Tagged: Iron Man

ComicMix Quick Picks: NY Anime Festival grows, comic sales hold, and Hugh Jackman doesn’t stop the show

ComicMix Quick Picks: NY Anime Festival grows, comic sales hold, and Hugh Jackman doesn’t stop the show

Get ready for a special
“still-recovering-from-fasting-on-Yom-Kippur” edition of ComicMix Quick
Picks. Yesterday was pretty busy, and here’s a roundup of the stuff we didn’t get to:

What else did we miss? Tell us in the comments.

ComicMix Quick Picks for September 26, 2009

Freshly picked from only the finest and most pedigreed blog bushes, here’s the stuff we didn’t get to yesterday:

What’d we miss? Consider this an open thread.

Candace Bushnell’s comments on men and comics

Candace Bushnell’s comments on men and comics

Candace Bushnell, the writer whose Sex And The City columns were the inspiration for the TV series and movie, has bounced back from last year’s cancellation of Lipstick Jungle on NBC and chosen the web for her new venture– a new series called The Broadroom, starring Jennie Garth and Jennifer Esposito. (Warning: if you click there, your cursor turns into lipstick. You wish I was kidding.)

Now, I watched the series when it was on HBO– okay, my wife watched it and I was in the room a lot– so I decided to give this one a try, see where the revenue stream is, and so on. And just shy of 2:40 into the first episode, entitled “Husband Hijinks” I’m treated to this monologue:

Ahh… men. I know nothing about them. I haven’t had a date in, like, ten months. All my girlfriends are, like, where are the guys like us? Responsible, ambitious, normal… they’re in their parents’ basements trying to start up their comic book company, or they’ve suddenly decided to become a screenwriter at the age of thirty-nine. It’s awesome.

My first thoughts on hearing this:

  1. Yes, I started a comic book company in my basement. Mine. My house. I own it.
  2. I don’t have the time to do screenwriting, although everyone knows that comics are the way to break into movies nowadays anyway.
  3. Someone’s feeling a bit prickly that her film wasn’t in the top ten grossing films of 2008, and was beaten out by Iron Man and The Dark Knight.

Feel free to take a look for yourself:

And people wonder why there’s some worry about Diane Nelson.

Crazy Sexy Geeks Celebrates 70 Years of Marvel

In the second episode of Crazy Sexy Geeks, our new weekly series meant for both die-hard fans and people new to comics, hosts Alan Kistler and Carrie Wright head to Barnes & Noble and then Midtown Comics for a two-pronged celebration.

It’s been 70 years since Marvel Mystery Comics #1 came out in 1939, featuring the Sub-Mariner and the original android Human Torch. Since then, hundreds of heroes and villains have been brought to the world through the pages of Marvel comic books.

At a Q&A panel at Barnes & Noble, fans got to speak with Joe Quesada, Klaus Janson, Fred Van Lente, Greg Pak and Chris Claremont. The gang gave some advice on artists and writers trying to make a career out of their hobbies and also spoke about recent projects such as Magneto: Testament, X-Men Forever and attempts to create a new Avengers ongoing cartoon series.

The party then continued at Midtown Comics (Times Square location) where Iron Man and Spider-Man mingled with fans as they looked over the newly-released The Marvels Project #1.

Enough talk. Now watch!

Alan Kistler has been recognized by major media outlets as a comic book historian. Along with writing freelance for ComicMix.com and MTV.com, he hopes to one day write for DC, Marvel and Doctor Who. He also intends to time travel. His web-site can be found at: http://KistlerUniverse.com

Happy 70th Birthday, Marvel!

Happy 70th Birthday, Marvel!

Marvel Comics, then Timely Comics, first opened its doors for business on August 11th, 1939, making it a septuagenarian as of today.

To celebrate, Marvel’s sponsoring parties at over 500 specialty retailers nationwide, all starting at 9pm local time tonight. As part of the festivities, they’ll have early copies of Brubaker and Epting’s The Marvels Project for sale.

If that’s not enough, seven Barnes and Noble stores across the country will also be having parties, with Marvel creators and special guests galore. My local Barnes and Noble here in New York City is promising signings and Q&A with Joe Quesada, Klaus Janson, Chris Claremont, Greg Pak, and Fred Van Lente, with special guests Iron Man and Spider-Man.

If this kind of thing floats your boat, face front, True Believer, check this link for full details!

Crazy Sexy Geeks: A New Weekly Web-Series

So your parents loved Robert Downey, Jr. in Iron Man but don’t think comics themselves have anything to offer? Your friends loved V for Vendetta and The Dark Knight and are curious to read comics now but aren’t sure where to start? This is the show to help them all out.

Starring yours truly and New York actor Jose Ramos, “Crazy Sexy Geeks: The Series” is meant to help new people get into comics and other geeky entertainment while also being fun for those already initiated. Each week we will discuss topics such as openly gay super-heroes, why there don’t seem to be many women super-heroes outside of comics, whether remakes are better than sequels, the challenges of film adaptations, and other fun topics that anyone with a smidgeon of pop culture knowledge can enjoy.

This is not your typical comic book video blog where two or three guys sit in a basement or at a friend’s house and just review what came out this week. This is a show where we go out on the street, asking mainstream America what they think about super-heroes, sci-fi films, etc. Likewise, there are professional interviews with folks such as Rob Zombie, Edward James Olmos, novelist David Mack (Star Trek: Destiny, The Calling), and others still to come.

