Tagged: Spider-Man

‘Secret Invasion’ So Far: The Tie-Ins

‘Secret Invasion’ So Far: The Tie-Ins

If you read Part 1 of my report on "Secret Invasion so far", you know I have found a lot of faults with the main series of this Marvel crossover and the tie-ins written by Brian Michael Bendis.

Now, any major crossover these days has tie-ins with other titles. It’s a good marketing idea because it gets readers to check out characters and books they may not have already been reading. And it helps give the story an epic feel when you can show how its effects are felt in various other parts of the Marvel Universe and how other folks are forced to get dragged into it.

A lot of times, these tie-ins are unnecessary and fairly forgettable unless you were already a fan of those books. Imagine my surprise when I found that a lot of these tie-ins were actually enjoyable and greatly enhanced the crossover for me. Frankly, I think some of these tie-ins could have replaced a few issues of the main series.

Let’s go into a bit more detail, shall we?


‘Spider-Woman’ DVD Only in Canada

‘Spider-Woman’ DVD Only in Canada

Spider-Woman is suddenyl a hot chatracter again after her major role in Secret Invasion. Now for the video completist out there, be aware that Morningstar Entertainment will release Spider-Woman – Spider-Woman vs. The Fly on October 14.  According to TV Shows on DVD, the disc will contain the monumental battle from the 1980s along with two bonus episodes from the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon: "The Slippery Dr. Von Schlick" and "The Spider and the Fly".  At present this is only scheduled to be released in Canada and can be purchased through Amazon.ca.

‘Secret Invasion’ So Far: The Main Story

‘Secret Invasion’ So Far: The Main Story

So we’re more than half-way through Secret Invasion, the event that’s supposed to be the biggest thing to rock the Marvel Universe since Civil War, where the question was “whose side are you on?” Secret Invasion’s question is “who do you trust?”, which is almost the same question as Civil War’s but not as grammatically correct ( it’s "whom", people!) and concerns the revelation that several Skrulls (shape-shifting aliens who’ve had their asses kicked many times) have secretly been living among us for a while. This story is the brain-child of Brian Michael Bendis, who has been praised for his series Powers and his run on Ultimate Spider-Man and who has been writing New Avengers and Mighty Avengers since both titles were created.

This plot has been done before to lesser degrees. In the early 90s, the Fantastic Four discovered that the Human Torch’s wife had been impersonated by a Skrull since before they were even engaged. And a couple of years later, the X-Men found out that Wolverine had been replaced by a Skrull who then died because he didn’t know he didn’t have Wolvie’s powers too (idiot).

But there are three major elements that mark this particular invasion story as different from what we’ve seen in comic books a million times over. The first element is that what’s left of the Skrull Empire has now taken up religion. Their holy texts tell them that Earth is theirs by right and they have become quite creepy by habitually saying “He loves you” to everyone they attack. Secondly, they’ve learned how to infiltrate us in such a way that they are now beyond the detection of super-powers, magic and technology – very scary in this post-9/11 world. Finally, the Skrulls have finally figured out how to produce super-powers on a large scale. Where once the Super-Skrull and Power Skrull were unique, now there are thousands of Skrull warriors who have the combined powers of many different villains and heroes.

But how’s the execution? Well, in a nutshell, the main series started off very strong and has recently picked up steam again full force. Even when it was slow, it had some great scenes. But these are over-shadowed occasionally by pages of wasted space and repetitive recaps. And out of the eleven tie-in issues Bendis has written so far, eight of them can be ignored or have a smidge of substance that’s surrounded by filler pages.

But if you are one of those unfortunate souls who bought all the New Avengers and Mighty Avengers tie-ins and then realized you’d wasted over twenty bucks, don’t worry! Just do what I and my good friend Lisa McMullan did. With a little creativity, you can take those pages and make yourself a very smart looking jacket! Now you’re not a sucker, you are actually quite fashionable!

Don’t believe me? Just look at this photographic evidence, nay-sayer! All you need is scissors, tape and maybe an hour of free time.

And when people ask you "How did you think to make such a snazy and debonair sport coat?", you can simply say "I got the idea from those crazy guys at ComicMix and Alan ‘the Sizzler’ Kistler. He’s one nutty guy, that Sizzler."

Not a bad series, but I definitely have some criticisms. Hmmm? What’s that? You want more detail about what my problems are with the main series and the Bendis-written tie-ins? Not a problem, folks. That’s what I get paid for.

By the way, folks, if it pleases you, feel free to check out my old list of the Six Worst Moments in Skrull History!


