The Mix : What are people talking about today?

Bionic Woman Returns

Bionic Woman Returns

NBC has picked up David Eick’s remake of The Bionic Woman for the 2007 -2008 season.

Eick was best known for his work as executive producer of the remake of Battlestar Galactica, running on NBC’s Sci-Fi Network. Now he’s best known as teevee’s go-to guy for science ficiton teevee revivals.

The revisioned series stars British actress Michelle Ryan as Jaime Sommers. Eick has said that they only used the title of the series as their starting point and that the show will go in its own direction. So we know Ryan will have a chip on her shoulder – as well as everyplace else – and, well, that she’s a woman.

Galactica‘s Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) co-stars in the pilot as the mandatory evil bionic woman. Whereas she worked on this during her brief time-off from Galactica, since Eick wrote the pilot we shouldn’t be astonished if we see her come back – certainly, after Galactica wraps its next and final season.

No word on any reappearance of The Six Million Dollar Man. Today, six mill wouldn’t buy you a used Dalek.


MICHAEL DAVIS: What about me? What about my needs?

MICHAEL DAVIS: What about me? What about my needs?

I have no idea what this piece will be about. I really don’t. I’m sitting in a Chicago airport waiting to get a plane back to L.A. and my mind is a complete blank. I sent my last Straight No Chaser in last night (Wednesday) and I am determined to get a jump on my next one. The problem is I usually wait until something bugs me or interests me before I start my weekly rant. I would call this another random thought article but I have no thoughts random or otherwise.

Let’s see, lets see. Well I got another angry email. This one was about what I said about how my dogs are pets and not a member of my family. People are really passionate about their dogs, eh?


There is a TV show called Me or the Dog. I think it’s on Animal Planet. This show is about how dogs run the lives of people. There was a woman on one of these shows who actually said she preferred her dogs to her husband and son. She said if given a choice between her family and the dogs she would put the family out of the home before the dogs. I think she thinks she’s a dog. Well if she thinks she’s a dog then I will address this in a way she would understand.

That bitch is crazy.

Ah, I have found my rant for this week… ranting!! One of my absolute favorite TV shows is Cheaters. I love that show! Every week the show exposes someone who is cheating on his or her partner. Here’s what I don’t understand: when you find out your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, sheep etc. is cheating on you, why are you mad at the person they were cheating with? Shouldn’t you be mad at the person who cheated on you? Being mad at the other party is like being mad at the mailman for bringing you your phone bill.

Well, mark my words someday Joey (the host) is going to put that camera in the wrong person’s face and BLAM! Can you imagine what will happen if they run up against that guy or girl?

Fade in: The Cheaters crew prepares to jump out of their band. Joey turns to the client, Lewannabe.

Joey: Would you like a chance to confront Ray Ray?

Lewannabe: No, you go ahead Joey. I’m not crazy.

Joey jumps out of the van with his crew and confronts Ray Ray.

Joey: Ray Ray, I’m Joey Greco from Cheaters. Do you want to explain why you are cheating on your wife Lewannabe?

Ray Ray: I’m not.

Joey; We have you on tape.

Ray Ray: That’s not me.

Joey: Really, well let’s just look at the tape.

Ray Ray on tape: I like cheating on my wife, my name is Ray Ray.

Joey: Still say that’s not you?

Ray Ray: That’s not me; it’s my twin brother.

Ray Ray on tape: If Cheaters ever shows up I will say it’s my twin brother and not me.

Ray Ray has produced a handgun and is pointing it at Joey’s face.

Joey: You know that does not look like you at all Ray Ray. What were we thinking?

Joey: (Yelling) Lewannabe! Why did you waste our time??


More bad Spider-Man merchandise

More bad Spider-Man merchandise

We haven’t picked on Spidey licensing in what, days? Clearly we’re overdue, and stringer Lisa Sullivan pointed us to this find:

Note the prominent, ah, selling points. Follow the original link to see bigger pictures or to get the contact information for Sideshow Collectibles.

Silver Surfing lessons’

Silver Surfing lessons’

Let’s face it, until he hears that there’s going to be a sequel to the sequel, there just isn’t going to be much call for a silver guy in movies unless they make another Terminator film or they decide to start handing out runner-up awards at the Oscars.

