Marketing Comics to the In-Crowd

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

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2 Responses

  1. Rick Taylor says:

    The way Hy Eisman has told it, the Bunny comic evolved as a failed attempt to put the Barbie clone Tressy (the doll with the hair that grows) into a comic.The toy company pulled out and Harvey renamed the book Bunny.

    • Marilee J. Layman says:

      But :::gasp::: girls don't read comics!I don't read a lot of them, but I have plenty of female friends who read the traditional type of comics. One of them, who is half my age, has a press pass for ComicCon.