Tagged: Doctor Who

Donna Noble to Return in ‘Doctor Who’ Special

Donna Noble to Return in ‘Doctor Who’ Special

England’s The Sun is reporting that Catherine Tate will be seen once more as Donna Noble in one of the four Doctor Who specials now filming for 2009. Bernard Cribbins will also return as Donna’s grandfather Wilf.

The paper also reports that John Simm will also return as The Master, despite apparently dying in front of the Doctor.  Whether he will be in the same special as Donna was not revealed.

Summing up what we know to date: two of the specials are being film in America, likely pairing the Doctor with American assisntats yet to be named.  Donna is back for one special and the Master is back for one special which may be or may not be one of the three we know about.

A source told the tabloid that the current Doctor, David Tennant, was likely inclined to sign on for a full season. “David loves filming Doctor Who. The upcoming specials have given him more freedom to work on other projects this year and now he’s ready to come back to film a proper series to go out in 2010.”

Superman Timeline

Superman Timeline

As most of us know, this year marked Superman’s 70th anniversary. And as if that weren’t enough to engender conversation about the Man of Steel, Brad Meltzer’s new novel Book of Lies  has prompted quite a bit of discussion concerning Martin Siegel, who died during an armed robbery and whose son Jerome "Jerry" Siegel subsequently wrote the story of a bullet-proof alien who was invulnerable to all frailties.

So with all this talk going around about Superman’s beginnings, we here at ComicMix thought it was time to put together a small Superman time line. Please note, this time line is focused solely on Supermans’ adventures in the comics and not with his stories in other media.

1933 – Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster publish their story “Reign of the Super-Man." In the story, the title character is a bald homeless man named Bill Dunn who gains telepathic powers from a mad scientist’s experiment and intends to take over Earth. After this, Siegel writes up a new version of Superman who is secreatly named Clark Kent and is, in fact, an alien named Kal-L, son of Jor-L and last survivor of the dead planet Krypton. Shuster does artwork for the comic strip and they begin to submit it. The story is rejected by 17 different publishers over the next five years.

1938 – Superman/Clark Kent is finally introduced in Action Comics #1. Although Siegel has plotted out the name of Superman’s parents and planet, none of these are actually named in this issue’s origin story. Superman is said to have great strength, resistance to conventional injury, and is able to leap 1/8th of a mile.

1939 – In Superman #1, the planet Krypton is finally named in the comics. It is also mentioned that Clark Kent was raised by a kindly, elderly couple. His adopted mother is named “Mary Kent” and it’s said that she and her husband died soon before Clark moved to Metropolis.

1940 – In Action Comics #23, Clark’s newspaper The Daily Star is officially renamed as The Daily Planet and Superman has his first fight with “Luthor, the mad scientist.”

1941Superman #10 features our hero actually defying gravity for the first time by hovering in the air. Previous to this, it was always stated in the comics that he could only leap over great distances. Superman #11 confirms that Superman can now fly, just like in the cartoons and radio shows.

1942Superman #17 reveals that the Man of Tomorrow has a hidden base known as the Secret Citadel, located inside a mountain range nearby Metropolis.

1945 – The character of Superboy (an adolescent version of Superman) and his hometown of Smallville are introduced in More Fun Comics #101. Initially, this is treated as a separate continuity from the mainstream Superman stories.

1948 Superman #53 names Clark’s adopted parents as “John and Mary Kent.”

1949 – Kryptonite makes its first comic book appearance in comics in Superman #61 (originally, it was only used in the radio plays). In this story, Kryponite is colored red but in all subsequent stories it is colored green (other forms of Kryptonite with different colors will appear later on). In this same story, Superman finally learns the name and history of his home planet Krypton, even though readers have known such facts for years already.


Spielberg Gets Tintin First

Spielberg Gets Tintin First

Despite rumors coming from Hergé Studios, The Hollywood Reporter says Steven Spielberg remains set to direct the first of a project trilogy of films featuring Brussels’ Tintin. Hergé had said on Tuesday that Peter Jackson was moving ahead of Spielberg prompting both Jackson and Spielberg camps to deny the fact.

The first film, written by Doctor Who’s Stephen Moffat, remains Spielberg’s next directorial gig according to DreamWorks which is producing the movie along with Jackson. Jackson, set to helm the second installment, remains committed to completing post-production on The Lovely Bones for Paramount before turning his attention to co-writing the two-part adaptation of The Hobbit for director Guillermo del Toro.

The European comic book hero will be brought to life through motion capture CGI, with Thomas Sangster set to play the teen hero opposite Andy Serkis who plays the grizzled Captain Haddock.

Moffat’s script is said to combine elements from The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham’s Treasure, the first two books from Herge, produced in the early 1940s.

Torchwood Season Three Starts Shooting

Torchwood Season Three Starts Shooting

The BBC issued a press release today announcing that production has begun on the shortened third season of their series Torchwood.  The "Children of Earth" storyline will last a mere five episodes which the UK will broadcast as a week-long event in early 2009.  BBC America is expected to air the series soon after.

The release was scant on plot details, merely stating, the team will “battle for the future of the human race against the fiercest force they have encountered.” The story is scripted by  series producer and co-creator Russell T. Davies, John Fay (Coronation) and James Moran (Doctor Who) and is being directed by Euros Lyn (Doctor Who).