So if you’re stranded on Earth, how else are you going to raise some cash?

Radd, dude. Totally Radd.

Lucas: Spidey silly, more Star Wars not

Lucas: Spidey silly, more Star Wars not

Okay, let me get this straight — the Spider-Man movies are silly, but Jar-Jar Binks is a nifty idea?

Ohh-kay.  Glad we cleared that one up.

George Lucas tells Fox News‘ Roger Friedman, regarding Spidey, "It’s a silly movie. There just isn’t much there. Once you take it all apart, there’s not much story, is there? People thought Star Wars was silly, too. But it wasn’t." 

Oh, and he’s making two more live-action Star Wars films for TV, which he tells Friedman should be about an hour each, "but they won’t have members of the Skywalker family as characters. They will be other people of that milieu." 

Are Tag and Bink too much to hope for, or are they just too silly?

Today’s odd photos

Today’s odd photos

When every little bit of hope is gone, sad songs and photos say so much.

This is being advertised on lots of UK sites at the moment, and reportedly being used not only by people gearing up for the convention in Bristol but by Labour Party sources looking for a replacement for Tony Blair. And speaking of politics:

Don’t ask, do tell. From Feminists for Colbert.

Lastly, anyone following the lolcat phenomenon (more about that here ) doesn’t need to be told what this is.  I cannot believe there’s a whole subset of sites out there dedicated to Dr. Who lolcats. This one’s from the Blog of Boe. And as many of you doubtless know, there’s also a truncated and much-beloved Star Trek episode done in lolcat-speak. Could I make this stuff up? Not before my morning tea.

Betty and Veronica get real!

Betty and Veronica get real!

The middle-of-the-week Big ComicMix Broadcast is up and cooking with a look at the reality make over for Betty & Veronica (Archie‘s publisher speaks!), more variants from Marvel, the latest Late List of comics, and Supergirl clothes take off. Comics fans weigh in on Spider-Man 3 and we trip back to a time when the guy in the Oval Office was seconds away from being caught with his hand on the cassette deck!

You have a choice: you can Press The Button or Tobey Maguire will come to your house and dance!

The Rock comes to Shazam?

The Rock comes to Shazam?

Director Peter Segal is in discussions with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson about playing the lead – the original Captain Marvel (a.k.a. The Big Red Cheese) in the forthcoming Shazam! movie.

The Rock, the WWE wrestling star who has impressed many critics and movie-goers in such films as The Scorpion King, The Mummy Returns and Gridiron Gang (even if some of those movies themselves did not), is awaiting John August’s screenplay before he makes a final decision.

Johnson told Marvel’s famous red-and-yellow costume might be updated, although "Pete also understands the importance of getting that right; he’s a big comic-book fan."

Until then, Rock fans (well, "The Rock" fans) can await his performance as Agent 23 in the upcoming Get Smart movie.

August’s screenwriting credits include Corpse Bride, Charlies and the Chocolate Factory, and Titan A.E.

Tim Roth in Incredible Hulk 2

Tim Roth, who played favorite characters in Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Planet of the Apes, has been cast as The Abomination in the upcoming Incredible Hulk movie, according to Variety.

Roth will star opposite Edward Norton and Liv Tyler, as Bruce Banner and Betty Ross respectively.  The movie is scheduled to be released next summer, on June 13. 

Abomination is the alter ego of Emil Blonsky, a Russian spy who Hulks out. If you want to see Tim Roth before June, he stars in Youth Without Youth this fall, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. 

(Artwork copyright Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Your all-in-one convention report

Your all-in-one convention report

He’s been Gaiman’ed, Beat’en, and now he’s ComicMix‘ed. Your must-read for today is Lee "Budgie" Barnett’s pre-Bristol all-purpose con report boilerplate. Like MadLibs for those of us more exhausted than mad. Hope Budgie gets his energy up in time to co-host his popular annual Hypotheticals panel!

By the way, the Bristol International Comic Expo, being held this coming weekend, is a wonderful socializing convention, particularly in the hotel pub, and it’s a short and inexpensive bus ride from the train station to the shopping plaza — but be forewarned, bring sunscreen, that caught us unawares last year…