Networks Tighten Belts, Cut Pilots

Rick Marshall

Rick Marshall was Online Managing Editor for ComicMix before joining MTV's SplashPage. Previously, he was Online Content Manager for Wizard Entertainment. He has written for several daily newspapers, alternative weekly newspapers, trade magazines and online media, and was named "Writer of the Year" by the New York Press Association in 2005.

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6 Responses

  1. Glenn Hauman says:

    And where, pray tell, do they think shows are going to come from?

    • Rick Oliver says:

      Two words: reality teevee. No writers, no scripts. This obviously does not include professional wrestling.

    • J. Andrew World says:

      I think that they will be returning to television of the seventies and early eighties. Back then they took time to develop a show. Take Family Ties for example. The first two years of the show, the ratings were miserable. And yet the network took it's time with the show. Now imagine if Firefly received that kind of care, what a huge sucess it would have been. However I feel that they will waist air time with reality TV.

  2. John Ostrander says:

    They'll make SOME pilots. They'll get more "selective" (read "conservative") while the more daring fare goes to cable and, ultimately, the Internet. Yeah, they'll do more reality shows but they'll watch their overall viewership decline. They may be less likely to cancel a show if it shows a pulse because of the cost of creating a new one with no better assurances it'll do as well. If the networks are THAT concerned about losing the pilot season, they'd make a deal the WGA can live with. What they wanted was to bust the union. This is just more grandstanding for the general public. IMO.

  3. Marilee J. Layman says:

    I'll get through the DVDs quicker!

  4. Alan Coil says:

    And again, this may be a coordinated effort at putting false information before the public. As long as the strike is ongoing, every press release that comes from an AMPTP member should be taken with a grain of salt.After the strike, we'll see what happens. If all the AMPTP members drastically reduce the call for pilots, then we might see a case where legal action could be taken regarding collusion. Artificially controlling a market is illegal.