Tagged: Justice League

Happy 80th birthday, Don Heck!

Happy 80th birthday, Don Heck!

Don Heck. Today would have been his 80th birthday.

I first met Don twenty-seven years ago at his house in Centereach. He and my dad frequented the same bar, the Emerald Pub. My dad knew I was a fan of his on The Flash, and thought I should meet him, and finagled an invite.

It was the first time I’d ever seen a comic artist’s studio– and to this day, the best analogy is the scene in the movie where the young boy visits the wizard’s cave and sees the dimly-lit wonders, or the hacker’s technical sanctum and all the neat knick-knacks, you know the scene.

It was magic.

And like any good magician, he gave a gift to the audience– the page to the right, from The Flash #292, was one of them.

Don still hasn’t gotten the appreciation he deserves– for creating Iron Man, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow; for his runs on Avengers, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Justice League of America; for hundreds of stories without a single costume in them– but there are those of us who still remember.

Thanks for the magic, Don. Happy birthday.

Teresa Palmer Wants to Be Bad

Teresa Palmer Wants to Be Bad

Actress Teresa Palmer has received good notices for her role in Adam Sandler’s hit film Bedtime Stories but she longs to be a bad girl.

Specifically, she wants to play Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, and one of the antagonists in George Miller’s aborted Justice League film.

Palmer told Australia’s Herald Sun of the film’s status, No idea. I hope it comes off. I was going to be playing a villain, which would be so exciting and totally different from anything I’ve done before. And with George Miller, an Aussie icon. Plus, I’m good friends with Megan [Gale], it would be so brilliant for her to be cast as Wonder Woman. Fingers crossed it will happen.”

Of course, she looks nothing like the comic incarnation, who has mixed ancestry including Middle Easstern blood,

‘The Darkness’ Celebrates 75th Issue

‘The Darkness’ Celebrates 75th Issue

Top Cow Productions, Inc. announced today that The Darkness will reach Legacy Issue #75 in February, and the publisher will commemorate the milestone event by inviting a list of all-star artists to contribute to the oversized, special issue.

(Fans and retailers confused by the renumbering should note The Darkness #75 is actually #11 of the current volume, but the Legacy Numbering will take effect as of this issue. The Legacy Number denotes the total number of issues of The Darkness ever published, regardless of volume. The subsequent issue will be labeled #76, and so forth.)

The list of artists includes: Michael Broussard (current series artist), Jorge Lucas (Pilot Season: Ripclaw), Dale Keown (Pitt), Joe Benitez (Justice League of America), Ryan Sook (Superman/Batman), Steve Firchow (Ultimatum), Frazer Irving (Silent War), Lee Carter (2000 AD), Stjepan Sejic (Witchblade) and Matt Timson (Impaler). The story, which will examine what a possible future would be like for current Darkness bearer Jackie Estacado, will be penned by current series writer Phil Hester.

“Working on The Darkness #75 was like visiting an old friend I haven’t seen in a while,” Joe Benitez, who hasn’t drawn for an issue of The Darkness since 1999, said in a release. “It’s always nice to see what they’re up to and how they’ve changed.”



Alan Horn Briefly Updates DCU FIlms

Alan Horn Briefly Updates DCU FIlms

Collider managed to briefly speak with Warner Bros. President Alan Horn, who provided a little update eon their DC Universe properties.

First up is the notion that Green Lantern will be the next hero to strut his stuff before the camera.  With a screenplay completed and location scouting occurring in Australia, the film appears to be in active pre-production. Horn said, “Also on the board. On the runway. Hasn’t taken off yet, but we’re close.”

Horn indicated he thought Superman would go into production before another Christopher Nolan Batman. “Probably in the next couple of years,” he said. “We’re very anxious to bring Superman back also.”
 As for third installment of Batman, Horn said, “We’ve been talking to Chris Nolan and what we have to do is get him in the right place and have him tell us what he thinks the notion might be for a great story, but Chris did a great job and we’d love to have him come back and do another one.

“The story is everything and we are very respectful of Chris. We have a wonderful relationship with him and we are going to be respectful of his timing and we want to get it right. Also, I think the fans expect that – they want us to make a terrific movie – we have to give them another great movie.”

As for the stalled Justice League film, Horn merely said, “Not yet.”

‘Ultimatum’ #1 #1 in November

‘Ultimatum’ #1 #1 in November

The November numbers are in and ICv2 notes that sales of the top 300 titles fell 11% compared with a year ago.  They note that with DC Comics and Marvel Comics skipping issues of Secret Invasion, Final Crisis, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Astonishing X-Men, and Justice League of America, there’s little wonder.

Only two titles — Marvel’s Ultimatum #1 and DC’s Batman #681 – cracked the 100,000 unit marks based on numbers provided by Diamond Comics Distributors, the fewest since March.

Marvel had 14 of the top 25 titles, DC 10, and Dark Horse one. 

