Monthly Archive: February 2008

The Adventures of Simone & Ajax – Now in Color!

The Adventures of Simone & Ajax – Now in Color!


Did Saturday seem a little bit drab without your weekly dose of The Adventures of Simone & Ajax?  A little less funny?  This Thursday, we make it up to you with brand-new stories, in full color. 

Written and drawn by Andrew Pepoy, the new story was colored by Jason Millet.  Since graduating from the American Academy of Art in Chicago in the early 1990s Jason Millet has worked as an illustrator in advertising, publishing, games, toys and, of course, comics. His clients include DC Comics, Devil’s Due Publishing, Dark Horse, Penny Farthing Press, Scholastic Books, Wizards of the Coast, Disney and Choose Your Own Adventures.

We had a chance to ask Andrew some questions about his new stories.

COMICMIX:  Tell me about your first color story!

ANDREW PEPOY: "Simone, Queen of the Jungle" is a tribute to the old Sheena/Cave Girl/Jungle Girl comics, and picks up where we left off at the end of "Moon Madness," with the rocket ship crashing towards Earth. Fortunately Simone and Ajax leap out with jet packs over a strange prehistoric land in the middle of Antarctica. Simone lands on Jayn of the Jungle, knocking Jayn out as she’s trying to unite the native tribes so they can defeat the unleashed Tiki Monsters. So Simone has to take her place, dressing up as a jungle girl and doing what she and Ajax can to stop the monsters and Ajax’s much larger dino relatives.

CMIX: Does color make it better?

AP: In this case, I think it does. I’m actually a fan of well-done, black-and-white comics, so I don’t always think color is needed, and I sure did have fun doing the earlier stories on duo-shade board to get all those Roy Crane-ish effects, but in my mind Ajax has always been very green, Simone always very colorful, in more ways than one. And I think my colorist has really gotten the look I always pictured, though I can give him pretty detailed notes on what I want.

These days the colors I’m thinking of most for S&A is the work on the more recent Franka graphic novels by Henk Kuijpers. His palette is so bright and lively without being gaudy, and it’s mostly flat with only a little modeling to the color. I’m asking Jason to do a bit more on the modeling, but he’s really keeping the spirit of what I’m looking for, so I’m very happy with it. I really do think the bright color will add a bit more sense of fun to the stories.


‘Manga Bible’ Makes Jesus a Superhero

‘Manga Bible’ Makes Jesus a Superhero

Turning water into wine: superpower or blessed miracle?

The recently released Manga Bible presents it as a little bit of both, apparently. Illustrated by British-born Nigerian illustrator Ajibayo Akinsiku (a.k.a. Siku) and written by Akin Akinsiku, the 200-page book claims to be the "first ever Manga adaptation of the world’s bestselling book."

According to a report in The Plain Dealer, the book doesn’t shy away from applying modern-day vernacular to Old and New Testament tales:

In one panel, for example, the prodigal son leaves his father with the words, "See ya! Don’t wait up." In the next panel, he’s surrounded by women and booze.

Much of the book is dedicated to the Old Testament, of course – a discrepancy Siku claimed was as much due to the more colorful storytelling of the Old Testament as it was to the difficulty of navigating the conflicting gospels of the New Testament.


Bill Hader Interviews Ed Brubaker on ‘Criminal’

Bill Hader Interviews Ed Brubaker on ‘Criminal’

Over at MySpace TV, comedian Bill Hader interviews Ed Brubaker on his critically praised series Criminal.

The photo-driven interview is funny at first, then slides into nigh-hilarious, then back into pretty darn funny… and it’s chock full of name-dropping fun!

Best line?

Brubaker: "You DO know those are two different series, right?"

Ahh, welcome to the world of celebrity interviews, Bill. I sympathize.


The Science of Superheroes

The Science of Superheroes

In what’s become familiar but always interesting subject matter, examines "The Science of Superheroes" by calling in a "Hollywood physicist" to analyze the science behind superhero (and supervillain) antics.

The article takes eight popular characters from the world of comics and evaluates what it would really take for them to do all of the super-powered stuff they do. How could Superman fly? What happens when Bruce Banner’s body suddenly grows and he becomes The Hulk?

And my personal favorite: How does Storm control the weather?

If her stomach has mutated into some type of nuclear-fusion reactor, however—or better yet, a matter/anti-matter reactor—she could do it. Applying relativity (E = mc2), a single gram of mass converted completely into energy would yield 90 trillion joules. That’s 18 million lightning bolts!

Umm… yuck. Note to self: NEVER invite Storm out for Indian food.


Flickr Green Lantern Art: ‘Power.Less’

Flickr Green Lantern Art: ‘Power.Less’

A friend directed me to this great piece of Green Lantern art created by Derek Chatwood and located in a public album on Flickr.

It’s titled "power.less" and the story that goes along with the art is price.less (click through to the image homepage  on Flickr for the full text):

Ego. Hal Jordan was walking ego. His excuse was that he had to be. The Green Lantern was powered by will. No will, no power.