Fingeroth to Speak About Graphic Novels

Fingeroth to Speak About Graphic Novels

Danny Fingeroth, best known today as editor of Write Now!, will be speaking on the topic of graphic novels at the Court street Barnes & Noble in Brooklyn on Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.

Known for his superhero work, Fingeroth may seem like an unorthodox choice to write a guide to non-superhero, "literary" graphic novels such as Maus, Fun Home, etc. But that, he says, is the point. The world of the literary GN is unknown territory to many followers of superheroes. As  a result he wrote the Rough Guide to Graphic Novels, published recently by PenguinPutnam.

This is far from Fingeroth’s first boo, having previously authored Superman on the Couch and Disguised as Clark Kent.  Fingeroth was also previously Spider-Man Group Editor and a Marvel Comics writer.

In his Barnes & Noble presentation, Fingeroth will discuss the world of graphic novels and present his sure-to-be controversial favorites. Q & A and signing will follow, and perhaps a surprise or two will be in store.

Hands-On:  ‘Spider-Man: Web of Shadows’

Hands-On: ‘Spider-Man: Web of Shadows’

As sure as the sun rises, sure as night follows day, sure as MJ loves Pet…oh, wait, scratch that one…um…as sure as humans breath in oxygen and expel a form of carbon, there’s sure to be a new Spider-Man video game. And unlike even vs. odd numbered Star Treks, the quality of Spider-Man games (or super-hero games at all) is sketchy at best.  Sure, you’ll occasionally hit a milestone gem like the game based on the Spider-Man 2 movie, but then you’ll follow it with duds like Spider-Man 3 and Friend or Foe.  Thankfully, the developers at Shaba Games have taken the mold from the good Spidey titles and built an even better game around some new ideas that make this feel like the best wall-crawling escapade yet. 

That’s right, I said feel.

I recently had an opportunity to play a preview build of Web of Shadows for Xbox 360, and let me tell you, as a hardcore Spider-fan, this is the one we’ve been waiting for.  As fantastic as the swing mechanics were in Spider-Man 2, this takes everything up a notch with quality camera control, new combat maneuvers, a great story, and, finally aerial combat.

Admit it…even if he is a nerd, Parker has some bad-ass moves.  The way he hurls himself through the sky, zipping along a webline is graceful, dynamic, and awe-inspiring.  The animation team at Shaba has done a wonderful job of upping the ante with his swing animation, and everything flows just the way you remember from past games.  That’s the good thing.  The even better thing is how you transition from swinging to fighting.  Even while gliding through the air, you can target the nearest enemy by clicking the left trigger, and the camera stays focused on your foe (unless you tap the right analog stick).  Tap the Y button and Spidey will shoot out a webline straight for his target, either pulling his foe to him or him to it.  With careful timing, you then tap Y again once the two are about to connect, and you’ll begin the attack sequence.  Under a flurry of blows, ol’ Webhead can punch, kick and web up his foes, bouncing from target to target with ease.  With a few simple controller taps, you’ll be ping-ponging between enemies at a fast rate, and scoring some serious upgrades.


Comics Invade the ’08 Scream Awards

Comics Invade the ’08 Scream Awards

Each year, Spike TV airs the Scream Awards, sort of what would happen if the Oscars and the MTV Movie Awards had a baby, and that baby grew up and is now in it’s rebellious teenage phase. The award categories started off in 2006 mostly covering the horror genre, but they now cater too all things film, TV and the ever-growing categories pertaining to comic books. While there is no “Academy” per se, they are all up online for the fans to vote for their favorites here. Catch the ceremony and see if your vote counts on October 21 at 9 p.m. on Spike TV, but for now, you can check out the complete list of nominees after the jump, and remember to vote for Dark Knight as much as possible, because with 21 nominations, that movie needs as much help as it can get.


ComicMix Six: Embarrassing Deaths

ComicMix Six: Embarrassing Deaths

The world of comic book super-heroes and costumed villains is a dangerous one. And sometimes, you don’t make it out alive.

We all remember the tragic loss of Bucky Barnes when he was blown up while trying to disarm a bomb (although he turned up alive again as a cyborg a few years ago). We can still recall the tragic loss of Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow (who was literally resurrected not too long ago). We’ve reminisced about the sacrifice of Barry Allen, who became one with the universe even as he saved it (and who returned from the dead a couple of months ago). And it was literally front page news when Captain America was assassinated (and he’s actually still dead).

