Tagged: Dark Horse


AP:  Jean-Marc, it’s fantastic of you to join ALL PULP for a few minutes.  First, can you share some background on yourself before we jump into the ‘business’ side of things?

JML: My wife Randy and I worked for Starlog and several French and British genre film magazines prior to becoming publishers. We also worked in comics, writing scripts for both Marvel and DC (Dr. Strange, Arak, Firestorm, Blue Beetle, etc.) We had, in fact, been translating a number of award-winning French comics for Marvel (the Moebius series) and Dark Horse (works by Tardi, Andreas, Schuiten and others). So moving into translating books was a natural extension. We had already co-authored over a dozen books about movies and television series, such as The Doctor Who Programme Guide, Into The Twilight Zone, Science Fiction Filmmaking In The 1980s and The Dreamweavers, the latter two from McFarland.

AP:  You are a publisher.  Tell us about Black Coat Press, both what you publish and the mission of your company?

JML: Black Coat Press was born in 2003 as a logical development in our desire to bring out the best of French popular culture into the English language. First, there was our massive French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror & Pulp Fiction encyclopedia published my McFarland in 2000; then there was our www.coolfrenchcomics.com website, and finally our two non-fiction Shadowmen books which, with our translation of Doctor Omega, were the first books published by Black Coat Press. It had always been a source of profound frustration to us that, because of the language barrier, the knowledge of many outstanding French works was denied to the American public. The purpose of Black Coat Press was to help remedy this sad state of affairs by providing a fairly comprehensive selection of the best and/or the most representative works, with proper introductions, bibliographies, etc. Because science fiction, fantasy, etc.  are often regarded as minor genres by “serious” scholars (on both sides of the Atlantic!), we felt that publishing works of this nature would be more useful than publishing  classic or mainstream novels, for which there are at least a few outlets available.

AP:  How does the history of pulps outside of the United States compare to its American sibling?  When did pulps start overseas and what was the lifespan of the genre in France and the U.K.?

JML: In France the type of stories that were later published in pulps were originally serialized in newspapers. The Count of Monte-Cristo, The Three Musketeers, the Black Coats series, Rocambole — all the great pulp heroes of the 19th century first appeared in newspapers. Think that there was a time when French novels and French films were widely imported in the United States. People were mobbing the New York harbor waiting for the latest installment of Alexandre Dumas’ novels. Yet in the age of the global village, this cross-cultural exchange has shrunk to next to nothing, and I think America is the poorer for it. The apparition of magazines or booklets devoted to a single character really started in the 1890s and the very early days of the 20th century. That lasted pretty much until World War II. Truth to tell, there was always a lot of back and forth between serialization in newspapers; magazine-sized booklets, and cheap paperbacks. The three formats were pretty much interchangeable and stories would often appear in several formats.

AP: There seems to be a wealth of characters to choose from.  Can you just give us the highlights on some of the characters that Black Coat is handling?

JML: We have published translations of Paul Féval’s BLACK COATS saga, including JOHN DEVIL, a multi-volume series about a secret criminal empire that thrives in the 1840s and is the first, ground-breaking series in the history of crime / conspiracy thrillers. We have also published translations of Arsene Lupin’s famous clashes against Sherlock Holmes and Countess Cagliostro, the first Rouletabille novel, which is an acknowledged classic in the mystery genre, Doctor Omega (a Dr Who lookalike), new translations of Phantom of the Opera and Monsieur Lecoq (Lecoq was an inspiration for and is quoted by Holmes), a collection of Sar Dubnotal (a mystic superhero) and Harry Dickson (a Sexton Blake-type character) stories, several never published before Fantomas novels and several novels featuring the Nyctalope and Doc Ardan, two proto-Doc Savage heroes. We have also published a five-volume series of works by Maurice Renard and a six-volume series of works by J.-H. Rosny Aîné, best known to English-speaking audiences for The Hands of Orlac and Quest for Fire, respectively, and which are both founding fathers of French science fiction after Jules Verne.

