Tagged: Iron Man

New ‘Iron Man’ Images Released

New ‘Iron Man’ Images Released

Gizmodo has posted a new gallery of images from the "Iron Man" film featuring, among other things, a few more shots of the Iron Man armor in action, as well as a few of the suit in a state that’s probably best described as "out of action."

There are also a few more shots of the film’s cast, including (of course) Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark), Terrence Howard (Jim Rhodes), Gwyneth Paltrow (Virginia "Pepper" Potts), a bald and bearded Jeff Bridges (Obadiah Stane), and a barely clothed Leslie Bibb (Christine Everhart).

"Iron Man" opens May 2, 2008.

52 Weeks of Reading Recommendations by Dennis O’Neil

52 Weeks of Reading Recommendations by Dennis O’Neil

When ComicMix launched a year ago, we were especially pleased to include the legendary Dennis O’Neil as one of our regular columnists.  Denny has written and/or edited every major character in comics, including Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Iron Man, the Question, Azrael, and Millie the Model.

Back in the day, when comics had letter columns, Denny would usually share his reading preferences with readers.  We’re delighted to have continued this tradition here on ComicMix in Denny’s weekly columns.

To celebrate the last 52 weeks of Denny’s contributions to ComicMix, here’s a list of what he’s recommended so far, in the order he recommended them and with his thoughts on the recommendations (when he provided them). You’ll notice that, sometimes, he suggests the same book more than once.  And sometimes, he suggests more than one book at a time.  That’s the kind of reader Denny is — he takes his time, and he’s eclectic.

Good reading!


Understanding Comics, by Scott McCloud

This is the one essential book for anyone with a genuine interest in the subject.


The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason, by Sam Harris


Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames, by Thich Nhat Hanh


William James and the Superbowl, by Dennis O’Neil

William James and the Superbowl, by Dennis O’Neil

Big game day. As I sit down to write this, the coin toss that will start this year’s Superbowl is about 90 minutes away. Let a hush fall over the universe. The Pats and the Giants are preparing to vie for godlike supremacy. Who’s your favorite QB – Eli or Tom? Me – I’m going for the Giants, not because I know anything about them, but rather because Marifran likes the Patriots and we have this annual bet. Winner gets to choose the next movie. Call us sports.

Wonder what William James would have thought of the Superbowl?

William James, brother of Henry, as the English majors and philosophy fans among you probably know, launched the concept of the “moral equivalent of war.” Although he was a self-proclaimed pacifist, he recognized that war has its uses – he even declared that history would be “insipid” without it. And it does. It hastens technological development, helps young men understand others who are not of their tribe, offers an opportunity for individuals to test themselves (and maybe learn what they really feel), provides an opportunity to develop managerial skills…You can probably add to the list.

War also kills and maims the innocent and destroys economies and nations and minds and brutalizes the survivors and gives money and power to those least deserving of them, such as men who have never fired a shot except, maybe, at forest animals and who knows? – even then the shooter might miss his target and hit a companion instead. Feel free to add to this list, too.

The trick, then, according to James and like minds, is to find a way to do the good things war does, and omit the bad. It’s a trick nobody has learned how to do. But we have some activities that approximate war that don’t do significant harm and may do some good, and sports is one of them. It allows young folk to obey their evolutionary imperative to engage in strenuous physicality with the goal of beating someone or something and maybe copping some glory and admiring glances and, please, let us not knock that imperative; it helped our distant, burrow-dwelling ancestors to claim a home on the Earth’s surface after a big chunk of rock did in the dinosaurs.


‘Iron Man’, ‘Wanted’ Superbowl Trailers Hit the ‘Net

‘Iron Man’, ‘Wanted’ Superbowl Trailers Hit the ‘Net

Superbowl XLII was exciting, sure – but did you catch the trailers for "Iron Man" and "Wanted" that debuted during the game? Well, don’t worry if you were grabbing a beer when they aired, because the InterTubes always come through.

The new footage from "Iron Man" included quite a bit of Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in full Iron Man armor, and showcased some of the heavier CGI-driven scenes you can expect to see when the film hits theaters May 2, 2008.

You can watch a high-definition version of the "Iron Man" trailer on apple.com, view the embedded version posted below (while it’s still available) or peruse a gallery of screencaps from the "Iron Man" trailer at your leisure over at ComicBookResources.




Free Hot Comics Links For A Super Weekend

Free Hot Comics Links For A Super Weekend

On this "Super" weekend, ComicMix Radio is more than happy to offer a number of surfing options to keep you busy during the parts of the SuperBowl between the cool commercials.