Looking over the list, it’s interesting to note that beyond events and new titles, several mainline books continue to bring in readers because the content seems to be consistently entertaining month after month as exemplified by Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America being in the Top 10. The most popular creators do seem to translate to best sales making it all the more important for creative team consistency month to month.

Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales by Diamond Comic Distributors to comic stores on the top 25 comic titles in November:

114,230           Ultimatum #1
103,151           Batman #681 (RIP)
  90,776           Hulk #8
  88,910           Wolverine #69
  77,773           Uncanny X-Men #504
  76,625           Amazing Spider-Man #577
  75,493           Captain America #44
  74,202           Buffy the Vampire Slayer #19
  72,862           JSA: Kingdom Come Special Superman #1
  71,355           Justice Society of America #20
  69,522           Batman: Cacophony #1
  68,956           Amazing Spider-Man #576
  66,564           Amazing Spider-Man #578
  64,196           Detective Comics #850 (RIP)
  63,512           X-Men Legacy #218
  61,331           Fantastic Four #561
  58,547           Action Comics #871
  58,279           Dark Tower: Treachery #3
  57,241           X-Force #9
  57,205           JSA: Kingdom Come Special Kingdom #1
  56,931           Final Crisis: Resist #1
  56,224           Avengers / Invaders #6
  55,560           JSA: Kingdom Come Special Magog #1

Alfred Molina Talks Ares in ‘Wonder Woman’

Alfred Molina Talks Ares in ‘Wonder Woman’

Alfred Molina voices Ares, God of War, on the Warner Premiere feature Wonder Woman.  It’s not his first turn as a villain having made a memorable Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man 2.

Wonder Woman, the fourth direct-to-DVD feature set in the DC Universe, is set for distribution on DVD and Blu-ray March 3, 2009 by Warner Home Video.

When the four-time Screen Actors Guild Award nominee isn’t starring in one of his many critically acclaimed films – like Chocolat, Frida, Prick Up Your Ears, Magnolia, Boogie Nights and The Da Vinci Code. Molina was honored with the 2005 Visual Effects Society Award for Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Visual Effects Film.

The two-time Tony Award-nominated actor has previously voiced King Gustav for the two-part "Maid of Honor" episode of the Justice League animated series.

Warner Premiere provided us with the following interview:

Question:  Alfred Molina voicing Are, the God of War.  That’s a nice title.

Alfred Molina  Yeah. I’m thinking of changing my name professionally to Ares, the God of War.  I think I might just do that.

Question: What is your favorite part of voice acting?

AM:  This is all about imagination. It’s like our director Andrea (Romano) likes to say, "Thank you for coming to play." And that’s really what voice acting is. It’s play acting at its most childlike, it’s most free. There are no restrictions of costume or scenery or a set. It’s about what’s in your head, and that’s the fun part.


DC Comics Names ‘Origins and Omens’ Line-up

DC Comics Names ‘Origins and Omens’ Line-up

This February, nineteen core titles from the DC Universe will feature “Origins and Omens” backup stories. “Origins and Omens” lays the groundwork for the upcoming Green Lantern: Blackest Night miniseries and more in 2009.
These “Origins and Omens” issues are solicited in the December Previews and are scheduled to arrive in stores in February. DC Comics will announce the full lineup of writers and artists contributing to these stories soon.
Watch for “Origins and Omens” stories in these issues:
•           ACTION COMICS #874
•           ADVENTURE COMICS #0 — Specially priced at just $1.00!
•           BIRDS OF PREY #127
•           BOOSTER GOLD #17
•           GREEN LANTERN #38
•           GREEN LANTERN CORPS #33
•           NIGHTWING #153
•           OUTSIDERS #15
•           ROBIN #183
•           SECRET SIX #6
•           SUPERGIRL #38
•           SUPERMAN #685
•           TEEN TITANS #68
•           TITANS #10
•           VIGILANTE #3
•           WONDER WOMAN #29
Also this month, watch for Adventure Comics #0, reprinting one of the cornerstone stories of the DCU with a special price of just $1.00 and featuring its own all-new “Origins and Omens” tale! To celebrate the upcoming Adventure Comics #1, this issue reprints a Silver Age classic from the title’s prior volume — Adventure Comics #247, the first appearance of the Legion of Super-Heroes! Adventure Comics #0 also features a new cover by Aaron Lopresti that’s an homage to the original.

The story also serves as the inspiration for Geoff Johns’ episode of Smallville, scheduled to air on January 15.

Geoff Johns Leaves ‘JSA’ After #26

Geoff Johns Leaves ‘JSA’ After #26

Geoff Johns announced his departure from Justice Society of America, after issue #26, at his forum at Comic Bloc.

He wrote:

There will always be a Justice Society of America book in the DC Universe.

I take a lot of pride in that fact because it wasn’t always true.