AP:  Black Coat publishes a ten story anthology yearly.  What is the concept behind TALES OF THE SHADOWMEN?

JML: Since 2005 we have indeed released six volumes (so far, Vol 7 will be out in December of this year) of this annual anthology of tales paying homage to the greatest heroes and villains of popular literature. The concept is based on the notion of crossover — the more outlandish, the better — between various characters from pulp fiction, always treated with respect and in continuity. For example we have had Doc Savage meeting The Little Prince or Lecoq Dr. Loveless; this year we have an encounter between Jean Valjean and Zorro. We have had a number of talented and well-known authors participate, such as Robert Sheckley, Kim Newman, John Shirley, Paul DiFilippo and others and this year we’re proud to have a story by mystery author Sharan Newman. We’ve also published stories by new/aspiring writers, who have since gone on to sell stories into other markets. We are also the only truly international anthology who publishes stories from non-English writers: we’ve published tales translated from Belgian, Chilean, Italian, French and French-Canadian authors.

AP:  What sort of weight do the concepts from international pulp carry, if any, with today’s audience? Why go through the effort of producing new stories for these characters, some of which are long forgotten or never even known beyond their own country?

JML: Obviously, the answer is — because we love it. But personally I think the popular media (literature, comics, film & TV) are far more reflective of their times than mainstream literature. One will learn more about what 19th century France was really like by reading the BLACK COATS than from history books. I think this is a tradition worth preserving, which is why we put so much effort in preserving those somewhat forgotten classics from long ago and making sure they’re still accessible today.

AP:  What are the primary similarities between American pulp characters and international characters?  And , of course, the follow up question to that, what are the major differences?

JML: One might argue that there’s nothing new under the sun, and the archetypes of heroic fiction remain the same and go all the way back to the Round Table, the Greek mythology (Hercules, the Argonauts etc) and ultimately Gilgamesh. Our French Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror & Pulp Fiction encyclopedia published my McFarland in 2000 starts in the Middle Ages — when French language became formalized — and you will find a bevvy of very modern concepts: werewolves, vampires, monsters, femmes fatales, evil masterminds, super-powered heroes, magical weapons, it’s all there already. Same in the 17th century where writers created hollow earths, journeys to other planets, lost worlds with prehistoric creature… Honestly, you’d been amazed to see how little new stuff we have invented. They could not conceive of computers and cyberspace — that’s a truly new notion — but you’d be amazed to see how truly ancient some of the notions we still use today are. The romantic vampires goes all the way back to Lord Ruthven (1819); Paul Féval wrote a virtual Buffy novel with Vampire City (1867), already predating Dracula by 30 years. Examples abound. If one wants to understand the roots or genesis of pulp fiction, you have to back much earlier in time. We specialize in French-language works, but obviously other cultures are just as interesting.

AP:  Science Fiction seems to be a mainstay at Black Coat?  Is this a significant genre overseas within the pulp field and how does it compare to American science fiction?

JML: We consider SF one branch of popular literature, just as interesting as pulp, mystery, crime, horror and fantasy, so I wouldn’t say we treat it with more favor, but we do endeavor to publish translations of genre classics unknown in the English language. I mentioned Rosny and Renard above but we have also released other ground breaking works such as Félix Bodin’s The Novel of the Future (1834), Didier de Chousy’s Ignis (1883), C.I. Defontenay’s Star-Psi Cassiopeia (1854), Charles Derennes’ The People of the Pole (1907), Georges Le Faure & Henri de Graffigny’s The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist across the Solar System (1888-96), Gustave Le Rouge’s The Vampires of Mars (1908), Henri de Parville’s An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars (1865), Gaston de Pawlowski’s Journey to the Land of the 4th Dimension (1912) and Albert Robida’s The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (1879), all absolutely outstanding works essential to the history of the genre. We have also published a few modern works including two collections by Jean-Claude Dunyach, novels by Kurt Steiner, G.-J. Arnaud, Richard Bessière, André Caroff , Gérard Klein, Michel Jeury, Xavier Mauméjean and two horror thrillers by Philippe Ward, but to a large extent those already reflect and incorporate the influence of American science fiction which was translated and exported right after World War II — so almost any French works after that are already playing in the same ballpark. The modern works we select tend to be original concepts; I try to avoid publishing something which would read just like another American or English work. But still, you can’t get away from the influence. Whereas the works listed above all predate AMAZING STORIES, etc. and are truly unique.

