comics artist of note.

And in late 2008, they’ll be presenting Out of Sequence: Underrepresented Voices in American Comics at the Krannert Art Museum at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  That exhibition plans to focus "on work by women and minority artists, experimental and small press comic creators, webcomics creators, and the contributions of comic book writers, inkers, colorists, and letterers," and will run from October 24, 2008 through the end of the year.

It’s great to see organizations step up to fill the gaping holes left by previous retrospective exhibitions, and even more hopeful to see this happening at the nation’s colleges, where the future of the comics industry is being cultivated.

ShoWest, young woman!

Next week the most prestigious and longest-running cinema exhibition and distribution trade show kicks off again in Las Vegas, and what would ShoWest be without the beautiful people?  Just another trade show, very likely.

So they wasted no time in naming Kirsten Dunst their Female Star of the Year and will bestow the honor upon her next Thursday at the show’s closing ceremony.  Whether she will have to kiss anybody hanging upside down is unknown at this point.

Getting personally graphic

Getting personally graphic

Via BoingBoing, the Seattle weekly alternative paper The Stranger features two personals sections – one called Lovelab and the other Lustlab (the latter probably Not Safe For Work). Graphic artist Ellen Forney has been choosing one Lustbalb personal ad each week and illustrating it on her website, and as of today she’s expanded the concept and doing the same for Lovelab.  A terrific exercise in translating and interpreting often haphazard and rambling personals into cogent and meaningful single visuals.

Because you demanded it, True Believer!

The fan mentality is often a wonder to behold. It’s a constant double-edged sword. On the one hand, you have a passion for the subject matter that often knows no bounds. On the other, you often find a complete disregard for the minds behind the creation of that subject matter.

Never is this more apparent than with comic book readers, and particularly those readers who decide to review the books. With other forms of entertainment, it’s all but impossible to ignore the performers. You couldn’t discuss Buffy without mentioning the actors or Joss Whedon. It’s difficult to review a Harry Potter book without acknowledging that it’s all from the mind of JK Rowling (or a Harry Potter movie that doesn’t talk about Daniel Radcliffe & co.). So why do so many comic book reviewers have no compunction whatsoever about going on at length about the storylines and characters while completely ignoring that these fictional entities have no independent existence outside of the writers and artists who create them?


Political cartoonists at WAM!

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than by announcing that political cartoonists Stephanie McMillan, Mikhaela Reid and Jen Sorensen will be the panelists on a session about women’s comics to be held on Day 2 of the Women, Action & the Media conference in Cambridge, MA on April 1? 

No foolin’, the panel is called Resistance Through Ridicule even though I can’t actually find details about it on the conference session site.  Considering all these cartoonists have very active blogs as well, I suspect that’ll be a secondary topic…

Shazam! gets thumbs up

Shazam! gets thumbs up

Jeff Smith does all the PR work so we don’t have to: His latest blog post links to all the mainstream (i.e., outside of the comics press) coverage given to the premiere issue of Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil, including articles from Entertainment Weekly, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Washington Post and Las Vegas Weekly. 

Vegas baby, Vegas!  You know you’ve hit the big time now, Jeff!  The second issue goes on sale in comic shops today.

Bechdel has Fun in NYC

Bechdel has Fun in NYC

For those New Yorkers who missed seeing Alison Bechdel at the New York Comic Con, she reports that she’s in town again today and tomorrow, appearing at National Book Critics Circle award events.  Her graphic novel Fun Home has been nominated for one of these awards, and Bechdel reports that "There’s a reading of all the finalists Wednesday evening at 6pm at The New School University, Tishman Auditorium, 66 W. 12th St.

"There’ll be some pretty fancy people there. A real literary smorgasbord. You should come! It’s free and open to the public. Then on Thursday the 8th, the award ceremony happens. That also appears to be free and open to the public, and also happens at 6pm at Tishman Auditorium. Though it probably won’t be as interesting as the reading."  More info on the NBCC site.

Captain America big news

Captain America big news

You’d think that, what with the Libby verdict and the ongoing Walter Reed scandal and the presidential campaign horse race in full swing a year and a half before the general elections, it wouldn’t be that slow a news day.

You’d be wrong.

Everybody who’s anybody in mainstream news out there in the Real World seems to have grabbed onto the "shocking event" that Marvel is planning to kill off Captain America.  Here’s the CNN take, complete with a tiny spoiler alert intro which appears about a half inch above the actual revelation.  There’s also a pretty thorough Q&A with Joe Quesada about comic character death.  Watch out, retailers — this could be the biggest thing to hit the "real" news world since… the death of Superman!

Fellowship of the comic strip

Fellowship of the comic strip

It’s trippy, surreal, beautifully rendered and found in newspapers such as The Guardian and The New York Press and magazines such as Maxim, but is still one of the webcomics world’s best secrets — until now.  Nicholae Gurewitch, creator of The Perry Bible Fellowship, sat down for an interview with Associated Content to discuss his "deliciously twisted" strip and upcoming book collection (out in September).