Tagged: New Pulp

All Pulp Interviews: Moonstone’s Return of the Monsters – Mike Bullock

Cover Art: Dan Brereton

This Halloween, Moonstone heads back to their monstrous roots with the Return of the Monsters Event. Return of the Monsters features four stand-alone tales of pulp’s mightiest heroes facing off against some classic monsters. One of those titles is The Black Bat vs. Dracula by Mike Bullock and Eric Johns. All Pulp sat down with the writer about this upcoming book.

All Pulp: Hi, Mike. Tell us a little about yourself and your pulp interests.

Mike Bullock: Well, I’m a guy who loves escapist fiction. Mostly the kind that goes on inside my head. I don’t have much time anymore to spend reading great books or watching thrilling movies, so that love burrows deep into my mind and sinks its fangs into the wellspring of imagination constantly flowing through my thoughts.

My pulp interests began with sword and sorcery stuff, then sci fi and space opera stuff. I was never much into the hard-boiled detective type stuff and somehow missed the boat on Doc Savage, but I love Conan, John Carter, Flash Gordon and the more fantastical stuff like Captain Future, Gladiator and the like.

Oh, and, I love pizza.

Art: Eric Johns

AP: Your story for the Return of the Monsters Halloween event is called The Black Bat vs. Dracula. What can we expect from this titanic throw down?

MB: It’s a game of cat and mouse and cat as Death Angel investigates a serial killing only to discover the killer is after her next and he doesn’t want to kill her, but to make her his eternal lover. A fateful game of huntsmanship through the historic Phaidor hotel, brought to life by the zealous pencils and pens of Eric Johns.

AP: The Black Bat vs. Dracula has a pulp hero battling a classic monster, a combination that even though done in some regards hasn’t ever really been done the way Moonstone is doing it with the Return of the Monster event. What do these genres have in common and how do they differ in ways that complement each other?

MB: I’m sure everyone has their own view of how to answer that, but since you’re asking me, here’s mine: Both pulp and the classic monster tales use some really imaginative characters that are far outside the ordinary and place them into situations that force the ordinary to become extraordinary. Frankenstein, Dracula, werewolves, mummies and zombies all seem to come from the same wellspring I mentioned above, and so do characters like Black Bat, Phantom Detective, Domino Lady, Spider and Death Angel.

I also think both “genres” (I use that word very, very loosely) appeal to a similar audience, people looking for escapism with a solid sense of right and wrong, the heroic and villainous. There aren’t many shades of grey in either, although characters on both sides of the table do have both human and monstrous sides to their personas.

AP: The Black Bat vs. Dracula also features your creation, Death Angel. How does this modern day creation hold her own against these two classic characters?

Art: Eric Johns

MB: I think that’s up to the readers to decide. I’d have to be pretty egotistical to think a character I came up with just a few years ago could compare to the likes of Dracula and Black Bat. Those are two creations that have stood the test of time for a very long time and will continue to do so. I can only hope ‘Angel is still remembered when she’s been around as long as those two heavyweights. Honestly, I’m just tickled that people seem to dig her as much as they do.

AP: The Return of the Monsters Halloween event brings back several classic monster archetypes to Moonstone’s lineup. How does this version of Dracula compare and contrast to previous versions of the character?

MB: I haven’t seen all the previous versions, but my take on the Prince of Darkness is fairly ‘classic’ I think. He’s young in appearance, charismatic, self assured, powerful and someone who is very used to getting his way. Until this story, Death Angel had never met her equal in a fight and it’s made her a bit overconfident. After this encounter, if she survives, that confidence will be shaken to the core.

AP: What appeals to you about pulp heroes battling classic monsters? What was it that excited you about pitting the Black Bat against the lord of the vampires?

MB: For me, it was a classic “Battle to Rule The Night” scenario. Black Bat, Death Angel and Dracula all exist in the shadows, stalking their prey through the darkness, using fear as a weapon. But, while their methods are all very similar, their motives and desired goals are definitely not. Black Bat wants justice, Death Angel wants revenge and Dracula wants blood. Aim those three at the same crossroads and get ready for the “big one”.

AP: You’ve been spearheading the Black Bat’s comic book adventures for Moonstone. What’s ahead for the book and character?

MB: At some point the second Black Bat graphic novel will come out, concluding the “Black Death” story begun in the first graphic novel. I also have a Black Bat/Spider crossover tale coming in the Spider prose anthology. After that, I think the majority of new Black Bat tales will come in prose form. I’d like to start building him ground up in a series of prose tales, but we’ll have to wait and see what the future holds.

Art: Eric Johns

AP: What, if any, existing pulp, monster, or comic book characters would you like to try your hand at writing?

