Monthly Archive: February 2008

Paramount Drops HD-DVD

Paramount Drops HD-DVD

Well, that didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I figured it might be at least a few days before Paramount made the decidion to drop HD-DVD. But I guess they hated being last to the party with a date nobody wanted.

So today, according to the Hollywood Reporter, Paramount also dumped HD-DVD and will now be releasing content exclusively on Blu-Ray.

According to the Paramount press release quoted in the article:

 "We are pleased that the industry is moving to a single high-definition format, as we believe it is in the best interest of the consumer. As we look to (begin) releasing our titles on Blu-ray, we will monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly."

Again, no mention about content currently in the pipeline that’s already HD-DVD. Maybe they’ll go back and redo all of them and then release on Blu-Ray? That would seem unlikely and pretty costly. But with the odd things Hollywood studios sometimes do, I guess anything is possible.

I’m Mad As Hell, by Michael Davis

I’m Mad As Hell, by Michael Davis

I like to laugh. I see humor in most everything. Most people meet me and assume because of my wicked sense of humor I must have lived a charmed life. 
As I have mentioned before, two members of my immediate family were taken by violence and that does not leave you a lot to laugh about. My family was really poor and I survived more than one brush with death growing up where I did. Not the kind of life story that makes for a giggle fest.
The reason for my mostly cheerful outlook on life is my mom. If you think I’m funny (and you certainly won’t after this article), if you have read any of my other stuff and thought I was funny, then you should meet my mother. She is freakin hilarious. My mom had a lot more to deal with than me and she dealt with it with good humor and was confident that she would not just survive but flourish, and she did.
As stated above I like to laugh and do find humor in most every thing except violence and cruelty. 
I am not a behaviorist, anthropologist or psychiatrist. I do not claim to understand the effects of environment, religion, tribal history, poverty or anything else that that affects human behavior.  I know that there are reasons why people do things. I know that there are sometimes societal reasons why people hurt other people. 
You know what? I don’t care anymore.
I hear a lot of reasons on the nightly news explaining why some people commit horrible brutal deeds against other people.   


ComicMix at Toy Fair: Coverage Round-Up and Extra Photos

ComicMix at Toy Fair: Coverage Round-Up and Extra Photos

Well, Toy Fair is officially over, folks. All that’s left is to sweep up the wayward Legos, find a place for all of the free promotional swag, and calmly reflect on the passing of yet another convention.

Oh, and there’s always the "Clip Reel" — or, as we call it in the InterWebs News, the "Round-Up" article. So, just in case you missed any of our Toy Fair 2008 coverage, here are some of the announcements, audio, video and photos from Toy Fair ’08 we collected thus far.

We still have some audio and video wrap-up coverage, including today’s edition of ComicMix Radio, so keep an eye on the site over the rest of the week. As a special "bonus feature" of sorts, I’ve included a few photos after the round-up below of some sights, scenes, and, of course, toys that  were favorites of the ComicMix crew but didn’t quite fit into the rest of our coverage.



Happy Birthday, Alan Rickman and C-3PO

Happy Birthday, Alan Rickman and C-3PO

British actors Anthony Kingsley Daniels and Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman were both born today in 1946.

Daniels is famous for creating the memorable Star Wars ‘droid, C-3PO, and although Rickman is an accomplished thespian, his recent portrayal of Snape in the Harry Potter films earned him an entirely new generation of fans.

One interesting note about Daniels: He was the only Star Wars cast member to voice his character in all three National Public Radio dramatizations of the trilogy.


Mattel Debuts New ‘Justice League Unlimited’ Figures

Mattel Debuts New ‘Justice League Unlimited’ Figures

Mattel announced a new line of "Justice League Unlimited" figures today and provided images of several figures from the line.

The first wave of the new "Collector’s Line" will be unveiled at New York Comic-Con in April, while the second wave will be announced at San Diego’s Comic-Con International in July.

According to Mattel:

16 brand new figures along with collector requested repaints and reissues will be available in singles, 3-packs and 6 packs. Figures will be out in two waves. Each wave will consist of two 6-packs, two 3 packs and five single carded figures, some with brand new accessories. This line will be sold exclusively at Target stores starting Aug 1, 2008. At this time the line will be an in store exclusive only.

The company has released preliminary images of the first 6-pack set from Wave 1, "Attack from Apokolips", featuring Superman, Darkseid, Mr. Miracle, Lashina, Mantis and Forager.

Large images of each figure are posted after the jump.



New ‘Iron Man’ Photos Pop Up

New ‘Iron Man’ Photos Pop Up

I’m still amazed sometimes at the power of the Internet. If it wasn’t for this great invention that I use every day, how could I now bring you more, brand new, Iron Man photos that, thanks to tipster Rene over at SuperHeroHype, we know have just surfaced.  

