Monthly Archive: February 2008

Scaring Up ‘Halloween: Nightdance’

Scaring Up ‘Halloween: Nightdance’

Ah, as Valentine’s Day nears, it’s time to turn your thoughts to… Halloween?

Comic Book Resources has an interesting interview with Stefan Hutchinson, the writer of Halloween: Nightdance, a four-issue miniseries hitting shelves in February from Devil’s Due Publishing. The topics of discussion include, of course, "Why February?"

What’s really interesting about the interview, however, is what Hutchinson has to say about the "Halloween" film franchise and when he believes it lost its edge.

As Hutchinson explains it:

The first half of [the first "Halloween" film] is all in daylight, with very ‘normal’ characters, and it’s really, really creepy. You can’t really get that when you have Busta Rhymes performing Kung-Fu moves on a villain that worked principally due to his uncertain and ethereal eerieness. It’s the same sense of disappointment that comes from finding out the Wonderful Wizard of Oz is just an old man.

Even if you aren’t the sort to buy into the Halloween comics, you’ll be certain of one thing after you read the interview: Hutchinson knows his "Halloween" history.

The Worst TV Show Ever – Part 2, by Michael Davis

The Worst TV Show Ever – Part 2, by Michael Davis

Last week I decided to write the worst TV show pitch in history since that is all that seems to get on the air these days. My show is called I’m An Asshole If I Watch This Show.

It’s Fantasy Island meets Bambi meets Lord Of The Rings meets Don’t Forget The Lyrics meets any reality show meets Leave It To Beaver meets Cheers!
Last week I introduced you to the regulars of a karaoke bar called Ass Funk. A young Asian lady named Denise Lee had come into the bar to drown her sorrows because her daddy had presented her with what he said was proof that the man Denise was going to marry was a Hobbit. Her fiancé Bilbo Baggins assured her he was not a Hobbit and that her father was just afraid of losing her.
When last we left Denise she had fallen off the Karaoke bar stage and been pimp slapped… 
Hey…wait a sec.
You see that link in my first paragraph? Well click on it and you’ll get last week’s column. Why the heck am I rewriting all this? On my horrible show there would be no damn recap. So here’s the rest of what a typical story line would be on my show…
Bilbo Baggins is staring at his ring while he tells Denise to go ahead and have him checked out. That way she will have an answer her father can never question. Denise resists this but Bilbo insists, saying “I have nothing to hide. I’m not a Hobbit. There are a lot of three feet tall people who don’t wear shoes and have the ring that rules all rings out there. Your father has raised the question, it must be answered beyond any doubt.” Denise sees the logic in this and decides to take the envelope her father gave her to the police department so she can get the proof she needs. Before she leaves she turns and asks Bilbo where he’s from. “I’m from the Shire.” He says without thinking. “Where’s that?” Denise asks. “It’s eh…in the hood near South Central.” He blurts out.


‘Lost’ Season 4 Premiere: Spoilers, Easter Eggs And Reviews

‘Lost’ Season 4 Premiere: Spoilers, Easter Eggs And Reviews

The wait is over, and so is the Season 4 Premiere of "Lost." If you’re anything like me, the first thing you did after the end credits rolled was to hop on the InterWebs and check out the chatter about tonight’s episode.

Here’s a quick roundup of some interesting pre- and post-episode buzz:

It’s nowhere near a necessity for "Lost" fans to play this game, but it made the time between the end of Season 3 and the start of Season 4 go by quickly for those who played it. Now that Season 4 is in full swing, you can jump right to the end of Chapter 5 and fill in the pieces between a few dangling plot points in the "Lost" mythos. My Advice? Navigate back through the updates on and see how it played out.

  • LostPedia’s Episode 4 Spoiler Section has a decent rundown of the episode’s flash-forward segments, as well as a mention of the new character introduced at the very end of the episode, whose name appears to have changed.
  • Last, but certainly not least, keep checking back on LostEasterEggs for all sorts of screencaps and hints about some of the things you might be wondering about in the Season 4 Premiere. At the time of this post, they have a great series of screencaps from the scene around Jacob’s cabin. Whose eye appeared in the cabin? What was on the painting?