New ‘Prince Valiant’ and ‘Wash Tubbs/Captain Easy’ Reprints From Fantagraphics

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

3 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Color Sundays finally! Bravo! – Dan Davis

  2. Mike Gold says:

    I missed out on the Captain Easy from flying Buttress back in the day, and I've regretted it ever since. As Mike Price pointed out on ComicMix (…), Roy Crane was one of the absolute masters of the comics form. This should be required reading for any fan of the medium.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Terrific news! Really hope those b&w Wash Tubbs reprints come soon too!