Tagged: Dark Horse

Mike Richardson Announced as Stumptown Fest Guest of Honor

Mike Richardson Announced as Stumptown Fest Guest of Honor

The Stumptown Comics Fest, an annual celebration of comics and cartooning art in Portland, Oregon, recently announced that it has chosen Dark Horse Comics founder and head-honch Mike Richardson to be its special Guest of Honor at this year’s event.

Festival organizers chose the accomplished (and extremely tall) Richardson for many reasons, some of which are detailed in the events official press release announcing Richardson’s selection:

Under his direction, Dark Horse has gone from a tiny startup during the black-and-white boom of the ‘80s to the biggest independent comics publisher in the nation, featuring such talents as Frank Miller, Mike Mignola, Neil Gaiman, and the late comics legend Will Eisner, and revolutionizing the industry’s approach to licensed properties through innovative Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Conan, and Aliens/Predator stories.

The Fifth Annual fest will be held on April 26th-27th, 2008, at the Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center in Portland. To find out more info on the Stumptown Comic Fest, a great event showcasing some exceptional art and artists, check out its official site

Conan on Conan Action on TV!

Conan on Conan Action on TV!

Jim Lauderdale and The Dream Players were on Conan O’Brien’s show last night, promoting and playing from their new CD, Honey Songs, which hits the stores today. The jacket art was drawn by GrimJack artist Timothy Truman; Timothy also writes Conan for Dark Horse. He’s also been known to draw everybody’s favorite barbarian from time to time as well.

Yep. That means that Conan was holding up Conan’s art, but not Conan art. Nor GrimJack art, sadly, but we were thrilled to see Tim’s stuff on network teevee! Nice goin’, bro!




ComicMix TV: Toy Fair ’08 Preview

ComicMix TV: Toy Fair ’08 Preview

ComicMix comes to you from Toy Fair this week, in the heart of New York City… and we have video!

Okay, so it’s not exactly the "heart" of the city. It’s more like the "elbow-region," way over on the Western side of the island where the subways don’t dare to travel. But the point here is that there are toys — lots of them.

We’ve already shown you the comics-inspired dolls of Tonner, a heap of Incredible Hulk and Iron Man branded toys, and Dark Horse Comics’ Will Eisner-designed Spirit statues. Now we have a short video preview of what’s to come from our Toy Fair coverage, hosted by our intrepid ComicMix host, Matt Raub.

Be sure to check back throughout the week for a look at highlights from our tours of the DC Direct and Mattel showrooms!

ComicMix at Toy Fair: Eisner’s ‘Spirit’ Meets Conan at Dark Horse

ComicMix at Toy Fair: Eisner’s ‘Spirit’ Meets Conan at Dark Horse

There was quite a bit to see at the Dark Horse Comics booth during this year’s Toy Fair, from statues based on Doctor Who and The Dark Crystal to busts based on Robert E. Howard’s Conan universe and various other products inspired by comics.

Most notable of the bunch, however, were a pair of statues based on the title character of Will Eisner’s The Spirit comics. With a Frank Miller-helmed film based on the character scheduled to hit theaters early next year, Dark Horse Comics’ statues are based on the original Eisner design for the character — literally.

According to DH’s Vice President of Product Development, the statues are based on sketches Eisner made in the event that a 3-D sculpture was ever made of the character. Dark Horse acquired the sketches from the Eisner Estate after the creator’s passing, and had the statues made from teh sketched designs.

"The statues aren’t just in the Eisner style," explained Scroggy, "but actually designed by Eisner."

Dark Horse also had a few busts from its upcoming "Savage Sword Collection" of products based on the work of Conan creator Robert E. Howard. The design of the busts will be based on recent covers of each character’s current Dark Horse Comics series.

In the spirit (pun totally intended) of letting a picture speak a thousand words, we’ve put together the following gallery of highlights from the Dark Horse booth.



Free Comic Book Day Titles Announced

Free Comic Book Day is fast approaching, and the titles that will be available on that magical day at your local comic shop are now posted on the official FCBD website. Movie and television tie-ins look like the name of the game again this year, with Marvel, Dark Horse and IDW all offering titles based on current or upcoming big- and small-screen projects.

Of course, be sure to keep in mind that you can always find free comics here on ComicMix every day of the year, so if you dig that whole "free comics" scene, make sure you check out our archive of free comics.

But I digress…

Some of the highlights of the 2008 Free Comic Book Day titles include:

First-issue reprints of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s All Star Superman and the kids-oriented Tiny Titans, by Art Baltazar and Franco, comprise DC’s FCBD offernigs — and should definitely generate some interest in the collected All Star Superman editions.

Marvel offers up another original issue with a FCBD 2008 story involving the X-Men. With a Mike Carey script and art by Greg Land, it looks like the Merry Marvel Marketing Machine certainly didn’t phone it in on the free stuff. Oh, and as a tie-in to the upcoming big-screen debut of Iron Man, they’re also offering a Marvel Adventures story featuring Iron Man and the Mandarin.


