Tagged: movie

‘Incredible Hulk’ Promotional Art Revealed

‘Incredible Hulk’ Promotional Art Revealed

We’ve gotten glimpses of what the Hulk and the Abomination may look like in the forthcoming Incredible Hulk movie thanks to the toys produced for the film, but now we can get a closer look.

Bad Taste has posted some new promotional artwork for the film that depicts the Hulk in various states of rage. This is the artwork given to licensers to demonstrate what the green goliath will look like in the movie. If you squint hard enough, you can kind of see the resemblance to Edward Norton.

The website is in Italian, but the brute force of the Hulk’s smashing translates any cultural and linguistic barriers. If you’re desperate to read the site, be smart like the Leader and use Babelfish to translate it!

‘Superhero Movie’ Poster Revealed

‘Superhero Movie’ Poster Revealed

It was only  a matter of time. After spoofing horror films, teen films, date films, epic films and Spartans, the satire train has finally set its sights on the highly profitable world of superhero movies. Some of the comedic "talent" responsible for bringing you Scary Movie are releasing Superhero Movie on March 28.

If the film is anything like its spoof brethren, most of the jokes will undoubtedly be ripped wholesale from other films and be of the "Hey, I remember that movie!" variety. It will also probably do huge business at the box office, ensuring more films of its like.

Superhero Hype has posted a large image of the film’s movie poster, which includes Tracy Morgan as Dr. Xavier, Regina Hall as the Storm-like Mrs. Xavier, Simon Rex as the Human Torch, Pamela Anderson as The Invisible Girl, Craig Bierko as Wolverine and Leslie Neilsen as, uh, Uncle Albert. With a cast this star- studded, there’s no way this film can’t rock!

Galactus to Appear in ‘Silver Surfer’ Film?

Galactus to Appear in ‘Silver Surfer’ Film?

Galactus’ appearance in Fantasic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was a little underwhelming. Then again, so was the entire movie, so it was just par for the course.

When people think of Galactus, they think of a giant man in a purple and blue suit eating planets, not a vacuous gassy cloud that threatens to give Earth the dutch oven treatment.

Fans of the old school Galactus may be in luck. At Wondercon, Silver Surfer screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski commented on the status of Galactus in the upcoming film, which will be a prequel and detail the origins the giant planet eater and his silver herald.

According to Straczynski, the last Fantastic Four film refrained from showing Galactus in all his glory in order to leave his origin for the Silver Surfer film. Will we get to see Kirby’s version of Galactus or will we be subjected to another storm cloud? We won’t know for sure until 2009, when the movie will supposedly be released.

 (via SHH)

First ‘X-Files 2’ Trailer Hits the Net

First ‘X-Files 2’ Trailer Hits the Net

If you’re like me, you’re pretty psyched to see the new X-Files movie. I was a big fan of the original TV series and enjoyed the first feature film very much. So, its been with great anticipation that I’ve waited for the new movie, still "officially" known as The Untitled X-Files Sequel (they really need to pick an actual name soon).

There’s been a few bits and pieces surfacing about the film so far. But now, thanks to the folks over at IESB, there’s video of the brand-new trailer shown at this weekends WonderCon. The snow-covered trailer features many of the original X-Files cast including, of course, Mulder and Scully as played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.

It also reveals a couple of new additions to the X-Files world, including a long-haired Billy Connolly, who screams "It’s here!" several times during the trailer, and new FBI agent Amanda Peet who tells people to "give him room." Looks cool to me.

One bit of advice about videos like this: if you want to see it, you better hurry. Things of this nature tend to disappear from the Internets as quickly as they appear. Although, this trailer will most-likely pop up on TV soon anyway, so if you miss it now, don’t worry too much. Enjoy.

X-Files 2 hits theaters July 25th.

Nebula Nominations Announced, Plus A Comment

Nebula Nominations Announced, Plus A Comment

The Science Fiction Writers of America have announced the final ballot for the 2007 Nebula Awards. As a paid-up SFWA member, I’d like to point out two items:

► The movie adaptation of V For Vendetta has been nominated as one of best science-fiction scripts of the year.

► The original comic book on which it’s based is not considered a sufficient work to qualify the authors for membership in SFWA.

In fact, you could combine all of Alan Moore’s comics work — including Watchmen, one of Time‘s 100 Books of the 20th Century — and it wouldn’t be deemed worthwhile. Yet the movie script adapting the work is considered sufficient work to join SFWA.

Nor is this the first time this has happened. Last year, Batman Begins was up for the same award. X-Men was nominated for 2002. The comics on which they were based? Not worthy as membership credentials.

My written response to this logic would trigger a lot of web-filtering software. My preferred response would be seen as deriviative of the movie.

And folks wonder why SFWA is considered a laughing stock by so many people. Let’s not even get started on the candicacy of Andrew Burt…

(Artwork by John C. Worsley. Take a look at his site, there are some very neat illustrations there.)

First ‘Lost Boys 2: The Tribe’ Pic Hits the Net

First ‘Lost Boys 2: The Tribe’ Pic Hits the Net

For me, The Lost Boys is probably director Joel Shumacher’s only really great movie. It was one of those movies I really loved as a kid and upon subsequent viewings, it still holds up very well as a scary, funny good time — shirtless sax solos not withstanding.

