Tagged: Sentinels


Pulp Fiction Reviews’ Ron Fortier returns with a look at the first book in Van Allen Plexico’s new The

Shattering series, Legion 1: Lords of Fire.

By Van Allen Plexico
White Rocket Books
311 pages

Something foul has invaded the galactic empires of mankind; something ancient and powerful beyond imagining.  Veteran space opera author, Van Plexico once again spins a tale of cosmic proportions but narrates it through the eyes of several believable characters thus bringing the reader along intimately for yet another thrill ride.

Military Colonel of the First Legion, Ezekiel Tamarlane is the protagonist in this book, the first of a new series, and he jumps onto the stage in full action mode having been ordered to steal one of the empire’s more treasured artifacts; an artifact he is personally in charge of protecting.  Thus successfully completing his secret mission he is then publicly demoted for allowing the artifact to be stolen.

Sound convoluted?  You bet it does and soon Tamarlane finds himself the target of cleverly disguised murder attempts.  When he takes his suspicions to his trusted superior and mentor, General Nakamura, he is forced to confess his own part in the theft which has created dangerous political and military ripples throughout the known worlds.  To his credit, the General’s faith and trust in his subordinate motivates him to dig deeper into the affair all of which leads to their witnessing the Emperor’s disappearance into another realm where live gods and demons.

A rescue sortie is launched with Nakamura and Tamarlane in charge and what they find on “the other” side is far beyond their scope of reasoning.  That they manage to save the Emperor and his retinue is the catalyst for further attacks on both their lives until both must accept the undeniable truth that they are mere pawns in a vast conspiracy that threatens all the star kingdoms of man.

Plexico amps his already manic writing pace in this volume and readers had better buckle up because the action never stops from page one to the end.  In fact the climatic battle in the off world cathedral had this reviewer getting paper burns for turning the pages so fast.

In the end this is of course all a set up for much more intrigue and dastardly alien shenanigans.  LEGION 1: LORDS OF FIRE is a fiction stew that is both new and familiar.  Imagine “Dune” as written by Robert E. Howard and that’s the gift we have here.  This is one of the best new pulp titles of the year thus far.  Miss it at your own peril.

Pulp Creators at Alabama Phoenix Festival

Bobby Nash & Sean Taylor at Alabama Phoenix Festival

Ruby Files creators Bobby Nash and Sean Taylor were both on hand for the 2013 Alabama Phoenix Festival in Birmingham, Alabama on May 24 – 26. Both creators have shard their thoughts on the event at their respective websites and social media pages, but we wanted to share a few photos of Team Rick Ruby.

Thanks to all who came out to the show and said hello.

Other pulp creators on hand included Sentinels author, Van Allen Plexico, Gil (Buck Rogers) Gerard, and author Charis Taylor.

Visit http://rickruby.blogspot.com/ for more, including photos.
Learn more about The Alabama Phoenix Fest at http://www.alabamaphoenixfestival.com.

Additional photos (and video) from the event have been posted at www.lance-star.com and www.bobbynash.com


The Original Volume in “The World’s Greatest Superhero Novel Series” is back in an “Anniversary Edition!”
White Rocket Books proudly announces the release in trade paperback format of a newly revised and updated edition of Van Allen Plexico’s SENTINELS: WHEN STRIKES THE WARLORD, the original adventure in the famed and very popular cosmic superhero saga!
Originally appearing in 2008 from Swarm Press, When Strikes the Warlord has only been available as an e-book or as part of the Grand Design Omnibus for over a year.  Now White Rocket brings it back into print as a stand-alone trade paperback, with all the original interior artwork by famed series artist Chris Kohler.
When Strikes the Warlord gets the Sentinels saga off with a bang, as teenaged college student and “science nerd” Lyn Li is attacked by shadowy members of the US Defense Department. Teaming up with beloved but mysterious national hero Ultraa and renowned inventor and billionaire Esro Brachis, she enters a new world of androids, aliens, cosmic space gods, interdimensional conquerors, and more.  When at last they all clash atop the Warlord’s floating city, the existence of the universe itself is at stake!
This new edition has been meticulously re-edited by the author.  Says Plexico, “Because this book is the entryway for many readers to discover my work, I’ve always wanted it to be as strong of a presentation as it could be.  This new Anniversary Edition from White Rocket allowed me to tighten things up in many places—but not one bit of the overall story has been changed!”
The Kindle edition has also been updated to match the Anniversary Edition paperback.
“I’ve already bought the next Sentinels book! Van’s got me hooked!” says Percival Constantine, author of Fallen.
“Spectacular.  Action-packed. Imaginative and wonderful,” adds Pulp Fiction Reviews.  “If you grew up loving the Avengers comic books from Marvel, these books are for you in a big, big way.”
White Rocket Booksis a leader in the New Pulp movement, publishing exciting action and adventure novels and anthologies since 2005, in both traditional and electronic formats.   White Rocket books have hit the Amazon.com Top 15-by-Genre and reached as high as #2 on the New Pulp Bestsellers List, and have garnered praise from everyone from Marvel Comics Vice-President Tom Brevoort to Kirkus Reviews.
SENTINELS: WHEN STRIKES THE WARLORD is a $14.95, 6×9 format trade paperback from White Rocket Books.  (Other volumes in the series are available in two omnibus paperbacks, and each is a $2.99 or $3.99 e-book for Kindle and other e-readers.)  
Visit the Sentinels page at the White Rocket site at www.whiterocketbooks.com.
164 pages; 5 full-page illustrations by Chris Kohler
ISBN-13:   978-0-61580987-8  (6×9” Trade Paperback)
On Amazon.com:

The Griffon Battles the Terror and the Viper—on Kindle!

Two Titanic Tales of Adventure in One Package, from Van Allen Plexico

Who is… the Griffon?? 

When criminals, saboteurs and foreign agents threaten America’s security, millionaire ballistics expert Kerry Keen takes the controls of his custom-built, heavily-armed seaplane, the Black Bullet, as the dashing Griffon!

With mechanic/co-pilot/butler/chauffeur Barney O’Dare at his side, the Griffon strikes from a hidden hangar on Long Island Sound and delivers swift and often brutal justice to those deserving of it.  Sought by the authorities for his ruthless vigilante tactics, he must constantly avoid both the wrath of his foes and the long arm of the law.

In these two new adventures by award-winning and best-selling New Pulp author Van Allen Plexico (Sentinels; Lucian), the Griffon squares off against Nazi agent The Terror and his horrifying new secret weapon that could tilt the balance Germany’s way in the coming war—and then battles The Viper, a vengeance-seeking SS officer leading a squadron of missile-launching rocket-planes!

“The Griffon is such a terrific character,” says Plexico, “and I’m happy that White Rocket can offer readers what is essentially a two-part adventure together in one package for the first time.  Fuel up the seaplane and get ready for takeoff—the Griffon flies again!”

In these two power-packed adventures, here are just a few of the real-life machines you will see in action:

Sikorsky 1-S38 flying boats

DKW F5 Meisterklasse and Dusenberg sedans

Bachem Ba-349 rocket planes

Henschel Hs 217 Föhn unguided air-to-air rockets

Messerschmitt Bf 109 W seaplanes

Curtiss P-36 Hawk fighter planes

Chatellerault MAC 34 high-powered machine guns

Originally appearing in LANCE STAR: SKY RANGER Vol 2 (Airship 27) and NEW ADVENTURES OF THE GRIFFON (Pro Se), this 2-in-1 Kindle edition from White Rocket Books collects the two parts of Van Allen Plexico’s epic tale of the high-flying GRIFFON into one e-book for only $2.99.


Critically Acclaimed Podcast Adds Additional Features to Serve New Pulp Community

 (April 3, 2013)  White Rocket Books proudly announces that the critically-acclaimed weekly podcast, The White Rocket Podcast with Van Allen Plexico, immediately will move to a more New Pulp-oriented format and add additional features to more extensively serve writers, artists, publishers and fans of the New Pulp community.
The White Rocket Podcast has proven to be an unquestioned critical and listener success in its five-plus months “on the air,” having received nearly five thousand discrete channel visits and attracting hundreds of ongoing subscribers.  It has been publicly recognized for its organization and focus, production values, variety of topics and guests, one-on-one discussion/interview format, and above all for its entertainment and informational value.
After its first month in production, the White Rocket Podcast was invited to join the Earth Station One (ESO) Network of programming, where it has prospered, reaching an additional crossover audience with the New Pulp message and expanding its presence in the market.
Each roughly one-hour-long episode thus far has featured noted New Pulp author and publisher Van Allen Plexico (Sentinels; Lords of Fire) discussing some aspect of popular culture with a special guest.  Popular episodes have included the ongoing series on “Superheroes in Novels and Beyond” and interviews with authors working in the superhero pulp genre, such as Jeff Deischer and Ian Healy.
New featureswill include additional interviews with key figures in the New Pulp community and industry; book reviews; audiobook segments and previews; occasional video interview segments, as pioneered by White Rocket at the 2012 Windy City Pulp and Paperback Convention; and the New Pulp Best Sellers List Discussion, examining that week’s crop of best sellers.
Fans of the show can rest assured that other popular topics, including action movie discussions with film critics such as Mark Bousquet and novel discussions with authors such as Mark Finn, Rick Lai, and James Hickson, will continue.
White Rocket Books is a leader in the New Pulp movement, publishing exciting action and adventure novels and anthologies since 2005, in both traditional and electronic formats.   White Rocket books have hit the Amazon.com Top 15-by-Genre and reached #1 on the New Pulp Best-Sellers List, and have garnered praise from everyone from Marvel Comics Vice-President Tom Brevoort to Kirkus Reviews.  The White Rocket Podcast, a member of the ESO Network of shows, began in October 2012.
The Podcast can be found on iTunes (White Rocket Podcast) or at White Rocket’s home on the Web:  www.whiterocketbooks.com.  All past episodes can be found at http://whiterocket.podbean.com.
Follow White Rocket on Twitter: @WhiteRocketBook and on Facebook (White Rocket Books).
Follow Van: @VanAllenPlexico and (Van Allen Plexico) on Facebook.
# # #