MB: Pulp – Conan, John Carter. Monster, more Dracula and possibly some Frankenstein. I wrote a Frankenstein tale years ago I might dust off, polish up and release in eBook format sometime. For comics, I’d love to write Moon Knight, Firestorm and Captain “Shazam” Marvel, and to a minor extent would love to do some Silver Surfer and eventually Batman.

AP: What does Mike Bullock do when he’s not writing?

MB: Spend entirely too much time on the phone discussing writing with clients, publishers, artists and friends. When not doing that, I love to spend time with my beautiful wife and awesome son.

Cover Art: Dan Brereton

AP: Where can readers learn more about you and your work?

MB; Read the tea leaves. They know everything. If not, roll the bones; the runes never lie. But, if you don’t have access to tea leaves and rune stones, you can check out my studios’ website at www.runemasterstudios.com and the sister site www.pulp.runemasterstudios.com/

AP: Any upcoming projects you would like to mention?

MB: Anyone out there who is into sword and sorcery should stay tuned for my first prose novel, coming from Airship 27 early next year, “The Runemaster.” It’s a Viking epic in the vein of Conan, Braveheart and Beowulf. After that, check out my second novel, coming from Pro Se entitled “Janus: Guardian of Worlds.” Janus exists in the late 1930s where he finds himself as the lone guardian between our world and an infinite number of others inhabited by all sorts of nasty creatures, unimaginable evil and supernatural forces all hell-bent on the destruction of everything we know. And you thought the Nazis were the only thing to worry about back then…

AP: Thanks, Mike.

MB: You’re welcome. Thanks for the interview and thanks for everything All Pulp does for those of us with an addiction to fiction.

The Black Bat vs. Dracula is solicited in August Previews for an October in store release.

IDW Unleashes Zombies Vs. Robots Prose Program


ZVR artwork © Ashley Wood. All Rights Reserved.


IDW Unleashes Prose Program for Breakout Comic Series: ZOMBIES VS ROBOTS
35 Writers Explore, Expand and Remix ZvR World

San Diego, CA (September 6, 2011)—IDW’s gleefully subversive ZOMBIES VS ROBOTS comic book series from creators Chris Ryall and Ashley Wood will soon be eating readers’ brains from the inside via a series of short stories, novellas and more. As announced at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con in July, the company plans for an ambitious slate of original prose stories set at different points in this epic adventure of a zombie apocalypse. In ZOMBIES VS ROBOTS, the clanking robots are built to fight the shambling braineaters, in a desperate attempt to save Earth’s dwindling population.

“It’s gratifying to see that ZvR has taken on an unlife of its own,” asserts Ryall, series co-creator and Chief Creative Officer/Editor-in-Chief for IDW. “Expanding from comics into prose is a logical progression, though as the heretofore sole writer of the series I must admit that letting other writers into our subversive little world was at first troubling. But now I’m fine with it. Really. Mostly. Especially since editor Jeff Conner has corralled such a talented array of writers to tackle some really bizarre and creative prose stories. As long as no one expects me to let them write ZvR comics, too…”

ZVR artwork © Ashley Wood.

 A lurching cohort of writers—including such notable talents as John Shirley, Nancy A. Collins, Rio Youers, Brea Grant, Steve Rasnic Tem, Amber Benson, James A. Moore, Rachel Swirsky, Norman Prentiss, and John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow, led by Ryall himself—has been assembled to pen original stories of life during wartime in the ZVR world. “It’s our biggest project so far,” states Conner, the IDW contributing editor helming the ZVR prose program. “In a way it’s a follow-up to our Classics Mutilated release, at least in terms of its anything goes spirit. The results so far have been—um, riveting.”
The rest of the ZVR writer roster includes: Dale Bailey, Amelia Beamer, Jesse Bullington, Simon Clark, Lincoln Crisler, Stephen Dedman, Rain Graves, Rhodi Hawk, Robert Hood, Stephen Graham Jones, Nicholas Kaufmann, Steven Lockley, Nick Mamatas, Jonathan McGoran, Joe McKinney, Gary McMahon, Mark Morris, Bobby Nash, Yvonne Navarro, Hank Schwaeble, Ekaterina Sedia, Sean Taylor, Simon Kurt Unsworth, Kaaron Warren, and Don Webb.

A film version of ZVR is currently in development through Sony Pictures, with Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes as producer.

Visit IDWPublishing.com to learn more about the company and its top-selling books.

