Author: Maddy and Anya Ernst

TWEEKS: Making the Tough Decisions for #SDCC

HARLEY-QUINN-INVADES-COMIC-CON-INTERNATIONAL-SAN-DIEGO-1-We know this is totally a #FirstWorldProblem, but getting one’s schedule set for Comic Con is really stressful.  With the SDCC app and an Excel spreadsheet in hand, we’re scurrying around the San Diego Convention Center right now in search of scoops (of probably both ice cream and news), but here’s a look at hard tween geek choices that had to be made and some very cool activities downtown.

The Tweeks Guide to How To Do San Diego Comic-Con Like A Native

sdcc-logoWe bet you didn’t know that the Tweeks are not only native San Diegans, but hard-core Comic Con vets having been attending since they were babies.  In this week’s video they bring you their kid’s guide to the con featuring where to go, what to eat, which panels to see, and where to visit if you weren’t able to snag a pass for all 4 days.

Tweeks: We Love “Littlest Pet Shop”

tumblr_n2p7f779H81qa10uwo1_500There is so much to love about Littlest Pet Shop!  Not only are they just about the cutest little toys ever with their big eyes, and bobbly heads, but they also have a cartoon series on Hub that Maddy is obsessed with.  And now they also have a comic book series thanks to IDW!  Oh and did we mention Blythe Baxter’s perfect hair and a pair of diabolically evil twins?  Watch our review & then ask yourself, as we do often, why there isn’t a Brony-like following (yet) for LPS.

Tweeks: Vidcon Special

vidconlogoLast week’s 5th Annual Vidcon at the Anaheim Convention Center brought together video content creators, industry and fans to celebrate the medium.  As we expected, it was a con filled with lots of tween and teen girls screaming for their favorite YouTubers, but it also featured an industry keynote from YouTube’s CEO announcing all kind of new features for the site like a “tip jar” for content creators, fan translations and a radio show on Sirius.   Through the panels, concerts and signings it was clear that kids our age see online video like our elders see TV – so this con, started by the Vlogbrothers (Hank & John Green) is only going to grow in importance.  Watch our video for a taste of the experience.


Tweeks: Top 5 YouTube Channels

maxresdefaultIt’s summer, so we know that their kind has kicked-up their time watching online content.   As a matter of fact, we’re currently kicking back with our online video community at VidCon right now.  In celebration of all of that we offer up 5 of our favorite YouTube Channels.  There’s something for everyone whether you want pop culture musicals, thoughtful hip-hop analysis of literary classics, cute cats, comic culture in your kitchen, or dorky teenage boy advice. 


Tweeks: How to Train Your Dragon 2 Review

POPH2TD2BannerThis week we review Dreamworks’ How To Train Your Dragon, which is very much Tweeks Approved for all ages, even if it caused us to rant about movies so loosely-based on our favorite books that we suspect the rights to only the title were bought (Yes! We’re talking to you too, The Giver, Percy Jackson, & Insurgent)! 


Tweeks: Review The Fault In Our Stars

fault-in-our-stars-hazel-gus-bench-amsterdamThe Tweeks have been waiting months to sit in the dark and have a good communal cry over John Green’s ultimate weep-fest novel, A Fault In Our Stars, so they brought their camera & a panel of tween movie fans to the theater on opening night.  Watch their review to see how the movie version stood up to what they consider one of the best teen reads ever.



Tweeks: Princesses, Pirates and Mammoths, Oni!

PUGG-1-NORTON-VARIANT-4x6-COMP-FNL-WEBWe’ve put off homework and started our summer reading early with the new-to-us [[[Polly & The Pirates]]] books and the actually brand new [[[Princess Ugg]]] issue #1, both from Oni Press. Both have a few of our favorite things in common: fierce girl characters, boarding schools, and Ted Naifeh, but don’t think these are strictly limited to the Tween/Teen demographic.  Seriously, no one is too old to want to read about the daughter of a Pirate Queen or a warrior princess with a wooly mammoth.

Tweeks: Days of Future X-men Fans

X-Men-Days-of-Future-Past-character-photo-Jennifer-Lawrence-as-MystiqueFangirls love Jennifer Lawrence and Theatre Kids love Hugh Jackman, so the question The Tweeks had to ask themselves is: Will our kind love X-Men: Days of Future Past even if we haven’t kept up on the X-Men franchises?  Will we be able to enjoy the CGI if we’re too busy being confused about who’s who in the movie?  The answer?  Watch the review & see how X-Men fans are made.


Tweeks: Testing out Disney’s “Million Dollar Arm”

MILLION DOLLAR ARM With last week’s scorching temps and Fire days off from school (yes, California kids get Fire Days like other kids get Snow Days), The Tweeks feel like it’s already summer – and summer means baseball and movie theatres with the A/C turned up high.  So this week they review Disney’s Million Dollar Arm.