By Van Allen Plexico
White Rocket Books
189 pages
Getting this book was pretty much like getting an extra Christmas gift for this reviewer.  Go through these archives and you will discover we’ve been reading Van Plexico’s Sentinels series since day one; and applauding all of them.  Of course the inherent danger with any long running series is that the writer will become tired of the concept and characters and begin to offer up deluded stories missing the verve and punch of his or her earlier entries.
Well, rest easy, Sentinel fans old and new, “Sentinels – Metalgod,” is another top notch chapter in the saga of Earth’s mightiest super-heroes.  Without skipping a beat, this new book picks up where the last story arc end; the cataclysmic battle between the Sentinels and a trio of super beings all bent on the complete destruction of our planet. (Note, if you haven’t read those books yet, you have some serious catching up to do.)
So in the wake of the Sentinels miraculous victory over these outer space threats, the team finds itself divided.  With their leader, super powerful Ultraa, locked in stasis in a giant red gem, Pulsar (Lyn Li) returns to Earth with the remnants of the team minus scientist Esro Brachis who has opted to visit the alien worlds of Kur-Bai Empire with Mondrian, a beautiful Captain in the Kur-Bai Starfleet with whom he is infatuated.  They are traveling with aboard a fleet starship commanded by Devenn, leader of the Kur-Bai super warriors known as the Elites.
No sooner does Pulsar and company return to Sentinels HQ then a new super being calling himself Law appears and, taking control of the Earth’s communications satellites, broadcast a warning that the Kur-Bai areactually planning to an invasion the Earth.  It falls squarely on Pulsar’s shoulders to deal with this mysterious new character while at the same time trying to recruit new members to help bolster the team’s decimated ranks.
At the same time the Elites, nearing their home world, are attacked by a Kur-Bai starship crewed by powerful robots called Eradicators.  Esro and the Elites discover a military junta has taken over the governing body of the empire and they have been labeled outlaws to be captured and imprisoned.  Barely managing to foil the Eradicators, they make their way to a Kur-Bai space station and there learn the full extent of the events that have befallen their people.  A power-hungry admiral of the fleet has successfully orchestrated a coup, killing thousands of loyal citizens in the process. A full scale civil war is about to erupt throughout the empire and Devenn and his Elites are caught right in the middle.
Those of you who are fans of this series understand itshomage to Marvel Comics’ Avengers.  “Sentinels – Metalgod,” now tips its literary inspiration cap to that classic sci-fi TV series, Babylon 5.  Filled with political shenanigans, outer space battles, empire civil wars this book catapults readers into a whole now universe of action and adventure while at the same time injecting it with a marvelous wry commentary on today’s shallow attitudes about fame and popularity.  The scenes of Pulsar meeting her German based fan club had this reviewer in stitches.  Plexico’s enthusiasm for this series has never been stronger and that is evident on every single page.  If you aren’t a Sentinels fan yet, it’s high time you checked it out. This kind of reading fun doesn’t come along every day.

SENTINELS: METALGOD Arrives in Trade Paperback!

The Next Epic Adventure in “The World’s Greatest Superhero Novel Series” Begins Here!