About IDW Publishing:


IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. Renowned for its diverse catalog of licensed and independent titles, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry, including: Hasbro’s The TRANSFORMERS and G.I. JOE, Paramount’s Star Trek; HBO’s True Blood; the BBC’s Doctor Who; Toho’s Godzilla and comics and trade collections based on novels by worldwide bestselling author, James Patterson. IDW is also home to the Library of American Comics imprint, which publishes classic comic reprints; Yoe! Books, a partnership with Yoe! Studio. IDW’s original horror series, 30 Days of Night, was launched as a major motion picture in October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film in its first week of release. More information about the company can be found at IDWPublishing.com.

Read more about Zombies Vs. Robots at http://www.idwpublishing.com/news/article/1951/

This edition features “The Wall!” a story by one of All Pulp’s Spectacled Seven, Bobby Nash. Learn more about him at http://www.bobbynash.com/.

Table Talk – Looking Forward Through The Rear View Mirror

Table Talk, where three writer- umm, authors, discuss the ins and outs of creating fiction for prose, comics and other outlets. This week, Barry Reese, Bobby Nash, and Mike Bullock chat about how far ahead they plot and how far back they work when building their characters.
Table Talk: Looking Forward Through The Rear View Mirror with Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash is now available at http://www.newpulpfiction.com/

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Flies Into Indy Planet

Pulp Anthology Vol. 1

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Flies Into Indy Planet

Airship 27’s Lance Star: Sky Ranger pulp anthologies volumes 1, 2, and 3 are still available to bookstores and on-line outlets via Cornerstone Books. In addition to these outlets, the pulp anthology series joins the Lance Star: Sky Ranger comic book at Indy Planet at a new low price. A quick find search for Lance Star will pull up all four titles.

Pulp Anthology Vol. 2



Ron Fortier & Rob Davis of Airship 27 Production are happy to announce all three volumes of their pulp aviation series, LANCE STAR: SKY RANGER are now available for sale as Print-on-Demand books from (http://www.indyplanet.com/) for the price of $15 each plus shipping handling.

“Eventually all our books will be available at Indy Planet,” Fortier announced recently. “We’ve thirty-nine titles in our catalog and it will take a few more months before all are available there.”

Pulp Anthology Vol. 3

“Readers should log on to the main menu page at Indy Planet and type in the book’s title in the upper right hand search slot,” Fortier continued. “We are thrilled with partnering with Indy Planet and the quality of their product is as good, if not better, then all other POD outfits on the market today.”

Comic Book Vol. 1

If you’ve been at all interested in picking up the entire Sky Ranger saga, you can get all three volumes and the comic book adventure for just $48. Now that’s a steal on any planet.

New Column-NUTS AND BULLETS-Making Pulp Today!

In response to requests since ALL PULP started as well as the posting of the great piece you’re about to read today, ALL PULP is kicking off a new column (logo to come soon) !  NUTS AND BULLETS will feature articles from creators and publishers of New Pulp and will focus on the process of putting out Pulp today.   It will err on the technical side of things, how to format, how to develop a character, how to establish pacing, how to write a back cover blurb…and as for the inaugural entry, How to Build a Pulp Cover.   New Pulp creator and Airship 27 Publisher Ron Fortier shares with ALL PULP a fantastic process for creating and designing modern Pulp covers.  Enjoy NUTS AND BULLETS and expect more helpful hints to come!

Greetings. This week we are going to do something we’ve done several times before on my Flight Log  that many of you have enjoyed a great deal; show how we put together one of our Airship 27 Productions pulp covers. Step by step you’ll see our planning and how we helped our artist execute the final image for a book now going into final production.

Earlier in the year one of our regular writers, Joshua Reynolds had submitted a full length Jim Anthony Super Detective novel entitled MARK OF TERROR. It’s a great read and somewhere in the middle of the book there is an action sequence wherein Jim chases an assassin wearing a gargoyle mask out of a theater and onto a busy nighttime New York street. The killer jumps into a sedan driven by another mask wearing colleague and they peel away, only to have the Super Detective come charging off the sidewalk and leaping onto the top of the vehicle. As it careens wildly through the streets of Manhattan, the killer leans out the passenger window and attempts to shoot Anthony off the car. Upon reading this sequence in the book, we knew immediately it was what we wanted for our cover. Then came a stroke of real good fortune. Earlier in the year, we had the opportunity to meet several local artists who live here in Fort Collins. One of them is a truly talented young fellow named Jeff Herndon. When Jeff learned about Airship 27, he offered to paint a cover for us and we immediately recalled the that Jim Anthony book waiting in the wings.

Actor -Body Building Champ Steve Reeves

The first thing we did was explain the character to Jeff and told him our ideal image of the Super Detective was none other than the late body-builder turned actor, Steve Reeves, who made some classic Hercules movies back in the 1960s. We then sent Jeff half a dozen shots of Reeves we found on the internet like the one above. This was how we wanted our Jim Anthony to appear on the cover.