One of those commercials will be the latest trailer for the Iron Man movie from Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment. Look for it to run at around 7:30 PM. Chances are, you have already seen the tease here at Marvel. After the big game, the new ad will also be available here at Apple, and at  the official movie website. Tomorrow it will also hit sites that include Yahoo Sports! and ESPN.com, so basically you won’t be able to miss it. 
Brian Wood has posted his Channel Zero design book, Public Domain, as a free PDF download here. Public Domain is a collection of 145 pages of black and white artwork that includes extras generated in 1996-98 during the creation of Wood’s first graphic novel Channel Zero
Oni Press is picking up the sword and shield with North World, Book 1: The Epic of Conrad, a new original graphic novel series from cartoonist and web comic creator Lars Brown. Part Lord Of The Rings and part Gross Pointe Blank, North World is a fantasy epic that is also a webcomic that you can see here.
And as always, you can subscribe to our podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


‘Iron Man’ Superbowl Promo Peek

‘Iron Man’ Superbowl Promo Peek

Marvel.com has posted a screencap from this weekend’s much-hyped "Iron Man" trailer scheduled to air during the Superbowl. The screencap shows Tony stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) testing a new suit.

They also promise to post the full trailer on Marvel.com immediately after it goes on the air, just in case you were in the kitchen getting more chips when the promo appeared.

You can see a full-size version of the image on Marvel.com.


Simpsons’ Artist Speaks To ComicMix Radio!

Simpsons’ Artist Speaks To ComicMix Radio!

Super Bowl weekend is here, Super Tuesday is a couple of days away and ComicMix Radio talks to a dedicated creator who has been Super-Slaving away at comics for over two decades. George Broderick Jr has done work that ranged from Suicide Blonde to The Simpsons, and he fill in the gaps with us.


  • The new Iron Man trailer hits Sunday at 7:30 – don’t get caught in the kitchen and miss it!
  • Sanctuary moves from the web to the Sci Fi Channel
  • ABC Family grabs Viper Comics’ The Middleman
  • Toy Story is coming in 3-D and Farscape joins us on iTunes

And please don’t ask us what anything on Lost meant – just Press The Button!

 Or subscribe to our podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

Hate, by Dennis O’Neil

Hate, by Dennis O’Neil

Calling movie actors “stars” was appropriate when I was a midwestern lad, long ago, because they seemed as distant and unattainable as those celestial twinklers that speckled the summer sky. None of my friends or relatives were movie stars — they were butchers or clerks or drivers or printers — and what the stars did, acting, wasn’t a real job and so those who did it weren’t real people. They were…stars. But if you knew someone who knew, or at least had spoken to, one of these distant beings who lived in places you never expected to visit, the stars became somehow real — or maybe realer, anyway. They were, if not people, then some sort of demi-people.

Clark Gable was a star. But Rock Hudson was both more and less than a star because I knew a girl who had worked as an extra on one of his films. Julia Adams…heck, she was a person, because she did a personal appearance at the grocery co-op my father belonged to when she was co-starring with Tyrone Power in Mississippi Gambler and people I knew actually saw her in the flesh. And didn’t that make Power a demi-person, too, by association?

Which brings us to Heath Ledger. I was never in a room with him, never saw him on the street, spoke to him on the phone, none of that. But when a heard about his death a few days ago, I felt just a tiny bit worse than I usually feel when someone whose work I admire passes. Why? Mr. Ledger and I lived in two of the same neighborhoods, one in Brooklyn and one in Manhattan, though not at the same time, and my big 2007 project was writing a novel based on the script of a movie Mr. Ledger performs in. Somehow, all this makes me feel a dim and distant connection to him.


New Iron Man Movie Photo, Toys Debut

New Iron Man Movie Photo, Toys Debut

Marvel Studios has released yet another teaser shot (seen here) from the Iron Man film set to hit theaters May 2, but they’re not the only ones riding the Iron Man promotional bandwagon this week.

Hasbro recently launched a new "Iron Man’s Hall of Armor" website that will debut a new figure from the upcoming Iron Man movie toy line each week. The first two figures, "Iron Man Mark III" and "Iron Man Mark I," are already on display.

The Hasbro site also features links to animated "webisodes" featuring Iron Man.


Youngblood, Young Avengers, Young Legion

Youngblood, Young Avengers, Young Legion

It might be a cold January day, but ComicMix Radio warms things up. Lost returns in a bit over a week, Iron Man premieres in just over 100 days and there is a spark of light at the end of the WGA Strike tunnel.


  • It’s a pretty good week for new comics and DVDs, including Young Avengers, more Shooter Legion and Torchwood on DVD – we cover it all!
  • Youngblood sells out and gets a "variant within a variant"
  • More on the revival of Wild Cards

Press The Button and let us fill you in on that and a lot more!

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