Category: Previews

First ‘X-Files 2’ Trailer Hits the Net

First ‘X-Files 2’ Trailer Hits the Net

If you’re like me, you’re pretty psyched to see the new X-Files movie. I was a big fan of the original TV series and enjoyed the first feature film very much. So, its been with great anticipation that I’ve waited for the new movie, still "officially" known as The Untitled X-Files Sequel (they really need to pick an actual name soon).

There’s been a few bits and pieces surfacing about the film so far. But now, thanks to the folks over at IESB, there’s video of the brand-new trailer shown at this weekends WonderCon. The snow-covered trailer features many of the original X-Files cast including, of course, Mulder and Scully as played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

It also reveals a couple of new additions to the X-Files world, including a long-haired Billy Connolly, who screams "It’s here!" several times during the trailer, and new FBI agent Amanda Peet who tells people to "give him room." Looks cool to me.

One bit of advice about videos like this: if you want to see it, you better hurry. Things of this nature tend to disappear from the Internets as quickly as they appear. Although, this trailer will most-likely pop up on TV soon anyway, so if you miss it now, don’t worry too much. Enjoy.

X-Files 2 hits theaters July 25th.

Hellboy II Prequel Comic Preview

Hellboy II Prequel Comic Preview

Universal Pictures and Dark Horse Comics are distributing a 16-page Hellboy II: The Golden Army prequel comic to WonderCon attendees, but a five-page preview of the comic has been posted on the film’s official site.

Yes, that’s a preview of a prequel to a sequel, if you’re counting — and it’s written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, based on a story by Hellboy II film director Guillermo del Toro.

Oh, and don’t worry if that last paragraph read like a calculus equation, the comic is far more comprehensible, I assure you.


(via SHH)

Brand New ‘10,000 B.C.’ Trailer Hits the Net

Brand New ‘10,000 B.C.’ Trailer Hits the Net

I’m not sure what you think of director Roland Emmerich’s previous films such as Independence Day, Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow or Godzilla, but I enjoyed them all. Well, at least the first two. But no matter your feelings about the director’s earlier work, you gotta admit that his latest effort, the prehistoric adventure 10,000 B.C., looks pretty darn interesting — judging by what we’ve seen so far.

Fortunately, you’ll get another chance to find out if Emmerich’s latest is for you because there’s a new, just-released trailer for the film over at Yahoo movies. Chock full of action, explosions and plenty of giant CGI creatures, this movie looks like a great ride and this trailer only serves to peak my interest in the film even further.

The film, which features Omar Shariff as well as a cast of relative unknowns including Steve Strait, Camilla Belle, Cliff Curtis and Tim Barlow, tells the epic story of D’Leh (Straight) a young mammoth hunter and his journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe. Along the way he faces many challenges and pitfalls until finally, his very life is at stake during a massive fight to determine not only his future, but the future of everything he’s ever known.

10,000 B.C. hits theaters November 30th.

‘Hulk’ Issue #2 Preview Hits the Net

‘Hulk’ Issue #2 Preview Hits the Net

Over at USA Today they’ve posted an exclusive preview of Hulk #2, which smashes into comic book stores this Wednesday. Among the less-subtle differences you might notice with this preview is the color of your favorite raging behemouth. Yes, he’s red. That’s not an illusion.

The Red Hulk story, a murder mystery written by Ultimates 3 and Heroes scribe Jeph Loeb, with art by Ed McGuinness, centers on the identity of the Red Hulk, who might be Bruce Banner but is definitely many times more savage than the green version. 

According to Loeb: "I wanted to bring a danger back to the book. The Red Hulk is the kind of Hulk we haven’t seen before — a thinking, calculating, brutal weapon-toting kind of Hulk."
"In many ways," continued Loeb, "the Red Hulk speaks to the worst in us so when the Green Hulk comes back, it will remind us of the best in us." Loeb doesn’t reveal much more detail about the Red Hulk or the story in the article, but does let fans know that come issue #4, the green Hulk will be back and ready to smash once more.


‘Iron Man’ Superbowl Promo Peek

‘Iron Man’ Superbowl Promo Peek has posted a screencap from this weekend’s much-hyped "Iron Man" trailer scheduled to air during the Superbowl. The screencap shows Tony stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) testing a new suit.

They also promise to post the full trailer on immediately after it goes on the air, just in case you were in the kitchen getting more chips when the promo appeared.

You can see a full-size version of the image on


Free Jumper Comic Preview

Free Jumper Comic Preview

Oni Press is offering a free 23-page preview of the comic tie-in to Jumper, the upcoming big-screen adaptation of the Steven Gould novel. The film stars Hayden Christiansen and Samuel L. Jackson.

From the description of Jumper: Jumpscars:

For centuries Jumpers have lived among us — special individuals with the ability to teleport or "jump" nearly anywhere in the world. For almost as long, the Paladins, a secret and powerful order, have protected us from these dangerous and unpredictable individuals, sacrificing everything to keep humanity safe!

The comic tie-in will be available February 13, while the film opens the following day.


Red-Hot Hulk!

Those of you brave enough to come out from under your beds after seeing Cloverfield might even bravely venture over to the keyboard to run down a couple of hot links we gathered for you this week:

Top Cow Productions pulled in over  2.5 million votes at the official home of Pilot Season here, all in an effort to determine the publishing plans of the line in 2008. Pilot Season released five self-contained pilot issues starring established characters without a current series, all done by established creative teams in 2007. Each issue set up a potential series much like a television pilot episode. In case you still want to cast a vote or two, the polls remain open until tomorrow,
The Hero/ Hulk #1 (Red) that features an exclusive cover by Ed McGuinness, limited to only 5000 copies, can be purchased online here. This special edition of Hulk #1 runs $8 and will also be offered at the Phoenix Cactus Comicon January 26-27, and at a special pre-con party at Atomic Comics where Hulk writer Jeph Loeb and artist Ed McGuinness will be signing on January 25th. 
BOOM! Studios’ Northwind #1 will receive a second printing and the publisher has also released a trailer for the series as well. See the trailer here and get a free download of Northwind #1 here. By the way, the actual second print will have a slightly altered cover to distinguish itself from the first printing and will be available on January 23rd.
You can see those previews of Wildstorm’s Supernatural: Rising Son, here. Did you know that The CW has four more Supernatural episodes to go before the WGA strikes brings the series to a halt?
It will be business-as-usual this week on ComicMix Radio as we dig into the new comics and DVDs, and then emerge long enough to continue our quest to find out what some of the insiders in comics are reading these days – it all starts in about 48 hours right here!
Enterprise Unveiled in New Star Trek Photo

Enterprise Unveiled in New Star Trek Photo

Moviefone recently posted the first photo from the upcoming Star Trek feature film. The shot depicts a somewhat grainy U.S.S. Enterprise.

The first trailer for the J.J. Abrams-helmed Star Trek is expected to be shown during this weekend’s premiere of another much-anticipated Abrams project, Cloverfield.