Tagged: Valiant Entertainment

Mix Picks: Doctor Mirage #1

Mix Picks: Doctor Mirage #1

Nick Robles Variant Cover

Finally, the return of the Death-Defying Doctor Mirage! It’s been over three years since Shan Fong has starred in her own mini-series. Sure, she’s appeared in the Valiant Universe in recent mini-series like Incursion, but she deserves a starring role. Previously in Doctor Mirage, the stories revolved around her deceased husband that Shan can see as a ghost, Hwen. Now not only can she not find Hwen, but her house is in shambles as a new character enters the scene by the name of Grace Lugo who seems to know more about what’s going on than Shan does.

Before you open up this new #1, you’ll notice at the bottom right hand corner the names Magdalene Visaggio (writer), Nick Robles (artist), Jordie Bellaire (colorist), and Dave Sharpe (letterer). This is a uniquely stellar creative team that any publisher right now should be proud to have put together, and is a testament to editor Lysa Hawkins’ insights into the industry. Magdalene is a rising star in the industry with two Eisner nominations under her belt already for Kim & Kim and Eternity Girl, Nick Robles’ career has been skyrocketing as he’s gone from Alien Bounty Hunter at Vault Comics to Euthanauts at IDW to this Valiant Entertainment mini-series in short time, Jordie Bellaire is an Eisner Award winning colorist and firmly established as one of the best in comics, with Dave Sharpe as the most seasoned member of the team having literally lettered thousands of comics. All of this comes together masterfully creating a one of the best visual experiences in comics on the stands right now.

This latest installment in Doctor Mirage feels more like the spiritual successor to Vertigo than anything else coming out now. Between the creators, the subject matter, the tone, everything. If you miss Vertigo, pick up Doctor Mirage.

Not familiar with Doctor Mirage? Don’t worry about it! This is a great introduction to the character. Not familiar with Valiant? Don’t worry about that either! This comic is laser focused on Shan Fong so you don’t have to worry about a lot of Valiant continuity. It’s a very welcoming read.

We don’t want to spoil too much for you, so if we haven’t convinced you yet you can check out the preview pages below. The first page alone is so expertly crafted that we could write an essay just breaking that down alone. You can go buy it today at your local comic shop or on ComiXology!

Oh, one last thing before you check out those preview pages. We’re going to predict right here right now that this will get Jordie Bellaire another Eisner nomination for Best Coloring.

Joe Corallo: Gotta Have Faith

Before I get started, I wanted to say I hope you enjoyed or are continuing to enjoy every Holiday you may have or are celebrating. I had a merry Christmas myself despite some people simply wishing me a “happy holidays!” I don’t know how I got through it either. And since this is my last column of 2016, a preemptive happy new year to you all as well.

Now that we got that out of the way, these last few days or so have been rough for science fiction, comic book, and music fans. Carrie Fisher, who has been enjoying a career renaissance, had suffered a massive heart attack and as of the time I’m writing this is in stable condition, but is still in intensive care. We wish her a full and speedy recovery.

Peter David, one of my favorite comic book writers as well as a seasoned novelist and TV writer who co-created a favorite TV show of mine as a kid, had a fall in his home last week. While we weren’t sure exactly what was causing his health issues, he has since been released from the hospital and just in time to celebrate Christmas with his family. Again we all wish Peter David a full and speedy recovery.

As far as music goes, 2016 has been devastating. David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Paul Kantner, George Martin, Phife Dawg, Merle Haggard, Vanity, Prince, Maurice White, Joey Feek, Dale Griffin, Pete Huttlinger, Sharon Jones, John Berry, Leon Russell, Frank Sinatra Jr., Greg Lake, Alan Thicke, Rick Parfitt and more were joined by George Michael on Christmas day. His passing was not only that of an incredibly talented musician who sold over 100 million records in his lifetime between Wham! and his solo work, but of an unapologetically gay icon.

Both Carrie Fisher and Peter David have a lot of work in comics. Though Carrie Fisher isn’t in comics herself, her likeness as Princess Leia has appeared in hundreds of comic books for nearly four decades. George Michael doesn’t have much of a connection to the world of comics outside of some spoofs in Mad Magazine. That’s soon to change as Valiant Entertainment is planning a variant cover based on the album jacket for George Michael’s hit album Faith for the first issue of their new ongoing comic of the same name. The proceeds will go to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, an important protector of first amendment rights for comics and their creators. I’m encouraging everyone to pick up that cover. If that’s not your thing, but you still want to support the CBLDF click here to learn more.

While looking up instances of George Michael appearing in comics, I uncovered a comic series I was unfamiliar with called Wham!. The comic was created by Leo Baxendale and published by Odhams Press in Britain between 1963 and 1968. It ran for 187 weekly issues. Leo Baxendale created strips for Wham! that were seen as rip-offs of his work-for-hire strips back at The Beano which he wrote for year beforehand and is still being published to this day. In a way, Wham! was kind of the Image Comics of British children’s comic strips in the 60s.

It’s funny what you accidentally learn sometimes doing research. That said, I’ll be mourning the loss of George Michael this week while trying to hold out hope for a better 2017. It’s not looking too promising right now, but I’ve got to try to be positive to get through it. I gotta have faith.