Monthly Archive: June 2010

SpinTunes Presents Super Song Fight 2010!

SpinTunes Presents Super Song Fight 2010!

Frequent commenter and musician extraordinaire, Russ Rogers, gave us a lil’ hat tip towards a funky-cool contest you crazy ComicMixers will dig. The contest? Why it’s SpinTown’s SpinTunes Superhero Song Fight contest for 2010! Asking those out there in the interwebs to submit songs inspired by and written about Superheros and Supervillains… SpinTunes now has created a cool little player where you the adoring public can link up to, crank the volume on your favorite cans, and rock out to some gamma irradiated rock and roll.

The contestants are a swath of indie folk/rock/alt-funky goodness. Contributors like Denise Hudson and Joanne Abbot lend flighty ballads (‘Invisible Woman’ and ‘Why’) to the contest. Russ’s group, Godz Poodlz, released a Genesis twinged ode to DC’s resident Hazmat habit wearing hero, the Human Bomb. Over the pond plunker Danny Blackwell drops a ditty titled “Love Song From Robin to Batman” which is pretty self explanatory. And there’s a ton of others all waiting to tickle the hairs in your inner ears with musical hero goodness.

SpinTunes stems from the blog of SpinTown, as run by a Travis Langworthy, a teacher with a good ear for tunage, and a heart of gold. The SpinTune contest is voted on by a panel of judges, so no need to cram the ballot box, but feel free to head here, and listen to the tunes, and let them know what makes your boogie woogie, woogie woo.

The Point Radio: How To Keep An Action Show Hot

The Point Radio: How To Keep An Action Show Hot

In a TV landscape where the bar has been set pretty high by shows like 24 and LOST, how do you keep one action show fresh and compelling – let alone TWO? MATT NIX, creator of BURN NOTICE and THE GOOD GUYS, talks about his weekly balancing act plus Marvel gives the nod for a visit to the big screen for DOCTOR STRANGE.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Daleks

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Daleks

In advance of the season finale of Doctor Who in the UK, we felt you should get this refresher lesson.

I gotta admit, when I saw this, I thought it was a leftover promo bit from when the original H2G2 series was done. I think Douglas Adams would approve.

‘Red’ Teaser Trailer with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Karl Urban, and Helen Mirren

‘Red’ Teaser Trailer with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Karl Urban, and Helen Mirren

The trailer doesn’t quite feel like the book, but I can see where they’re going with it…

Red, based on the graphic novel by Warren Ellis and Cully Hammer, hits theaters October 15th. Here’s the details:

Frank (Bruce Willis), Joe (Morgan Freeman), Marvin (John Malkovich) and Victoria (Helen Mirren) used to be the CIA’s top agents – but the secrets they know just made them the Agency’s top targets.  Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive.  To stop the operation, the team embarks on an impossible, cross-country mission to break into the top-secret CIA headquarters, where they will uncover one of the biggest conspiracies and cover-ups in government history.

Bruce Timm sets the record straight on DC Universe Animated Original Movies

Bruce Timm sets the record straight on DC Universe Animated Original Movies

Who’s under the Red Hood? Bruce Timm knows, but he’s not telling. However, he answers a bevy of other questions in a Q&A focused on the July 27 release of Batman: Under the Red Hood, the latest entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movies.

Batman: Under the Red Hood is just the latest finished product to come from Timm’s canon of super hero vehicles at Warner Bros. Animation. A veritable legend among the creative forces in animation today, Timm has spearheaded the elevation of DC Comics’ characters to new heights of animated popularity and introduced generations of new fans to the characters via landmark television series and made-for-DVD films. The latter task includes the creation of the current series of DC Universe Animated Original Movies, which now number eight in total and each has been greeted with critical acclaim and nifty sales.

Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation, will be distributing Batman: Under the Red Hood as a Special Edition version on Blu-Ray™ and 2-disc DVD, as well as being available on single disc DVD, On Demand and for Download.

Timm paused long enough in his unthinkably busy schedule for a few cigarettes and a battery of questions, responding in true Timm form – whether it be discussing the casting and art direction, revealing his across-the-board love for all versions of Batman, or setting the record straight on quotes attributed to him from a certain widely reported interview-that-never-was. This is vintage Bruce Timm – read what the man has to say …


My Spider-Man ‘One More Day’ and ‘One Moment In Time’ Rant

My Spider-Man ‘One More Day’ and ‘One Moment In Time’ Rant

All right, I’m finally sick and tired of this.

With the previews beginning to leak out from Spider-Man’s “One Moment In Time” story, which they claim will be the magic bullet that retconned Spider-Man’s marriage, I can stay silent no longer.

Everybody says “Oh, they’ll never put Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson back together.” And every time somebody says so, I can’t help but think of Latka and Simka.

In the two part Taxi episode, “Scenskees From A Marriage”, Latka (Andy Kaufman) strays from his marriage to Simka (Carol Kane) and due to their cultural restrictions, they must break up. To explain where I see all of this heading, we now must show the climactic scene of the divorce (jump ahead to about 2:55, if you must):

Now, there’s another thing to consider. The comics industry, for all of its maturing and stabilization, still remembers the scare of censors and the like. Does Disney really want to deal with the backlash from the religious right when they finally notice that this leading hero cut a deal with the devil to destroy the sanctity of his marriage? Personally, I’m amazed that James Dobson, who’s always looking for a new thing to beat up Disney over, hasn’t already gone after this one.

