Tagged: Lost

New ‘Iron Man’ Trailer Premieres

New ‘Iron Man’ Trailer Premieres

Earlier in the week I told you that a brand new trailer for Iron Man would premiere during ABC’s Lost this week. In case you missed it or, for some reason don’t happen to watch Lost, here you go:

This latest trailer provided a first look at many elements of Iron Man, including Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, much more of Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark and some new armor test sequences as Stark is trying out his jet boots and learning to fly.

Since seeing the first footage of Iron Man at Comic-Con last July, I’ve always been pretty sure Robert Downey, Jr. was going to be a great Tony Stark. Now, after watching this new trailer where we get to see a lot more of him in action, I’m convinced. Robert Downey, Jr. is Tony Stark.



Lost In ‘Lost’, by Dennis O’Neil

Lost In ‘Lost’, by Dennis O’Neil

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Denny’s column normally runs on Tuesdays, which is great because Denny e-mails it to me on Sundays. For some reason – and for the second or third time – his various e-mail accounts don’t seem to like my various e-mail accounts. We think we’ve straightened it out. Go figure. If computers were cars, we’d all be riding horses.


And now, Mr. O’Neil… -MG]


While I was sort of half-watching the two Lost specials our pals at ABC television were treating us to recently, I recalled the hot new trend of a couple of years ago. Serialized stories. Nothing resolved until late in the season. They came and they went, those shows, though there are a few survivors, of which my favorite, and apparently the favorite of millions of my fellow citizens (including you?) is the aforementioned Lost.
The purpose of the specials, which ran on consecutive evenings, was ostensibly to remind the Faithful of what’s been happening to those funsters on the island, and to clue in the non-Faithful, like me, people who just watch the thing for an hour’s easy amusement, as to what the hell the continuity is. (Another reason for the specials might have been the writer’s strike, now settled; clip shows like these eat up airtime at little cost and need no new material. Or am I being cynical?)


‘Lost’ Season 4 Premiere: Spoilers, Easter Eggs And Reviews

‘Lost’ Season 4 Premiere: Spoilers, Easter Eggs And Reviews

The wait is over, and so is the Season 4 Premiere of "Lost." If you’re anything like me, the first thing you did after the end credits rolled was to hop on the InterWebs and check out the chatter about tonight’s episode.

Here’s a quick roundup of some interesting pre- and post-episode buzz:

It’s nowhere near a necessity for "Lost" fans to play this game, but it made the time between the end of Season 3 and the start of Season 4 go by quickly for those who played it. Now that Season 4 is in full swing, you can jump right to the end of Chapter 5 and fill in the pieces between a few dangling plot points in the "Lost" mythos. My Advice? Navigate back through the Find815.com updates on LostBlog.net and see how it played out.

  • LostPedia’s Episode 4 Spoiler Section has a decent rundown of the episode’s flash-forward segments, as well as a mention of the new character introduced at the very end of the episode, whose name appears to have changed.
  • Last, but certainly not least, keep checking back on LostEasterEggs for all sorts of screencaps and hints about some of the things you might be wondering about in the Season 4 Premiere. At the time of this post, they have a great series of screencaps from the scene around Jacob’s cabin. Whose eye appeared in the cabin? What was on the painting?
Heroes – right or wrong?

Heroes – right or wrong?

The middle of the week finds The Big ComicMix Broadcast smack in the middle of TV Trauma -– which shows are going and what is coming in the summer and fall? Plus a truly rare variant comic, a new Jungle Girl debuts and MTV gets into comics. We lay out our theory on the Heroes finale, and show you best example we can find of the power of pop culture!

And if you Press The Button, LOST will finally start making sense!