Author: Martha Thomases

Demons of Sherwood: Bad Dog!

Demons of Sherwood: Bad Dog!

In today’s all-new and incredibly eerie episode of Demons of Sherwood, by Robert Tinnell and Bo Hampton, there’s something evil lurking in Sherwood Forest. Evil and deadly.  

You might want to hide the Alpo before you start reading ….


The ‘In’ Crowd, by Martha Thomases

The ‘In’ Crowd, by Martha Thomases


It would be nice if, now that I’m in my mid-50s, I could stop worrying about whether or not I’m popular. Sensible people get over this in junior high, average people stop in high school, and only a few truly insecure carry it through to college. Grown-ups, who have jobs and responsibilities and hobbies, rarely let such thoughts cross their minds.
And then there’s me.
One of the most exciting things about this political year is the way outsiders have been welcomed, especially by Democrats. The leading contenders for the nomination are a black man and a woman, both of whom are decidedly wonky in their approach to politics. A Latino man ran a great campaign, and is assumed to be on the short list of possible vice-presidential candidates.
This is exciting, and for reasons far beyond the political (although, if this trend means the war will be over and people can stop getting blown up so frequently, and maybe in this country we can have health insurance, that would be great). 
Mostly, I can spend ignore these insecurities that have lingered for decades. When I can’t, I try to use my experience for good. By relating to outsiders, I find common cause with racial, ethnic and other minorities who are not always invited to society’s metaphorical proms. 


GrimJack: He’s back!

Hooray!  GrimJack‘s back today, with an all-new episode from John Ostrander and Timothy Truman. 

GrimJack’s gone back in time, and he’s still surrounded by demons. Some things never change… In this episode, John has to share a body, and not in the fun way!


Webbed Comics


The Look of Love, by Martha Thomases

The Look of Love, by Martha Thomases

It was 30 years ago this week that I first slept with the man who would be my husband. This didn’t happen because I sensed he was my soul mate, my other half, the light to my void. I didn’t think he’d be the perfect father to my children. I didn’t think I needed a date for Valentines Day. Neither did it happen because he had a lot of money, a great job, or a fantastic apartment.
I thought he was hot, cute and funny. We had met a few months earlier, at a press event, through mutual friends. We discussed the possibility of feminist porn, and he leant me a copy of Anais Nin’s Delta of Venus. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Nin, finding her writing a bit gooey, but it was a hell of a line.
Why am I mentioning this, aside from monumental self-absorption? It’s been an interesting life. We’ve had adventures. We’ve had fights. (We’ve also had over a decade of therapy, but that’s another column). We’ve had successes and failures. As a result, we have a lot of stories that we tell our friends and family at dinner parties.
Imagine if we had super-powers! We’d have even more stories to tell!


‘EZ Street’ Goes to Baltimore Con

‘EZ Street’ Goes to Baltimore Con

In all of the comic book conventions you’ve ever attended, did you ever wonder what it felt like to be a struggling creator?

In today’s brand-new episode of EZ Street, Robert Tinnell and Mark Wheatley show you what it’s like as Scott and Danny head for Baltimore, to share a table with Michael Oeming.