The Mix : What are people talking about today?

Marvel NYCC Exclusives

Marvel NYCC Exclusives

Piles of stuff from the Marvel previews panels and various toys around. We’ll be splitting this up into two posts, one with spoilers. In no particular order:

Matt Fraction and Barry Kitson have just been announced as the new creative team on The Champions.


The coming of… Bananaman!

The coming of… Bananaman!

Here’s a hopeful contestant auditioning for the next season of the Stan Lee-hosted Who Wants to Be a Superhero?, hoping to stand out from the rest of the bunch. Banana detractors, beware!

Auditions are continuing throughout the New York Comic Con, so check back to see who else we digitally capture.

New Adams-Miller Batman pages at NYCC

New Adams-Miller Batman pages at NYCC

ComicMix caught up with Neal Adams this afternoon to talk Batman, and received a couple nice surprises.

Adams is indeed collaborating with Frank Miller on a long-anticipated Batman miniseries entitled Batman: Odyssey, and originally slated for six issues but he believes the story will warrant enough material for eight.  Adams has created and will be plotting and pencilling the story, with Miller supplying the dialogue.  Adams will also be inking the first two issues — and NYCC attendees can see the entire #1 (beautifully detailed art, all of which you can see as there’s no lettering on the booth copy) — but expressed an interest in having other long-time (and as yet unnamed) inkers work over his pencils for future issues. 

Until the book is finally scheduled by DC, the place to see the preview will be Booth A317 in Artists Alley.

Mike Raub’s interview with Neal Adams will be on our Podcast this Tuesday.


NYCC — News in brief

NYCC — News in brief

Everyone’s getting into the podcasting act! Jamal Igle (see pictorial) will be participating in a serial podcast called The Mighty Mighty Adventures of Earl-Wayne and Chuckchuk (come on, you know you want to tune in on the basis of the name alone), which should be fun as he has such a terrific voice. And an old friend from college, David Levin, tells me his company, Brainstorm, Inc., is getting ready to do daily comics videocasts next month. With so much multimedia centered around comics, oversaturation might be a concern, but nobody ever complains about too much movie and TV coverage.

And in case you missed this news item amid the pictorial, Rob Walton’s Ragmop has been collected. This is huge news to those of us with very fond memories of that title. Lots of new words and art, updating ending, the whole shebang. Must dash and find out more stuff!

NYCC — Early sightings

NYCC — Early sightings

Annnnd we’re off!

A librarian friend of mine used to sigh that his job would be perfect "if it weren’t for the patrons."  One is tempted to say the same about a convention that’s only in the trade show stages — right now it’s very comfortable and easy to move around and seems pretty organized. But it also has the air of anticipatory set-up to it.  The comics industry works better when it’s inclusionary, and as nice as it is to meet and greet pros there’s just more excitement in the air when the fans add to the mix.  But let’s start with some photos, if the Javits Center wi-fi connection holds out:

This is what you see from the entrance.


ComicMix takes Manhattan

ComicMix takes Manhattan

To quote Dr. Seuss, "We are here, we are here, we are here!"

Pictured above, from left to right: Standing, we have Brian Alvey, Mike Gold, Mike Raub and Glenn Hauman.  Seated are Martha Thomases and me, Elayne Riggs, as the Beav — oh no wait, people might think that’s something other than a reference to SCTV, never mind.

Anyway, we’re here at the New York Comic Con all weekend, through today’s trade hours of 10 AM through 4 PM then the open-to-public show itself (4 to 9 tonight, 10 to 8 tomorrow, 10 to 5 Sunday), getting news and views and definitely some schmooze. We have our cameras and recorders and other digital goodies to get the full story from anyone who flags us down or veesy-versey, so please look for us and give us feedback.  We look forward to seeing all of our friends not just from NY but from all over the world.  "San Diego East" has begun!

Kyle Baker goes bananas

Kyle Baker goes bananas

From Cartoon Network’s Class of 3000, here’s some Kyle Baker work.

Did we mention Kyle will have a booth at the New York Comicon? Did we mention he’s doing caricatures? Did we mention the pretty women who will be at the booth? Go forth and find him and buy many copies of his books. Tell him ComicMix sent you.

Michael Davis: Nut jobs

Michael Davis: Nut jobs

I said in my first article that I was a pretty simple guy. I see clear distinctions between right and wrong, good and evil, love and hate, and Republican and Democrat. Blah, blah, blah. To that end, I think there are some things that people don’t talk about but should. Clearly in comics there is a subject or fifty that we don’t talk about. Well I’m going to talk about one right now. That subject is… nuts.

Not the nuts that come in a can, but rather people who are nuts… as in crazy.

No, I am NOT talking about people who have a real mental illness. I am talking about those people who have convinced themselves (sometimes with plenty of help from friends and family) that they are entitled to something that nobody else sees. Or their way of doing something is the only way something should be done regardless of any logical reasoning.


Anime charity event turns into scam

Anime charity event turns into scam

Via Alan Kistler at Monitor Duty, an ugly convention story out on the west coast:

Anime Film Foundation (AnimeFF) was founded as a charity for breast cancer research, specifically the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The group launched the “Tour for the Cure” anime con and stated that all proceeds would be donated to breast cancer research. They recruited several people in the anime community, including those at and Richard Stott, founder of the Anime Vegas convention. MTV was ready to video tape part of the convention.

And then things went bad. It turned out that no one signed the contracts for the convention rooms. The convention had to become a single day thing when it had originally been intended to last three days. Several events were canceled. Guests were told that promised accomodations weren’t available.

At the end of the day, AnimeFF representative Jeff Borncamp told the convention center people that the show was over, at which point he allegedly left with all the registration money and dealer deposits. What was supposed to be a charity event appeared to observers to be a "hit and run" scam on not only the anime and gaming communities but on people who thought they were involved in donating money to breast cancer research. has promised to dedicate their resources to bringing all the facts to light and ensuring that this kind of thing never happens again. As far as we know, the Susan G. Komen Foundation was merely having their name taken in vain, and they do good work.