But not all deaths in comics are noble moments you want to remember. Some are just down right … silly. So here are six of the most embarrassing deaths. NOTE: this is focused on super-villains and super-heroes, not just any characters in comics in general. Otherwise we would just be talking about Preacher all day.


Marvel Studios Touts Year’s Successes

Marvel Studios Touts Year’s Successes

Marvel Studios Chairman David Maisel told investors at Merrill Lynch that their debut this year was” arguably the most successful" in modern history. He touted facts and figures for the smash success of Iron Man and coupled it with the so-so performance of Incredible Hulk to show their dominance.  While claiming Iron Man is the 21st top grossing film in domestic history, adjusted for inflation, it’s actually 113th.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, he has compared their 2010 Thor film as akin to The Lord of the Rings.  At present, no director or cast has been attached.

Maisel also indicated the films will continue to seed characters and threads from film-to-film comparing it with the Star Wars films as opposed to the organic manner in which Stan Lee populated the Marvel Universe. The cameos were "a taste of what’s to follow."

While announcing nothing new, he reiterated the planned 2010 releases for Iron Man 2 and Thor and the 2011 releases of The First Avenger: Captain America and The Avengers.  He made no mention of the other films rounding out the 10 films Paramount agreed to co-finance including Ant Man

Nor did he make mention of Sony’s competing 2011 release, Spider-Man 4, or 20th-Century Fox’s Marvel properties including next year’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

"And with our track record, we can normally keep those release dates pretty clean," Maisel noted. He also indicated the advance scheduling allows them to line up premiere licensing and merchandising partners.  He pointed to the forthcoming theme parks in Dubai and South Korea as partnerships aiming the studio and its characters for global domination well into the 21st century.

Also yesterday, actress Eva Mendes pooh-poohed the notion of a Ghost Rider sequel, telling MTV, "No, I think Ghost Rider had its moment. I don’t know about a sequel, but I don’t think it needs one. I was so proud of it. It was fun…but I think it’s done…but look, hey, if it’s Nicolas Cage again – I’ll do anything with him."

Hoffman as Penguin is news to Hoffman

Hoffman as Penguin is news to Hoffman

The problem with smash hit films is that everyone immediately begins speculating about the sequel.  After all, Hollywood is driven by success and “tent pole” films are necessary for business.  Its one reason, studios stake out release dates years in advance, sometimes before there’s even a script (see Spider-Man 4).

Since the box office records shattered with The Dark Knight, everyone has been running around guessing who might be in the running for the third film from Christopher Nolan. Actors have let it be known they’re interested whether appropriate or not to the part.  The merest hint news sends news around the Internet in a nanosecond.

As a result, retractions, clarifications or denunciations follow just a tad slower.

No sooner did the dust settle from the Cher-as-Catwoman nonsense, MTV began reporting that Michael Caine received Warner Bros. confirmation that the next movie in the series will offer up Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin.

Of course, Nolan insists he hasn’t thought once about the next film, preferring to concentrate on a non-Bat feature as a palette cleanser before returning to Gotham City.

Hoffman, who would be terrific in just about any part short of Catwoman, told The Stone Report that ”Some friend of mine told me he read that [rumor]", Hoffman reported from the Toronto Film Festival. "First I heard of it. I don’t think so.

"I grew up a comic book fan, so I love that stuff. I love going to that stuff. I think what they’re doing with that whole Batman story is really true to what that whole Batman thing has always been. It’s one of the darkest origins of a super-hero, to get all nerdy and geeky on you. That character sees his parents gunned down as a young child. I remember when I was a kid reading that story, so seeing it now come to life as the dark tale that it really is as an intense, really dark, very visceral, adult tale that they’re doing now, all the great work people are doing on it, of course I wouldn’t say, ‘Well, no, no no.’ But I don’t know the reality of it, so I wouldn’t say ‘yes’ to you."

Marvel isn’t immune from this nonsense either as they had to quickly stomp out the word that Will Smith was being cast as Steve Rogers in the Captain America movie.  Previously, rumor had it Cap would be played by Matthew McConnaughy.


ComicMix Radio: Dark Reign Looms At Marvel

ComicMix Radio: Dark Reign Looms At Marvel

Marvel and Brian Michael Bendis have teased the follow up act to Secret Invasion – it’s  Dark Region and with it comes some some major titles changes as well, plus:

  • Tobey and Sam and Spider-Man 4
  • Seth McFarlane launches his web cartoons
  • Chuck Dixon leads The Joes back to comics

And we hit the comic stores and DVD racks for the good, the bad and the "they did what??" – just  Press the Button!


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