Star Trek My Eye!, by John Ostrander

Star Trek My Eye!, by John Ostrander

I spent part of last Tuesday getting a laser shot into my right eye. And how was your Tuesday?
It was for purely medicinal reasons. I have glaucoma; it’s a disease, can be hereditary, by which the fluid in the eyeball doesn’t drain out well. This increases pressure within the eyeball which erodes the optic nerve which can and does lead to blindness. Usually, you get it when you’re older but I think I was still in my twenties when I was diagnosed with it. It can be controlled with medication or sometimes with surgery.
And, yes, marijuana has a medical use here. Whether or not it would be of any help in my case and worth all the hassle that would come with it, I don’t know.
My case is advanced and I know I’ve lost some vision (my heat vision is shot all to hell and don’t get me started on my X-ray vision). In the past few months, I’ve started to develop an allergic reaction to my eye meds. It can happen. That can result in meds having to be dropped, eyeball pressure going up, and blindness coming sooner. 
So we go to plan B: surgical solutions. The most extreme one of these, and one I will face at some point, is having new surgical drains inserted in my eyes. Laser work, however, is less expensive and less intrusive and that’s what we’re trying now.


Alternate ‘Indiana Jones’ Comic Book Cover Revealed

Alternate ‘Indiana Jones’ Comic Book Cover Revealed

Of course we’re all excited for the upcoming fourth installment of the "Indiana Jones" saga currently filming and set to hit theaters May 22nd. Really, how could any Indy fan not be?

But in addition to the intrepid archeologist’s big-screen adventures, there’s also a comic-book version of the film being published by Dark Horse Comics.

To help pique your interest for the upcoming comic book and the movie, ComingSoon.net posted the original Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comic cover by artist Steve Anderson (seen at right) a few weeks ago. And now, thanks to the power of the modern Internets, they’ve just dropped the alternate Indiana Jones comic cover (posted after the jump) on us as well.

The regular cover prominently features Harrison Ford as Indy and Shia Lebouf as Mutt Williams — who may or may not be Indy’s son. The new, alternate cover opens things up a bit and showcases not only Indy but more of the supporting cast including Karen Allen as Marian and Cate Blanchett as Agent Irina Spalko.



Scott Allie on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight’

Scott Allie on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight’

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fan site SlayAlive.com recently called upon its members to submit questions about the ongoing Dark Horse Comics series Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season Eight, which picks up where the uber-popular television series left off.

After sending everything over to Dark Horse, Editor Scott Allie provided 30 occasionally spoiler-ific answers about Buffy: Season Eight, including this tease of a continuity-establishing connection between Buffy and Fray, Joss Whedon’s 2001 miniseries that fast-forwards the Buffy into the future:

12) How close is the link between ‘season eight’ of Buffy and the Fray comics? Also, how certain is a Fray follow up? Are they closely related?

Ever since the Scythe showed up in Buffy Season Seven, there’s been an undeniable connection between Fray and Buffy, and Season Eight definitely continues down that road. And as I’ve said before, Joss and I always talk about doing another Fray series, but we can’t do it anytime soon. He’s too busy.


(via whedonesque)




The Scoop On Secret Invasion and Simone & Ajax

The Scoop On Secret Invasion and Simone & Ajax

Look up and you’ll see today’s premiere of the all new full color Simone & Ajax here on ComicMix, then listen to ComicMix Radio and hear creator Andrew Pepoy reveal all the hidden details!
• Marvel reveals the McNiven variant to Secret Invasion … plus another surprise
• Dark Horse goes into the high-end collectible figure biz
• Lego gets set to go – go Speed Racer
• Boomerang shows their love for the bad guys
Press The Button quick – the Skrulls are watching!

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Me Eat Meat, by John Ostrander

Me Eat Meat, by John Ostrander

So there I was, in my car, tooling along, headed towards my eye doctor appointment, listening to my public radio station, WNYC, and one of their talk shows – the Brian Leherer Show. The segment was referred to as “Can Meat Be Ethical?” The guests were Joan Gussow, professor emeritus of Nutrition and Education at Teachers College Columbia University, and Gidon Eshel, Bard Center Fellow and a geophysicist at Simon’s Rock College.

I could already tell we weren’t going to be on the same wavelength for this segment.

Here are my basic ethics about meat: if it hasn’t eaten me, I can eat it.

Professor Gussow seemed relatively reasonable. She said grass fed cows are eminently preferable to grain fed and that one should shop locally for everything – meats, grains, fruits, vegetables – as that reduces the amount of fossil fuel for transport. And that we should reduce the amount of meat that we consume and treat it more like a flavoring or a condiment as many cultures do around the world. That would be healthier.

Professor Eshel would have none of it. I should probably try to separate his snide, patronizing tone from his message. The tone probably comes with his turf; Simon’s Rock, up in the Berskshires in Maine, is – according to its website – “a small, selective, supportive, intensive college of the liberal arts and sciences” whose “400 students come to us after 10th or 11th grade in high school.” The few, the proud, the elite.

Professor Eshel maintained that grass fed beef is worse than grain fed beef. Why? Because, as bad as cow shit and cow farts may be for the environment, cow belching is worse not only in volume but in kinds of gases being released into the atmosphere. 