AP:  Is Black Coat’s focus solely on the pulp genre? If not, what other mediums are you involved in?  Any blending of mediums, say having comic characters appear in pulp stories, etc.?

JML: We are unabashedly devoted to popular literature — as I said, that includes SF and pulp, but also mystery, crime thrillers, fantasy and horror. We do have a small line of comics, translation from French/Italian comics of the 1960s and 1970s, but there are not too different from, say, the DC Comics of the same period.

AP:  We’ve established you are a publisher What about as a writer?  Can you talk to us about your writing background, especially as it relates to the pulp field?

JML: As I mentioned above, Randy and I have written for comics, and also animation. We did a DUCK TALES and several REAL GHOSBUSTERS as well as a few more forgettable shows like BIONIC SIX etc. One of the GHOSTBUSTERS episodes makes use of the Headless Horseman and Ichabod Crane so to that extent it is part of the pulp universe, as it were. Quite a few of our comic book stories betray the same influences. We wrote a crossover between Superman and Asterix in ACTION COMICS (drawn by Keith Giffen) and had the Teen Titans’ characters cross into the Tintin universe. We’ve done a couple of novels in France which we translated into English and published at Black Coat Press, including one THE KATRINA PROTOCOL, in which the modern-day descendant of Van Helsing faces a zombie invasion in New Orleans during Katrina, and another novel, EDGAR ALLAN POE ON MARS which is a historical fantasy in which Poe meets Edwin Arnold’s Gullivar Jones. (When we do books in France we usually retain the rights to do our own English translations and publish them here.)  We also have a collection of short stories, PACIFICA, which contains all our “Shadowmen” tales as well as some comics, TV fanfic crossovers, etc.

AP:  Is Black Coat’s purpose simply to bring these awesome pulp characters from outside of the United States some much needed exposure?  Or do you feel these characters have had or can have an impact on what pulp is now and what it will be in the future?

JML: Who knows what the future might bring? So far I’m happy that we are making a wealth of French material heretofore unknown to scholars and fans alike available in English. If that’s our only contribution to the field, I’ll be pleased.

AP:  So, what projects are coming from Black Coat Press? Any from your pen specifically?

JML: Volume 7 of TAKES OF THE SHADOWMEN will be out in December. Next year, we expect to publish the last volume in the BLACK COATS saga as well as continue the translations of the MADAME ATOMOS series, a French pulp from the 1960s which was then a new and much harder edged reinterpretation of the old “yellow peril” archetype; the ATOMOS series was really ahead of its times in terms of foreseeing modern terrorism, etc. We expect to be publishing more classics of proto-science fiction from the 19th century as well as a truly visionary work of the 18th century, LAMEKIS, which already foreshadows PELLUCIDAR and other similar fantasy novels. If Bill Maynard finishes it in time, we’ll have a second fully authorized original FU MANCHU novel later in the year and Randy and I plan to translate the classic last Fantomas novel, THE DEATH OF FANTOMAS, never translated before into English. As far as our own work is concerned, we’re supposed to have a story in the next Moonstone’s AVENGER collection and one in the WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSE FARMER collection, plus some other works published in France that we mean to translate.

AP:  Jean-Marc, thank you so much for this interview!  ALL PULP wants the world to know all about Black Coat Press!!



Beau Smith, marketing advisor and writer, has joined IDW Publishing’s Library of American Comics imprint (which includes some pulp like comics within its vast amount of material) as its new Director of Marketing.