For our first episode, watch us chat with Amber Benson (Tara from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) about female super-heroes, her new novel Death’s Daughter, and what she thinks about the Twilight series.


ComicMix.com and Midtown Comics are not responsible nor necessarily share the views expressed on Crazy Sexy Geeks. If you love Twilight, get mad at Jose and Alan, not anyone else.

Alan Kistler is a freelance online journalist who has been recognized by media outlets as a comic book historian. His additional works can be found at http://KistlerUniverse.com.

Marvel’s Second Quarter Fizzles

Marvel’s Second Quarter Fizzles

Marvel’s second quarter earnings reports are in, and while they beat expectations, it wasn’t by much. They made (almost) exactly the same amount in the first quarter as they did in the second, which is not really a good thing for a business to do.

Publishers Weekly summarized the reports thusly:

Publishing revenue at Marvel Entertainment was flat in the second
quarter, slipping from $31.8 million to $31.7 million. Operating income
fell more noticeably, dropping 6.8%, to $10.9 million. A lower level of
high-margin advertising and custom publishing sales was cited as the
reason for the decline in earnings. For the first six months of 2009,
sales in the publishing segment fell 1.4%, to $57.5 million, and
operating income declined 17.1%, to $17.9 million. The company said it
expects the publishing segment to finish 2009 with revenue between $115
million and $120 million; in 2008 sales were $125.4 million.

DeadlineHollywoodDaily.com’s Nikki Finke has more detail:

The company said it benefited from growth at its film production segment, primarily in initial revenue for Iron Man DVD
sales and domestic pay TV window. But Marvel’s profit fell 38% after a
decline in licensing sales for toys and character-related products
following its Iron Man and Incredible Hulk bonanzas.
Marvel’s 2nd-quarter revenue fell 26%, and net income fell. But Marvel
also raised the low end of its full-year profit and sales forecasts
with Iron Man 2
coming out in 2010.

Heidi MacDonald over at The Beat says it’s a sign of a slower Q2 for comics all around. What do you think?

#SDCC: Overheard at San Diego Comic-Con, Day 4

Share photos on twitter with TwitpicFirst we have this photo from Wossy himself, Jonathan Ross, which we’re posting:

  1. because Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor need to see it,
  2. because I didn’t even know that Simon Pegg was at this convention, let alone in the running for the Green Arrow movie.

And with that, onward!

Before the Iron Man 2 panel, a clean shaven Robert Downey Jr. was wandering the convention floor with no problem. Apparently a couple of people told him he should dress up as Tony Stark because he looked so much like…well….Robert Downey Jr.

Whoops, database upgrade… more to come….

#SDCC: Iron Man 2

#SDCC: Iron Man 2

Face front, true believers, because Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau, along with actors Robert Downey, Jr. (Tony Stark), Scarlett Johanssen (Black Widow), Don Cheadle (James “Rhodey” Rhodes), and Sam Rockwell (Justin Hammer), were on hand to screen some previously-unseen footage at SDCC tonight. Newsarama was there, and thanks to the magic of liveblogging, we have some new tidbits for you:

  • Filming wrapped last week, but it’ll still be a year before it’s ready for theaters.
  • In case there was any doubt, War Machine makes an appearance in the footage they showed.
  • There was nothing to indicate the presence of an alcoholism subplot. At least, not yet.
  • Bob Layton, old-school Iron Man comics scribe, was brought on stage to answer a question about his involvement–which was minimal, save for a visit to the set and his blessing on the project, apparently.

The majority of the panel was Q&A, so if Don Cheadle dodging questions about Meteor Man floats your boat, go take a look.

#SDCC: Marvel’s Super Hero Squad Show! Hero Up!

#SDCC: Marvel’s Super Hero Squad Show! Hero Up!

If you’re anything like me, your interest in the upcoming animated Marvel Super Hero Squad Show was pretty low, based as it is on a line of toys and comic strips meant for kids too young to know that proper superhero stories involve lots of rape and horrible gory messes. Which is to say, I thought it would be fine for its target demographic, but a little too lowbrow to have the same level of grown men in tights and Neil Patrick Harris musical numbers that the discerning adult requires.

But then there was the Q&A panel at San Diego Comic Con.

Now, what if I told you that Stan Lee was voicing the Mayor?

What if I told you Kevin Sorbo was voicing Ka-Zar?


Well, if the Marvel liveblog is to be believed, it’s all true. Some other highlights:

  • Steve Blume, who voiced Wolverine in Wolverine and the X-Men and Wolverine vs. The Hulk will be reprising his role here.
  • Tom Kenny, the voice of Spongebob Squarepants, will be playing the roles of Iron Man and MODOK. Other casting announcements here
  • “Over 40 years we have seen many interpretations,
    and Marvel has a history of poking fun at themselves- this is a show I can watch, and want to watch with my 8-year-old.
    There is humor on an adult scale,” said Marvel E-I-C Joe Quesada, who’s also the show’s Executive Producer.
  • The plot, according to producer Matt Wayne: “All the heroes are in Super Hero City, the
    villains in Villainville, Dr. Doom wants all the pieces of the
    shattered Infinity sword, Iron Man is trying to make sure that doesn’t
  • The associated video game is out October 20th and will feature the main voices from the show.
  • You’re going to see the Heroes for Hire, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Paste Pot Pete, and Screaming Mimi in the first season.
  • Premieres Sept. 19th on Cartoon Network.

Q&A action, reactions to the teaser they played, and some priceless Stan Lee quotes at the full liveblog.