Doctor Who in America and on Big Screen

Doctor Who in America and on Big Screen

News of the World reports that two of the four Doctor Who specials for 2010 will be shot in the United States. An unnamed BBC source was quoted a saying, “But two specials in America, with a US setting and a US assistant, will take it to another level. David Tennant is already gaining a huge following and this will make him really hot property.” No actress has been cast as the assistant.

These will mark the final four episodes from Russell T. Davies before turning the beloved franchise over to Stephen Moffat and, according to rumor, a new incarnation of the Doctor in season five.

Moffatt, meantime, is said to be at work on a feature film version of The Doctor. "It would be good to see it in the cinema so long as it is great and fantastic," he told an Edinburgh audience this weekend.

"I’m not against it … so long as it never gets in the way of the TV show. If it got in the way of the show that would be appalling."

ComicMix Radio: Doctor Who Hits The Tables

ComicMix Radio: Doctor Who Hits The Tables

Between now and this year’s Christmas Special, you might be blessed with a Doctor Who RPG, the first in over 15 years. We’ve got the details, plus:

  • Voltron shuffles toward the screen
  • A big month in the comic stores for Secret Invasion and Batman
  • John McCain said what about D&D?

And we turn you on to a free web comic that probably sounds like the things you and your friends always talk about. Find out when you Press the Button!


And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!



A Matter of Opinion, by John Ostrander

A Matter of Opinion, by John Ostrander

So. I’m watching – and enjoying – the finale of this season’s Doctor Who. I’m a big fan of the time traveling Doctor and have been for years and his present incarnation, embodied by David Tennant, is one of his best. The Doctor is in a dire fix, as usual. This time, he’s trapped in the headquarters of his arch-foes, the Daleks, and at the mercy of their creator, Davros. A whole squadron of the Doctor’s companions and friends are trying to help him by a) threatening to blow up the Dalek HQ or b) blowing up the Earth itself, ruining the Dalek master plan. Like I said, the situation is dire.

Davros sneers at the Doctor that, while the Doctor himself doesn’t carry weapons and won’t kill, he creates friends and companions who will. He tells the Doctor that those companions are the Doctor’s weapons. The Doctor looks guilty and distressed as he considers, and seemingly accepts, Davros’ accusation.

Mind you, this is the Davros who has just enunciated his master plan of destroying not just the Earth, not just the galaxy, not just the universe, but all of reality except for the Dalek HQ. This Davros describes as winning and will prove the Daleks – and thus Davros – are supreme.

Which leads me to my thought of the week. Some people’s opinions really don’t matter. They just don’t. I’m not saying that people don’t have a right to their opinions or that they don’t have a right to express those opinions. However, there’s no rule saying that I have to listen to them. As I heard Steven Grant once say on a panel, “Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one.”

And, omigawd, are there assholes out there with opinions – especially now in an election year and especially here on the Internet! You don’t need to actually know about something to blog about it. Hell, I’ve proven that from time to time myself. What you need is a computer, a modem (preferably high speed), and a website. It doesn’t have to be your own website; if it has a message board, you can blaze away with your opinions at will. You don’t even have to use your own name so you don’t have to stand by your opinion. Wheee. What fun.


ComicMix Columns & Features for the Week Ending August 10, 2008

ComicMix Columns & Features for the Week Ending August 10, 2008

Don’t bother me, I’m watching the ‘lympics.  As if I followed any of these sports at any other time.  We’ve had some good sports here in ComicMix too; here’s a bit of what they’ve done for you this past week:

Now will someone please put some proper shorts on those female volleyball players?

2008 Hugo Award winners

2008 Hugo Award winners

The 2008 Hugo Awards were given out last night at Denvention, this year’s World Science Fiction Convention, a.k.a. WorldCon. The Master of Ceremony was Wil McCarthy. The winners are (cue the drum roll) …

NovelThe Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon (HarperCollins; Fourth Estate)
Novella: "All Seated on the Ground" by Connie Willis (Asimov’s Dec. 2007; Subterranean Press)
Novelette: "The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate" by Ted Chiang (Subterranean Press; F&SF Sept. 2007)
Short Story: "Tideline" by Elizabeth Bear (Asimov’s June 2007)
Dramatic Presentation, Long FormStardust Written by Jane Goldman and Matthew Vaughn, Based on the novel by Neil Gaiman Illustrated by Charles Vess Directed by Matthew Vaughn (Paramount Pictures)
Dramatic Presentation, Short Form Doctor Who "Blink" Written by Steven Moffat Directed by Hettie Macdonald (BBC)
Professional Editor, Short Form: Gordon Van Gelder (F&SF)
Professional Artist: Stephan Martiniere
SemiprozineLocus, edited by Charles N. Brown, Kirsten Gong-Wong, & Liza Groen Trombi
FanzineFile 770
Fan Writer: John Scalzi
Fan Artist: Brad Foster
Campbell Award: Mary Robinette Kowal
Full list of nominated works after the jump.



ComicMix Radio: Torchwood Series Three Less Is More

ComicMix Radio: Torchwood Series Three Less Is More

Our exclusive talk with the creative minds at BBC Television continues with Julie Gardner, executive producer of all things Doctor Who as she talks about her next career move and the reasoning behind next years shortened season for Torchwood, plus:

  • William Katt and Robert Culp share feelings on the return of The Greatest American Hero
  • Mark Millar hits the road this week for War Heroes
  • Sold Out books and shipping changes are updated all nice and neat for you

And for another Torchwood scoop, check out this earlier article. Meanwhile, there is lots to cover here so buckle up and Press the Button!


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