It’s hard to say this but officially, I will be leaving the title after Justice Society of America #26, which is a single-issue story entitled “Black Adam Ruined my Birthday.” Following the Black Adam arc with Jerry and I, #26 will be my last issue, Dale [Eaglesham]’s last and our fantastic editor Michael Siglain’s last. I think we’re going out on one of my favorite stories to date and I’m glad we are all going out on this together.

I’ve been writing JSA nearly my entire career. The book has steadily gained new and old fans and, with the re-launch two years ago, fixed itself as one of the staples of the DC Universe. Since then we’ve remained one of the top monthly books at DC alongside Justice League of America and Batman. A book starring characters like Jay Garrick, Stargirl, Mr. Terrific and Citizen Steel. Heroes that, I think, most people had written off. But not all of them did.

We got Dr. Mid-Nite from the talented Matt Wagner. And the new Mr. Terrific first appeared in The Spectre under the pen of one of my favorite writers John Ostrander. I brought in Stargirl, who will always be a character I write in one form or another – no matter if I’m on JSA or not. And, above all, I think James Robinson’s run on Starman opened the door for the JSA on a different level.

How’d I get involved in this? Peter Tomasi and David Goyer.

I was asked by them to come on and co-write JSA back in 1999 right when I got into comics. James had left the book after issue #2. David wrote #3 himself and I came in and wrote #4 with him, but without a credit. I got a special thanks to, but that was enough for me. David then wrote #5 and I came on officially with #6, which featured Black Adam way back when. Over the next two years, I worked with David on the book steadily until he left with #25 and returned later through #51.

The JSA to me represents everything good about life, work and superheroes. In life, generations past, present and future all provide different viewpoints. There can be something magical when it’s past from grandfather to father to son or from mother to daughter or son to grandfather. There’s nothing more important than family – and family means a lot more than just blood relatives. That’s what my very first book, Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E., was about and that’s what JSA, and life, is about.

So why am I leaving?

I have more stories to tell, and the characters are endless, but that’s also true for the DC Universe. I’m ready to move on to some other challenges like returning to The Flash and Superman: Secret Origin. And I am also obsessed with making sure that Green Lantern, Blackest Night and everything around it is the absolute best it can possibly be. …and that’s only part of 2009. There are some new projects on the horizon.

I have to thank Dale Eaglesham, Fernando Parasin, Alex Ross, Steve Sadowski, Leonard Kirk, Don Kramer, Jerry Ordway, Michael Bair, Alex Sinclair, Jon Kalisz, Michael Siglain, Steve Wacker, Harvey Richards, Eddie Berganza, Adam Schlagman, Peter Tomasi, David Goyer, James Robinson, Carlos Pacheco and the creators that inspired me – Paul Levitz, Grant Morrison and Marv Wolfman.

And although he’s never read the book, Roy Thomas. He held the torch for a long time and did a wonderful job. I wish we could’ve done a project together.

I’m sure I’ll return to the Justice Society in some form or another some day, but for now I’m passing them off a new creative team – one who is already working on the book (job’s taken, sorry guys – and it’s someone who’s never worked with these characters before). I really look forward to reading it.

Thanks for all your support and I’ll see you all soon!

‘Wonder Woman’ to Screen at NYCC

‘Wonder Woman’ to Screen at NYCC

Animator Bruce Timm has been named a Guest of Honor at the New York Comic-Con in February.

In making the announcement, the convention also said the latest animated feature, Wonder Woman, will be premiered at the con. at 8:30 p.m. on February 6 in the IGN Theater. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Timm and members of the film’s cast and crew.

The DVD, OnDemand, Pay-Per-View, and download are all scheduled for a March 3 release.

Other DC properties with films in development include Batman, Superman, Justice League, Green Lantern and The Flash. The release did not name The Teen Titans project confirming the rumors that it is no longer an active feature.

‘Smallville’ Update

‘Smallville’ Update

The CW’s Smallville is now in its eighth season and the producers have been making noises as to whether or not they think there’s enough creative juice left for a ninth season.  TV Guide is speculating that retaining he cast, led by Tom Welling, may be the biggest stumbling block.  They would need new contracts with raises and Welling has been eyeing a big screen career for some time now.

Meantime, the series is on hiatus until January 15 and the much awaited Legion of Super-Heroes episode. Their oppojnent appears to be the Fatal Five’s Persuader.

Meantime, the fourteenth episode will introduce the television series’ version of the Toyman and Tori Spelling will return as gossip reporter Linda Lake.

Speaking of gossip, apparently Clark will reveal his alien nature this season.  Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello writes, “I can confirm that Clark does, in fact, come out as an E.T. during an interview with Lois. I can also confirm that said revelation causes mass chaos.”

Meantime, the combined heroes, unofficially dubbed the Justice League, will be back before the season ends and Alaina Huffman, who plays Black Canary, hinted in an interview her romance with Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) will heat up.

Now that “The Bride” episode has revealed that Lex Luthor is alive, rumors are swirling that Michael Rosenbaum will be enticed back to the series to wrap up his character’s storyline.