These new pics look like either production stills or screen-captures from the film itself and depict verious scenes such as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts in a somewhat intimate moment, Stark being led by his captors in the desert carrying a mysterious box and Stark working his magic with two scantily-clad young ladies.

You can find the new pics here, here, here, here, and here. Enjoy!

Live-Action ‘Akira’ On the Way from Leo DiCaprio

Live-Action ‘Akira’ On the Way from Leo DiCaprio

Yesterday, the Hollywood Reporter dropped the news that Warner Brothers has snapped up the rights to make a two-part, live-action version of the Japanese Anime classic Akira. Not only that, but producing the film will be superstar Leonaro DiCaprio. In addition, first-time feature helmer Ruairi Robinson will be taking on the directing duties and Gary Whitta is writing the screenplay.

But wait, there’s more.

Today, it was confirmed by Aint it Cool News that DiCaprio will, in addition to producing, star in the live-action film as the lead character Kaneda. Also confirmed is that Joseph Gordon-Levitt, soon to be seen in the upcoming live-action G.I. Joe, will join him in the cast as Tetsuo. 

In case you’re not familiar with Akira, it originally came out in 1988 as a manga and then as an animated film co-written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. The story, set in a futuristic post-nuclear war "New Tokyo" in the year 2019, concerns a teen biker gang member called Tetsuo who is subjected to government experiments which unleash his hidden and terrifying powers. Kaneda, the gang’s leader and Tetsuo’s best friend, must then find a way to stop the ensuing destruction caused by his friend, even if it means killing him.
I first saw the film in the early ’90s and was blown away. At the time it was like no other animation I had ever seen and I’ve always secretly harbored a desire to see it as a big-budget, live-action feature. I guess I’ll get my wish. Hopefully, that will be a good thing.
Warner Brothers is looking at a Summer 2009 release for the first film.



ComicMix Radio: World Of Warcraft Wave Two Revealed

ComicMix Radio: World Of Warcraft Wave Two Revealed

There’s more from Toy Fair 2008 as we jump into the newest Star Trek & Seinfeld DVD games and a talk with DC Direct on the next phase for the World Of Warcraft Action Figures — they are going to stun you, plus:

— DC plugs the holes between Final Crisis and Countdown

— Millar and Hitch score a sellout on Fantastic Four

Dora The Explorer hits live-action, prime-time TV

— Another brand new trivia question and a chance to grab an exclusive Graham Crackers Comics variant by e-mailing us (podcast [at]

—  And finally, a new winner of our ComicMix Radio contest

So drop-kick an Orc and Press The Button!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


Simone & Ajax: Head Juice!

Simone & Ajax: Head Juice!

 In today’s full-color, brand new episode of Simone & Ajax, our heroes try to protect the jungle village from monstrous dinosaurs.  

Will they fight?  Will they run?  Will they find allies in the giant Tiki heads?  

Andrew Pepoy is your party planner, and Jason Millet chooses the theme colors.


Lynn Johnston Ending ‘For Better Or For Worse’, Starting Over

Lynn Johnston Ending ‘For Better Or For Worse’, Starting Over

After 29 years of For Better or For Worse, Lynn Johnston is ending her long-running newspaper comic strip… and then she’s starting it over again.

Say what?

In the same week that Nicholas Gurewitch announced that he’ll be moving Perry Bible Fellowship into semi-retirement, Johnston recently announced that she’ll be doing the same — albeit with a different definition of "semi-retirement" — to her long-running series.

According to, Johnston plans to tie up the series’ current plot threads by September, then relaunch it from the beginning, running strips from the start of series and "augmenting" them for present-day presentation. She also plans to redraw strips for which the original art is missing.

The semi-retirement has been long in the making, as Johnston has been peppering the series with "flashback" strips since September 2007 in preparation for her retirement. This move to the "hybrid" strips has caused some confusion among regular readers, and has led to at least one newspaper announcing that it will drop the series once the current run is completed and before the relaunch kicks off.

As of now, readers are seeing present-day strips on some days, and old strips — some from as far back as 28 years ago — on other days. Some readers have expressed confusion because they don’t realize some of the strips are old. They think someone else is drawing it on the days when old strips appear, because Johnston’s earlier drawing style is significantly different from her current one.

According to Johnston, returning to the early years of Better or For Worse creates a new set of challenges for her as an artist:

"The work that I’m doing now is very structured," she says. "The characters are much more realistic. I draw every brick on a building. The way I used to draw was much more fluid and easygoing and big expressions and lots of slapstick. … I would like to go back to that, and I think I can."