“We’re thrilled to have Beau onboard,” says LOAC Creative Director Dean Mullaney. “He and I go way back to the 1980s and Eclipse Comics, where I was the publisher and Beau the Marketing Director.”
A graduate of Marshall University in his native West Virginia, Beau has worked in all realms of publishing and marketing in comics. In addition to Eclipse, where he got his start, Beau was the VP of Marketing and Publishing for Image Comics, Todd McFarlane Productions and McFarlane Toys. Beau was with IDW Publishing for many years as their first Vice President of Marketing, and is the former Director of Product Information for toy maker JUN Planning USA.
As a writer, Beau has written Batman/Wildcat,  Star Wars, and Wolverine, and his stories have appeared at DC, Image, IDW, Eclipse, Dreamwave, Moonstone, Dark Horse, and many other publishers. He created several well-received series, including Wynonna Earp, Parts Unknown, Maximum Jack, Courting Fate, and Cobb.  If that wasn’t enough, he offers his opinion on pop culture in regular columns: “Busted Knuckles” at Comics Bulletin, and “From the Ranch” for Sketch Magazine, and Far From Fragile for Impact Magazine.  Beau is also the author of the most common sense business book on the comic book industry- No Guts, No Glory: How To Market Yourself In Comics published by Blue Line Pro.

Beau will be focusing on retailers, and expanding the LOAC’s presence in libraries and universities, so all retailers, librarians, professors, and teachers are encouraged to contact Beau at: beau@loacomics.com  304-453-6565

Roy Thomas returns to Conan!

Roy Thomas returns to Conan!


Roy Thomas (W), Mike Hawthorne (P), John Lucas (I), Dave Stewart (C), Doug Wheatley (Cover), and Dale Keown (Cover)

On sale Dec 15
FC, 32 pages

The pirate world is about to get 100 percent more savage as Conan and his crew of brigands ravage the seas in search of treasure and glory. But when the beautiful Olivia appears aboard one of the captured ships and starts speaking of prophetic dreams and king’s fortunes, Conan and his crew head in another direction—one that leads straight to the ROAD OF KINGS!

• Joined by artists Mike Hawthorne and John Lucas, and master scribe Roy Thomas returns to the pages of Conan in this first issue of a new era in the adventures of Conan!

• 100% Adventure from Dark Horse Comics!

2010 Harvey Awards Announced!

2010 Harvey Awards Announced!

The Harvey Awards, named for famed writer/cartoonist Harvey Kurtzman, once again hit the Baltimore Comic Con in style. Emceed by PvP’s esteemed artist and writer Scott Kurtz (not only because his name is close to Harvey’s, but because he’s genuinely funny!), is held in tandem with a celebratory dinner and ceremony. Our intrepid Glenn Hauman was on scene tweeting the winners to us all, and shucks, he even joined the folks for the after-party. We here at ComicMix congratulate all this years nominees and celebrate the victories for this years winners! Did your favorite take home the ole’ Harv’? Find out below!

Best Writer:
This years nominees are:

  • Jason Aaron, Scalped, Vertigo/DC
  • Geoff Johns, Blackest Night, DC
  • Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Image Comics
  • Jeff Kiney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid #3, Amulet Books
  • Mark Waid, Irredeemable, Boom! Studios

And the winner: Robert “Suck it Johns, I PWN Zombies” Kirkman!

He joins other Harvey Winners like Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Brian K. Vaugn, and Neil Gaiman!

Best Artist:
This years nominees are:

  • Robert Crumb, Book of Genesis, W.W. Norton
  • Guy Davis, BPRD:Black Goddess, Dark Horse Comics
  • Brian Fies, Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow, Abrams ComicArts
  • David Petersen, Mouse Guard: Winter 1152, Archaia Entertainment
  • Frank Quitely, Batman and Robin, DC
  • JH Williams III, Detective Comics, DC

And the winner: Robert Crumb!