For some reason, that day, Batman wasn’t having it. He called Hal out, and told him he shouldn’t underestimate the abilities of his team-mates. Hal laughed. C’mon Bruce, you know how this works. Whatever I can think of, whatever I put my will to, the ring can make happen. I can move a planet if I want to. I can do anything.

Hal, Batman said, as he rose from his chair. In some ways, you’re the weakest member in the League. …

(Artist: Derek Chatwood, All Rights Reserved; Hat-Tip to "Friends of Fipilele" for the link.)

ComicMix Radio: Wolverine’s Got A New Boyfriend?

ComicMix Radio: Wolverine’s Got A New Boyfriend?

On this Super Tuesday, you get the history making opportunity to vote twice, one of those times with your wallet at the counter of your local comics store.  As promised, ComicMix Radio does our part by running down the latest comics and DVD releases.
Plus , we’ve got…
• Brian K. Vaughan from Y to Wolverine
• Zuda Comics picks their first winner in 2008
• See those SuperBowl ads again -– and again
• The Schifrins get Spooked
And the picture here is just that: a picture, so no hidden messages here. If you’re in one of the Super Tuesday states, it’s just an enticement to get out and vote. So close the curtain and Press The Button!

 Or subscribe to our podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

2008 WCCA Nominees Announced

2008 WCCA Nominees Announced

The nominees for the 2008 Web Cartoonists Choice Awards are out, providing a peek at who webcomic creators name as their favorite comics, creators and a variety of other categories.

Among some of the nominees:


Achewood by Chris Onstaad

Girl Genius by Phil and Kaja Foglio

Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell

Perry Bible Fellowship by Nicholas Gurewitch

The Phoenix Requiem by Sarah Ellerton


Bear and Kitten by Andy and Angie

Octopus Pie by Meredith Gran

Pictures for Sad Children by John Campbell

The Dreamer by Lora Innes

The Phoenix Requiem by Sarah Ellerton

The WCCA website has a full list of 2008 WCCA categories and nominees along with links to each of the comics. Winners will be announced during MegaCon in Orlando on March 8, 2008.

MAD Magazine to Publish Pulitzer Prize Cartoonists

MAD Magazine to Publish Pulitzer Prize Cartoonists

Readers of MAD Magazine who pick up the March issue (hitting shelves Feb. 19), might want to take special note of a certain two-page spread they’ll find inside. The special feature will showcase the work of 10 Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonists.

Ths spread, titled "Why George W. Bush is in Favor of Global Warming," will feature contributions from Clay Bennett (Chattanooga Times Free Press), Steve Breen (San Diego Union-Tribune), Matt Davies (Journal News), Jack Higgins (Chicago Sun-Times), Dick Locher (Chicago Tribune), Jim Morin (Miami Herald), Mike Peters (Dayton Daily News), Joel Pett (Lexington Herald-Leader), Michael Ramirez (Investor’s Business Daily) and Ben Sargent (Austin American-Statesman).

The New York Times has samples of the MAD Magazine Pulitzer winners’ art.

According to MAD editor John Ficarra, “the whole thing is a thinly veiled ploy on our part to win a Pulitzer. Next month, we’re going to get a number of Nobel Prize winners in.”


‘The Wind in the Willows’ Review

‘The Wind in the Willows’ Review

Classic Illustrated Deluxe # 1: The Wind in the Willows
Novel by Kenneth Grahame; adapted by Michel Plessix
Papercutz, 2007, $13.95 (paperback) / $17.95 (hardcover)

I’ve wasted a lot of time not writing the review for this book, mostly because I suspected it would be one of the shortest in my career. (And both you and my ComicMix overlords deserve better than a super-short review.)

The problem is that there really isn’t much to say about Michel Plessix’s adaptation of The Wind in the Willows: it’s lovely and sweet, one of the best adaptations of a novel into the comics form that I’ve ever seen. When a book does everything right, it can be hard to talk about it, and I can’t see anything that Plessix does wrong here.

Plessix’s linework is careful and assured, capturing complex scenes with ease and giving life and emotion to a wide variety of anthropomorphic animal characters. Even more than that, he’s mastered the tricky art of those animals: they’re human enough to have gestures and body language, but animal enough to be believable as talking frogs, badgers, rats, and so on. And then he draws humans in the mix as well, and makes the combination not just work for the space of a few pages, but feel natural and obvious.

On top of all that is a carefully-chosen palette of mostly light, pastel colors, trying it all together with the perfect touch. The art of The Wind in the Willows is simply exquisite, but you need to look at it closely; it doesn’t demand attention but instead serves and advances the story.


On This Day: Red Nose Day!

On This Day: Red Nose Day!

Today in 1988, The United Kingdom celebrated its very first "Red Nose Day," a sort of semi-holiday in which everyone dons a red nose during the all-day charity telethon run by Comic Relief.

The event was so effective on its first go-round that Comic Relief was able to raise about £15 million (back then, that looked a lot bigger when it was turned into $), all going to charity. The event continues to be held every year, and even those in military and school uniforms are allowed to break their dress codes with the clown apparatus.

Oh, how very cheeky!