The latest on the Scans_Daily shutdown

Glenn Hauman

Glenn is VP of Production at ComicMix. He has written Star Trek and X-Men stories and worked for DC Comics, Simon & Schuster, Random House, arrogant/MGMS and Apple Comics. He's also what happens when a Young Turk of publishing gets old.

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6 Responses

  1. Vinnie Bartilucci says:

    In classic Streisand Syndrome form, this event will alert more people to the existence of such scan and download sites than anything that they cold possibly have done.

    Contrariwise, it also makes it harder for the publishers to claim they didn’t know it existed, and sort of makes it incumbent upon them to make further complaints.

    • Glenn Hauman says:

      In classic Streisand Syndrome form, this event will alert more people to the existence of such scan and download sites than anything that they cold possibly have done.

      For good measure, Marvel could have to pulp every copy before it hit the stands, and someone from Europe would post the full issue.

  2. Johanna Draper Carls says:

    I think you've tried to merge me with the Boom comic writer, Glenn.