He joins other Harvey Winners like Dave Gibbons, Alex Ross, Mike Mignola, and Brian Bolland… but c’mon. He’s already had a movie about his life. Gibbons, Ross, Mignola, and Bolland should be proud they now share this award with Robert.

Best Cartoonist:
This years nominees are:

  • Darwyn Cooke, Richard Stark’s Parker: The Hunter, IDW
  • Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid #3, Amulet Books
  • Roger Langridge, The Muppet Show Comic Book, Boom! Studios
  • David Mazzucchelli, Asterios Polyp, Pantheon
  • Seth, George Sprott (1894-1975), Drawn and Quarterly

And the winner: Darwyn “Now who do I fight next?” Cooke!

He joins other Harvey Winners like Paul Chadwick, Jeff Smith, Chris Ware, and Sergio Aragones!


Wizard World Chicago, the Photos (Day 3)

Whilst walking the show floor today, the last day, at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven
lads did our duty (one final time) to bring you the shots you know you love
to see. So, enjoy the final cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went
that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who finally gave up looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom! or
Dynamite. Kudos to these cosplayers for being the bright spot
in a convention of tremendous letdowns.


Wizard World Chicago: The Photos! (Day 2)

Whilst walking the show floor today at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven lads did our duty (once again) to bring you the shots you know you love to see. So, enjoy the continued cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who were looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom! or Dynamite. While they weren’t there for this COMIC convention, at least these awesome cosplayers were. Kudos to them for being the bright spot in a continuing convention of letdowns.


Wizard World Chicago: The Photos! (Day 1)

Whilst walking the show floor today at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven lads did our duty to bring you the shots you know you love to see. So, enjoy the cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who were looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, or Dynamite. While they weren’t there for this COMIC convention, at least these awesome cosplayers were. Kudos to them for being the bright spot in an ever dimming convention.


Chicago Comic Con: A Tale of Two Cons (Part One)

Chicago Comic Con: A Tale of Two Cons (Part One)

We, the true believers all have that “home show”. That convention we never miss because it’s in our backyard. We treasure the memories we build there. And for those of us who aspire to become creators (like me and my Unshaven Comics cohorts) the “home show” is also where we first took the plunge and moved to the other side of the aisle to become creators, not just conventioneers. For me, that home show has been the Chicago Comic Con. I, of course, knew it as “Wizard World Chicago” when I first walked in the doors a newly christened comic fan in 1999. Ever since, that show has been a stalwart in my calender. I’ve not missed it, now, for 11 years in a row. Suffice to say, I’ve had a ton of great memories over the years. From catching the first glimpse of The Dark Knight, sitting mere feet away from Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, and David Goyer… to sitting in a jam packed ballroom, sharing a laugh over the secrets of Wonder Woman #219… to that first year I had to give up attending Wizard School panels, in order to sell my first graphic novel.

As the years have passed, my Unshaven family and I have noticed a rising trend. What started as just ribs and pokes from snottier fans who’d long proclaimed Wizard to be unhip and “mainstream”, changed to a general malaise from many of the fans we stood shoulder to shoulder with in lines for huge attractions like Kevin Smith Q and A’s to the aforementioned Dark Knight sneak preview. It seemed many Windy City con goers where feeling a slow and steady decline in attendance, in spirits, and most importantly in quality. As I touched on it in a previous article… it would seem that at last year’s Chicago Comic Con, a keystone had crumbled. Where once mighty booths manned by the biggest publishers stood greeting con-goers as they entered the center, were now gone, and replaced with questionable replacements. In 2009, where DC’s mighty banners once hung, and the DC Direct glass where my nose was pressed with palpable envy stood a Tonner Doll booth… where porcelain cherubic faced Harry Potters and Twilight Edwards now glared at me in monotone smiles. Where the Mighty Marvel erected it’s booth where cathartic creators sat and signed piles of books now sat a blacklight-rave music pumping-psuedo ninja weapon booth, manned by people who I can assure you couldn’t tell the difference between Deadpool and Deadshot. Thus, today it was with fearful steps that I entered that large hall once more… and hours later, I sit here, truly sad to type these words: My home show is a sorry shadow of it’s former self.