The movie pretty much had it all, including a great cast featuring Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Patrick, both Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, Dianne Wiest and Bernard Hughes. It also had cutting-edge (for the time) effects, action, drama, romance, blood, gore, violence, comic books and a great soundtrack. All of which came together to make Lost Boys one of the seminal movies of the ’80s for me and many others.

To be honest, I never really considered the possibility of a sequel to The Lost Boys. I always thought the movie stood on its own as a complete and satisfying story. So, it was with some reluctance that I’ve followed the development of the sequel, The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe, which is, after many trials and tribulations, soon on its way into theaters.

But now, thanks to the folks over at Shock Til You Drop, there’s an exclusive first pic from the film that doesn’t completely reverse my feelings regarding a sequel but does make me want to give the film at least a chance. Who knows, maybe as we start to see more from it, my feeling about a sequel will completely change? Maybe. Until then, enjoy the pic.

Brand New ‘10,000 B.C.’ Trailer Hits the Net

Brand New ‘10,000 B.C.’ Trailer Hits the Net

I’m not sure what you think of director Roland Emmerich’s previous films such as Independence Day, Stargate, The Day After Tomorrow or Godzilla, but I enjoyed them all. Well, at least the first two. But no matter your feelings about the director’s earlier work, you gotta admit that his latest effort, the prehistoric adventure 10,000 B.C., looks pretty darn interesting — judging by what we’ve seen so far.

Fortunately, you’ll get another chance to find out if Emmerich’s latest is for you because there’s a new, just-released trailer for the film over at Yahoo movies. Chock full of action, explosions and plenty of giant CGI creatures, this movie looks like a great ride and this trailer only serves to peak my interest in the film even further.

The film, which features Omar Shariff as well as a cast of relative unknowns including Steve Strait, Camilla Belle, Cliff Curtis and Tim Barlow, tells the epic story of D’Leh (Straight) a young mammoth hunter and his journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe. Along the way he faces many challenges and pitfalls until finally, his very life is at stake during a massive fight to determine not only his future, but the future of everything he’s ever known.

10,000 B.C. hits theaters November 30th.

Toy Fair ’08: Ledger Inspired Joker Figure Announced

Toy Fair ’08: Ledger Inspired Joker Figure Announced

In spite of the recent, tragic death of actor Heath Ledger, the New York Post is reporting that plans are still in effect to release a new action figure in his Dark Knight character’s likeness to coincide with the upcoming release of the film.

According to the article, the Joker action figure will come in two different versions, both of which will hit store shelves in May.

One smaller version will feature a rocket launcher that can be put in the figure’s hand. The other, designed by well-known team the Four Horsemen, will be slightly larger, more detailed and come with a toy knife. Some might question the timing, or good taste, of releasing the action figure so close to Ledger’s death — or in releasing it at all.

However, according to the article, Ledger’s family supports the decision. "Heath was very proud of his work in the film, and his family is aware and supportive of Warner Bros. and its partner’s plans for the movie," said a family spokesperson. In addition, Mattel, the company behind the figure, are sensitive to the situation but still plan to go forward.

"It’s not exactly a marketing point," said Mattel’s P.J. Lewis of Ledger’s death. "But kids are going to buy the toy if they like the movie."

The Dark Knight hits theaters in July.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: You can see pictures of both figures in our gallery of photos from the ComicMix tour of Mattel’s showroom.]


New ‘Wolverine’ Set Photos Hit the Net

New ‘Wolverine’ Set Photos Hit the Net

Previously, I told you about the first "official" pic from the upcoming X-Men Origins: Wolverine film. Now, there’s a couple more pics to share with you. Sure, they don’t show all that much. But still, I’m excited for the new movie, so what the heck? Over at XMenFilms.net they’ve posted a couple pics supposedly snapped by a sneaky photog on the New Zealand set of the film.

According to the site, one photo is of an abandoned cement storage warehouse with extra lighting for night shooting. The other is of more night shooting on top of a large cement water tank which might be for an extensive action sequence or fight scene.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine claws its way into theaters May 1st, 2009.

Check out the new full-size photos after the jump.


Last Chance For Free Limited Editions!

Last Chance For Free Limited Editions!

 It’s Toy Fair 2008 here on the east coast, in New York specifically, and we are hip deep in action figures, licensed projects and movie hype – all of which we’ll be digesting for you here on ComicMix and on ComicMix Radio coming up over the next few days and hours. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t take a minute to toss you a few quick links:

So you are that one person who hasn’t seen the trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull , either on this site or even in movie theaters. Then stop being left out and go here – it really isn’t as bad as your friends said it was!
The networks are running amok trying to figure if they want to salvage the TV season and if so how to do it. TV Guide continues to post the most up-to-the-minute changes on retuning shows here. Trust us, in some cases the info is even more up-to-date than what your TiVo is telling you. 
If finding out what Big Brother is up to is more your thing (and we aren’t talking about the reality TV show), then going here might be of interest. Basically, the Pentagon has developed live, internet talk shows aimed to inform their internal audiences, the public and the blogger community about Pentagon activities and initiatives. Insert any pop culture spy reference you wish here. 
The clock is ticking and time is running out to get us your e-mail answer to the trivia question we tossed out in the last ComicMix Radio broadcast. Getting it into to us at podcast@comicmix.com could get you an exclusive limited edition, variant comic from Graham Crackers Comics – but it has to be to us by 9am EST THIS Tuesday, February 19th! And yes, this is yet another hint shown to the right!!