Cora, Alex and dad, Alan Posing for Action.

Next we explained in great detail to Jeff what action scene we wanted him to bring to life with his paints. To help him better visualize that dramatic moment in the book, one Sunday afternoon our son Alan and grand kids, Cora and Alex, allowed their granddad to photograph them on one of our cars in a set-up pose mirroring the action in the book. We took several photos from different positions. The one above was the one that best suited our needs and would help Jeff better mentally envision what we were after.

Old 1930s Sedan in New York City.

But a neighborhood street in modern day Fort Collins, Colorado bears no resemblance to a busy Manhattan downtown scene. So once again we headed for the internet and found a photo of a New York city street and another of a proper mid-1930s automobile. We sent these off to our Art Director Rob Davis and he photo-shopped them together into the above picture. Now Jeff could use these elements as the basis for his drawings and eventual painting.

Jeff Herndon’s Final Drawing.

Using all the various elements we had provided him with, along with our description of the action, Jeff then proceeded to whip up this amazing drawing. Note the moon in the background sky, indicative of how this was about to become a night time image. Once we gave him the thumbs up to commit to paints, he really went to town.

Completed Painted Cover

For the next few weeks Jeff worked diligently at bringing his drawing to full color life and he succeeded far beyond our wildest imagination. The night he sent us a jpg. image of the finished painting, Rob and the Air Chief were delighted. Now here was a truly dynamic pulp cover. There remained only one final step, for Rob to design the text and logos etc. to finish the entire cover. So inspired by the art Jeff had accomplished, Rob wasted no time in bringing this dazzling project to a proper conclusion.


And above is the finished cover to what will be our 39th title – JIM ANTHONY – SUPER DETECTIVE – MARK OF TERROR by Joshua Reynolds, cover painting by Jeff Herndon, with nine terrific black and white interior illustrations by Isaac “Bobit” Nacilla and designs by Rob Davis. Currently the book is in the final stages of proofing and we hope to have it out within the next two weeks. Rest assured we will reprint that cover shot here when it is finally on sale. This is our third book in our Jim Anthony series and we are all damn proud of it.

Finally, the icing on the cake arrived only last week when we learned a local art gallery here in the Fort is launching a brand new show featuring ten local artist, one of which is Jeff. And most likely this painting will be on display there in Jeff’s collection. The show runs between 3 Sept and 5 Oct. and is located at the Rendition Gallery, 251 Jefferson St., Fort Collins, Co. Valerie and the Air Chief plan on attending opening night, we’ll bring our camera along to snap some shots of Jeff and his amazing work.

Table Talk – Kill ‘Em All!

New Pulp Authors Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash are back for another installment of NewPulpFiction’s Table Talk. This week, the guys discuss attachments to their characters as well as the writing process itself

Table Talk: At What Price? with Mike Bullock, Barry Reese, and Bobby Nash is now available at http://www.newpulpfiction.com/

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Bobby Nash

With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.

Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Bobby Nash.

You can read the full interview at http://www.lance-star.com/.

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Shannon Hall.

With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.

Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger artist, Shannon Hall.

You can read the full interview at http://www.lance-star.com/.

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Volume 3 Launch Interview: Van Allen Plexico.

With the release of the third volume of Lance Star: Sky Ranger from Airship 27 Productions and Cornerstone Books, we here at Sky Ranger Central talked to the creators, writers, artists, and publishers involved with the latest installment in the Lance Star: Sky Ranger series.
Next up is Lance Star: Sky Ranger writer, Van Allen Plexico.

You can read the full interview at http://www.lance-star.com/.

Lance Star: Sky Ranger Digital Comic Book Now Available At Graphic.ly!

BEN Books is proud to announce that the Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” comic book by New Pulp Creators Bobby Nash and James Burns is now available in digital format at Graphic.ly for only $1.99.

Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!”

November, 1941. Ace Air Adventurer Lance Star accepts a dangerous mission into an enemy stronghold to stop the Nazi’s from uncovering plans for a weapon long believed destroyed. Lance flies a solo mission to Kiev where he is to plant explosives and destroy a weapons facility when he runs into an old enemy. Now, Lance is faced with a choice. Complete the mission? Or take down the Sky Ranger’s greatest adversary? He’s only going to get one shot at this. Will he choose the mission or revenge?

Featuring high-flying adventure, aerial dog fights, explosive action, and stunning artwork, Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” is pure New Pulp fun from start to finish.

Learn more about Lance Star: Sky Ranger “One Shot!” and the Graphic.ly edition at http://www.lance-star.com/.