The Swamp Thing’s Saga Continues With New DVD

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

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4 Responses

  1. Sal Loria says:

    For those of you who have seen an episode or two, how was this series?

    • Marilee J. Layman says:

      I liked it. There was interesting interaction between Swamp Thing and other characters and there was usually a moral that didn't get slammed into your face.

      • Sal Loria says:

        So, essentially, you're describing Bill Bixby's 'Incredible Hulk' television series from back in the day. Interesting. I think I might give this a shot.

  2. Rick Marshall says:

    Personally, I've always been partial to Marvel's swamp monster, Man-Thing, but I remember this series as being "not exactly horrible."