White Rocket Books proudly announces the release in trade paperback format of Van Allen Plexico’s SENTINELS: METALGOD, the newest adventure in the famed and very popular cosmic superhero saga!
Debuting in 2008 with Sentinels: When Strikes the Warlord from Swarm Press, Plexico’s Sentinels series has built a worldwide base of enthusiastic fans eager for another installment in the action-packed series.  Now the new volume has arrived—as has perhaps the deadliest threat yet encountered: Metalgod!
In the wake of the Worldmind/Stellarax Crisis, what’s left of the team has scattered to the four winds. Brachis and Mondrian cross the depths of space in a desperate attempt to stave off galactic civil war, while Pulsar and her sister work to assemble an entirely new team of heroes back on Earth. Time is short, the supply of heroes is shorter, and no one is exactly who he appears to be.  And into this precarious situation arrives the deadly and enigmatic mechanoid from space—the being known only as METALGOD!
Presenting the first volume in the new SENTINELS story arc—a great “jumping-on point”—where action and adventure await at every turn, and nothing is quite what it seems!  Interior illustrations are by fan-favorite series artist Chris Kohler, who also takes over cover art duties this time around, assisted with fantastic color work by the incomparable Sarah White.
“This book accomplishes several major things,” says Plexico of METALGOD. “We get to see Pulsar fighting to become the leader everyone hopes she can be, attempting to assemble an entirely new team before another disaster strikes—as you know it will.  We see Esro and Mondy assuming their rightful roles as members of the Elites, dealing with a coming galactic war. There’s action, danger, and even comedy—and we get what I think is the biggest shock ending in the series to date.  Better buckle up!”
“I’ve already bought the next Sentinels book! Van’s got me hooked!” says Percival Constantine, author of Fallen.
“Spectacular.  Action-packed. Imaginative and wonderful,” adds Pulp Fiction Reviews.  “If you grew up loving the Avengers comic books from Marvel, these books are for you in a big, big way.”
The previous volume, Stellarax, was nominated for Author, Artist, and Novel of the Year by PulpArk.
White Rocket Booksis a leader in the New Pulp movement, publishing exciting action and adventure novels and anthologies since 2005, in both traditional and electronic formats.   White Rocket books have hit the Amazon.com Top 15-by-Genre and reached as high as #2 on the New Pulp Bestsellers List, and have garnered praise from everyone from Marvel Comics Vice-President Tom Brevoort to Kirkus Reviews.
SENTINELS: METALGODis a $14.95, 6×9 format trade paperback from White Rocket Books.  (Previous volumes in the series are available in two omnibus paperbacks, and each is a $2.99 e-book for Kindle and other e-readers.)
194 pages; 5 full-page illustrations by Chris Kohler
ISBN-13:   978-0-61573-390-6 (6×9” Trade Paperback)


SENTINELS: METALGOD Arrives in Trade Paperback!

The Next Epic Adventure in “The World’s Greatest Superhero Novel Series” Begins Here!

White Rocket Books proudly announces the release in trade paperback format of Van Allen Plexico’s SENTINELS: METALGOD, the newest adventure in the famed and very popular cosmic superhero saga!

Debuting in 2008 with Sentinels: When Strikes the Warlord from Swarm Press, Plexico’s Sentinels series has built a worldwide base of enthusiastic fans eager for another installment in the action-packed series.  Now the new volume has arrived—as has perhaps the deadliest threat yet encountered: Metalgod!

In the wake of the Worldmind/Stellarax Crisis, what’s left of the team has scattered to the four winds. Brachis and Mondrian cross the depths of space in a desperate attempt to stave off galactic civil war, while Pulsar and her sister work to assemble an entirely new team of heroes back on Earth. Time is short, the supply of heroes is shorter, and no one is exactly who he appears to be.  And into this precarious situation arrives the deadly and enigmatic mechanoid from space—the being known only as METALGOD!

Presenting the first volume in the new SENTINELS story arc—a great “jumping-on point”—where action and adventure await at every turn, and nothing is quite what it seems!  Interior illustrations are by fan-favorite series artist Chris Kohler, who also takes over cover art duties this time around, assisted with fantastic color work by the incomparable Sarah White.

“This book accomplishes several major things,” says Plexico of METALGOD. “We get to see Pulsar fighting to become the leader everyone hopes she can be, attempting to assemble an entirely new team before another disaster strikes—as you know it will.  We see Esro and Mondy assuming their rightful roles as members of the Elites, dealing with a coming galactic war. There’s action, danger, and even comedy—and we get what I think is the biggest shock ending in the series to date.  Better buckle up!”

“I’ve already bought the next Sentinels book! Van’s got me hooked!” says Percival Constantine, author of Fallen.
“Spectacular.  Action-packed. Imaginative and wonderful,” adds Pulp Fiction Reviews.  “If you grew up loving the Avengers comic books from Marvel, these books are for you in a big, big way.”

The previous volume, Stellarax, was nominated for Author, Artist, and Novel of the Year by PulpArk.

White Rocket Books is a leader in the New Pulp movement, publishing exciting action and adventure novels and anthologies since 2005, in both traditional and electronic formats.   White Rocket books have hit the Amazon.com Top 15-by-Genre and reached as high as #2 on the New Pulp Bestsellers List, and have garnered praise from everyone from Marvel Comics Vice-President Tom Brevoort to Kirkus Reviews.

SENTINELS: METALGOD is a $14.95, 6×9 format trade paperback from White Rocket Books.  (Previous volumes in the series are available in two omnibus paperbacks, and each is a $2.99 e-book for Kindle and other e-readers.)
194 pages; 5 full-page illustrations by Chris Kohler
ISBN-13:   978-0-61573-390-6 (6×9” Trade Paperback)