Angel Returns to Dark Horse in Time for New Season

Angel Returns to Dark Horse in Time for New Season

Angel has been revealed to be the Big Bad in the latter issues of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight so it makes perfect sense for the comic book adventures of the vampire with a soul to shift from IDW back to Dark Horse.

The story leaked inadvertently yesterday and now Dark Horse has sent out a formal announcement:

August 19, 2010, MILWAUKIE, OR—Dark Horse Comics is thrilled to announce that Joss Whedon’s Angel will return to the Dark Horse stable in 2011. Dark Horse’s Angel will bring the beloved characters from Whedon’s longest-running shows under one roof, allowing for new and exciting explorations of the Buffyverse featuring favorites from the casts of both series.

“I’ve always regretted letting Angel go in the first place,” Dark Horse senior managing editor Scott Allie said. “So we’re really excited about getting him back, as well as all his supporting cast. It’s necessary for how Joss wants to handle season nine, details of which will start spilling out in the months to come. Right now, we’ve got to wrap up season eight, and IDW still has a good long run of books before season nine starts.”

IDW Publishing confirmed today that it will launch the company’s final Angel story arc in November. This closing six-issue arc will serve as a bridge to Dark Horse Comics, which will pick up the series in late 2011. Under the direction of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel creator Joss Whedon, all parties are working together for as seamless a transition as possible. The companies have been coordinating story lines in both Dark Horse’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight and IDW’s Angel, creating a greater sense of cohesion and cooperation to ensure that this transition is true to both ongoing story lines and to the faithful fans of both series.

#SDCC: Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards — Almost Live!

The 22nd annual Eisner Awards, the
“Oscars” of the comics industry, will be given out at a gala
ceremony at the Indigo Ballroom at the Hilton Bayfront. This year’s special
theme is “Comics Fiesta.” The masters of ceremony are Bongo Comics’
Bill Morrison and voice actor Maurice LaMarche (Pinky and the Brain,
). Presenters include writer/actor Robert Ben Garant (Reno 911, Balls
of Fury), comedian/voice actor Phil LaMarr (Futurama, Family Guy, MadTV, and Free Enterprise),
actor/comics creator Thomas Jane, and lots of cast members from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World; nominees C. Tyler, Laurie Sandell, Peter
Bagge, and James Robinson; and Comic-Con special guests Berkeley Breathed,
Chris Claremont, Milo Manara, Jillian Tamaki, and James Sturm. Other
prestigious awards to be given out include the Russ Manning Promising
Newcomer Award, the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award, the Bill Finger Award
for Achievement in Comic Book Writing, and the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics
Retailer Award.

We’re going to try and keep this as close to real time as possible, with commentary where appropriate. We’ll include the list of nominees below and boldface the winners.

at the Eisner's on Twitpic11:48 PM (all times Eastern Daylight, even though it is neither Eastern nor Daylight): Annnnnd here we go…

11:49 PM: Morbo has welcomed the puny humans to the ceremony!

11:55 PM: Denis Kitchen, the executor of Will Eisner’s literary estate, has just announced that Will’s master work A Contract With God is going to be adapted into a film.

12:03 PM: …but did they have to announce it on the Sabbath?

12:05 AM: And the first winner of the evening… Best Publication for Kids: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz hc, by L. Frank Baum, Eric Shanower, and Skottie Young (Marvel).

12:08 AM: Best Publication for Teens: Beasts of Burden, by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson (Dark Horse)

12:11: Scott Pilgrim vol. 5: Scott Pilgrm vs. the Universe, by Brian Lee O’Malley (Oni) takes Best Humor Publication, with the award presented to O’Malley by the cast of the film.