But the lingering resentment is still there from fans, who look at that and say that it came out of left field, that it ruined the character of Peter Parker, because of the way this change was made.

Luckily, there is a solution to all of this.


Superman Can Come to Your Home Town

Superman Can Come to Your Home Town

As reported this morning in USA Today, DC Comics is hosting a contest tied to the arrival of J. Michael Straczynski as the Man of Steel’s new writer. As Superman walks from coast to coast in his quest to understand America, readers can lobby for the hero to pay their hometown a visit.

This is a stunt reminiscent of a long-running feature in Captain Marvel’s 1940s adventures as he paid visits to towns with prominent newsstand wholesalers, attempting to boost circulation around the country.

Here’s the formal announcement:

New York, June 23, 2010– Starting in July 2010, coinciding with the 700th issue of Superman, DC Comics will be celebrating this remarkable anniversary of America’s greatest hero with a historic journey…not to alien worlds or distant galaxies, but through the streets, roads, highways, homes, farms, suburbs, and inner cities of America. And America itself, in the person of those very real places, is invited to the party.
Beginning with the city of Philadelphia, Superman will walk across America, a journey that is expected to take most of a year. He will pass through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington. Along the way, Superman will be passing through real towns, real cities, real neighborhoods. And your town, your city, your neighborhood may be among those chosen for his historic journey. Superman will literally pass through your town as visualized in the pages of his book. If your town is within 50 miles of the line marking Superman’s journey, then you are eligible to participate.
If your town is chosen, then it will become part of an issue of the Superman comic. For over fifty years, Superman has been America’s greatest hero, and now he is returning to those roots. The series of issues will examine how Superman sees America, and how America sees Superman. And for those towns selected, it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of his historic journey.


DC Comics Goes Digital; Apps Announced for iPad, iPhone, and PlayStation

DC Comics Goes Digital; Apps Announced for iPad, iPhone, and PlayStation

It’s official. The last big holdout has made it to Apple products.

DC Comics is partnering with comiXology and PlayStation®Network for two separate digital comics distribution deals launching today. In addition, a DC Comics App for the iPhone®, iPad® and iPod® Touch is available allowing consumers an easy way to access DC Comics’ content.

Most interestingly, DC’s
partnership with comiXology also includes a first-of-its-kind Retailer
Affiliate Program, which will collect a portion of digital revenues to
be invested back to and on behalf of comic book retailers in a variety
of initiatives.

“At DC Comics, it has been a top priority that DC forges a meaningful, forward-looking digital strategy,” said Jim Lee, Co-Publisher, DC Comics. “As both a comic book creator and Co-Publisher, it was incredibly important that our plan includes not only creator incentive payments, but also an innovative component that supports comic shop owners. We see digital as an opportunity to grow our entire business.”

Both the comiXology and the PlayStation Network Digital Comics launch offerings will include classic titles from DC Comics, Vertigo and WildStorm, such as Batman: Hush, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Fables: Legends in Exiles and Planetary: All Over the World and Other Stories. Both programs will share a tiered pricing format, with digital comics priced from $.99 to $2.99 per issue. The Justice League: Generation Lost mini-series will be available through both platforms day and date with each issue’s print edition on-sale date, with both the digital and print editions priced at $2.99. Several comics will be available for free at launch, including the first installment of the ZUDA series Bayou and select stories from Batman: Black & White, and one issue of Neil Gaiman’s critically acclaimed
will be available digitally exclusively through comiXology each
To further promote today’s announcement, DC Comics is offering a free 10-page preview of the 700th issue of Superman available through both platforms, day and date with the issue going on sale in comic book stores. The 10 page story is a prelude to writer J. Michael Straczynski and artist Eddy Barrows’ highly anticipated “Grounded” storyline that will be published in Superman which will examine how Superman sees America, and how America sees Superman.

Green Hornet Busts His Larvae

Trailers and photos are beginning to leak out from the most disparaged unreleased movie of the year.

We’re finally seeing something from Seth Rogen’s Green Hornet movie, set for release next January. Already, that’s a bad sign – usually, big deal action flicks are released in summer or around Christmas, and Green Hornet was moved back from this summer into an all-but-invisible slot.

The stuff that’s been released is, of course, the really cool stuff. There’s nothing that says this is all the cool stuff the movie has to offer, but we always have that sneaking suspicion. Seth doesn’t look too bad– sort of plumpish Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne. And Jay Chou looks like he
can handle the martial arts. It other words, there was nothing to chase me
away, like in the Spirit and Jonah Hex trailers. And there’s at least one thing that’s really cool-looking.

That would be the car, Black Beauty, after which they named the powerful amphetamine. It looks great. It damn well should; it might be carrying the movie. But… can it act?

I’ll probably see The Green Hornet for at least three reasons. The villain is being played by Christoph Waltz, of Inglourious Basterds fame, and he stole that movie, dropped it on me, and performed a lap dance. Edward James Olmos is playing hard-edged reporter Mike Axelrod, the man out to
expose the Green Hornet to impress his publisher, who also happens to be the Green Hornet. And long-time comics artist Arne Starr is in the movie, in a bit part but still, it’s always cool to see friends in the movies.

But I am most certainly not sold on The Green Hornet. At least, not yet.