12:18: A flurry…

Best Cover Artist: J. H. Williams III, Detective Comics (DC)
Best Lettering: David Mazzucchelli, Asterios Polyp (Pantheon)
Best Digital Comic: Sin Titulo, by Cameron Stewart, www.sintitulocomic.com/

12:38: And another fast flurry…

Best Coloring: Dave Stewart, Abe Sapien, BPRD, The Goon, Hellboy, Solomon Kane, Umbrella
Academy, Zero Killer
(Dark Horse); Detective Comics (DC); Luna
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team: J. H. Williams III, Detective Comics (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist: Jill Thompson, Beasts of Burden (Dark Horse); Magic Trixie and the Dragon (HarperCollins Children’s Books)

12:47: Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism: The Comics Reporter, produced by Tom Spurgeon (www.comicsreporter.com) Well done, sir.

12:52: Best Comics-Related Book: The Art of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius of Comics, by Denis Kitchen and Paul Buhle (Abrams ComicArts)

12:53: Best Publication Design: Absolute Justice, designed by Curtis King and Josh Beatman (DC)

12:57: If Harvey wins an Eisner this year, does that mean Eisner will win a Harvey?

12:59: Best Anthology: Popgun vol. 3, edited by Mark Andrew Smith, D. J. Kirkbride, and Joe Keatinge (Image). Presented by Thomas Jane and his popgun, so to speak.

1:04: A twofer for Scott Dunbier and IDW:

Archival Collection Project – Comic Strips
Bloom County: The Complete Library, vol. 1, by Berkeley Breathed, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Best Archival Collection/ Project – Comic Books
The Rocketeer: The Complete Adventures deluxe edition, by Dave Stevens, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)

1:12: More rapid fire, international division…

Best U.S. Edition of International Material: The Photographer, by Emmanuel Guibert, Didier Lefèvre, and Frédéric Lemerier (First Second)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material – Asia
A Drifting Life, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi (Drawn & Quarterly)

1:20: The Eisner Spirit of Retailing Award goes to The Vault of Midnight in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1:26: The one and only Sergio Aragonés is up to present the Hall of Fame inductions of Burne Hogarth and Bob Montana. Both are tremendous choices, just for teaching alone.

1:33: More wonderful choices– Steve Gerber, Dick Giordano, Mort Weisinger, and Mike Kaluta– wait, Mike Kaluta? I didn’t know he’d died…

1:57: Best Writer: Ed Brubaker, Captain America, Daredevil, Marvels Project (Marvel) Criminal, Incognito (Marvel Icon)

2:00: Best Writer/Artist: David Mazzucchelli, Asterios Polyp (Pantheon)

2:04: Best Writer/Artist, Non-Fiction: Joe Sacco, Footnotes in Gaza (Metropolitan/Holt)

2:08: Best Short Story: “Urgent Request,” by Gene Luen Yang and Derek Kirk Kim, in The Eternal Smile (First Second)

2:11: To no one’s surprise… Best Single Issue (or One-Shot): Captain America #601: “Red, White, and Blue-Blood,” by Ed Brubaker and Gene Colan (Marvel)

2:13: Best Adaptation from Another Work: Richard Stark’s Parker: The Hunter, adapted by Darwyn Cooke (IDW) because dammit, Asterios Polyp shouldn’t win everything.

2:17: The 2010 Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award goes to Marian Churchland:

2:24: Playing catch-up because I went looking for Marion’s art…

Best Reality-Based Work: A Drifting Life, by Yoshihiro Tatsumi (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album-Reprint: Absolute Justice, by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and Doug Braithewaite (DC)
Best Graphic Album-New: Asterios Polyp, by David Mazzucchelli (Pantheon)

2:29: And Dave Gibbons is the final presenter of the night, and the final awards are:

Best New Series: Chew, by John Layman and Rob Guillory (Image)

2:32: Best Limited Series or Story Arc: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by Eric Shanower and Skottie Young (Marvel)

2:34: Best Continuing Series: The Walking Dead, by Robert Kirkman and Charles Adlard (Image)
