Author: Mike Raub

ComicMix Radio: Preview Night At Comic Con

ComicMix Radio: Preview Night At Comic Con

 It’s Preview Night at San Diego ComicCon!

The doors opened to the first lucky badge holders on this sell out weekend and we take you along with the first of our special extended ComicMix Radio broadcasts.
Join us as:

  • ComicMix Editor In Chief, Mike Gold, joins us as our special co-host with news on the Big Plans we have here at SDCC
  • Nixon’s Pals Creator Chris Burnham talks comic projects new and future
  • We meet Kid Flash – really


And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


ComicMix Radio: Battlestar Galactica Heads Back To SciFi

ComicMix Radio: Battlestar Galactica Heads Back To SciFi

The next time someone asks you "When is Battlestar coming back?" you have an answer and we give it to you here, plus:

  • Two Final Crisis sell outs
  • Len Wein joins Bloodfire
  • Lots of new comics and DVDs all hit the stores

And remember, ComicMix Radio will be broadcasting direct from the floor of ComicCon 2008 starting tomorrow night (Wednesday) for Preview Night. We will have extended broadcasts every day right through Sunday, and to join us all you have to do is Press the Button!

Don’t forget you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


ComicMix Radio: Joss Whedon And The Origin Of Doctor Horrible

ComicMix Radio: Joss Whedon And The Origin Of Doctor Horrible

If you weren’t waiting to see a Batman screening this week, you were probably trying to download an episode of Doctor Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, and let’s face it, both were worth the wait. In a Comicmix Exclusive, Joss Whedon spills were it all started and how a little whim became an internet phenomenon plus:

  • Boom! gives it away
  • Bring comics back to Comic Con
  • Vertigo flips their sell-outs

So how long did it take you to start humming the songs from Doctor Horrible?  Wait until you  Press the Button!

And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


ComicMix Radio: Dark Knight Breaks Box Office Records

ComicMix Radio: Dark Knight Breaks Box Office Records

And there hasn’t even been a showing yet. We’ve got some interesting facts and figures in how the next Batman film is poised to make movie history over the next 72 hours, plus:

  • Lost and The Justice League both get Emmy nominations
  • You might be Spider-Man on Broadway
  • Girls + Monsters =  IDW’s The Claws Come Out

Our warmup act for San Diego continues with a few new surprises – just Press the Button!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


ComicMix Radio: Joss Owns the Web!

ComicMix Radio: Joss Owns the Web!

So how many times today have you tried to see Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and failed? While you’re waiting, let us cover that and the next Joss Whedon movie on the way, plus:

  • All things San Diego including exclusive black and white TMNT figures
  • Invincible moves to your mobile phone
  • Our weekly rundown of the new comics and DVDs, including Dan DiDio’s poll on "Who Should Be The Next Flash?"

And before you Press the Button be sure to check out the Joss Whedon interview on ComicMix and remember he joins us on our broadcast later this week!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

ComicMix Radio: Kick-Starting The Ultimate Universe

ComicMix Radio: Kick-Starting The Ultimate Universe

Late books and creator changes have plagued this once untouchable Marvel brand, but this summer both talent and publisher are dedicated to bringing it back to the glory days. At the front line is Brian Michael Bendis, who began it all with Ultimate Spider-Man, and has a lot to say on how the video game will tie into the title, why creators are late and the possibility of an Ultimate What If, plus

  • New Heroes webisodes this week
  • More new anime and Lost come to the Sci Fi Channel
  • Where have those Ghostbusters guys been, anyway?

Before you Press the Button, please note Bendis is NOT the guy in the banana suit,



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

ComicMix Radio: Hellboy II – Bring On The Monsters!

ComicMix Radio: Hellboy II – Bring On The Monsters!

Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro says that his love for big burley creatures goes back to the days of Swamp Thing and the creations of Jack Kirby. How does he translate this to film and what was it like acting "with" these creatures? Hellboy stars Ron Perlman and Selma Blair relate their experiences, plus:

  • Girls With Slingshots in print and more on the way
  • A free trip to San Diego – but you have to hurry!
  • Exterminators moves to Showtime and Hiding In Time heads to the big screen

It all starts when you press the button!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

ComicMix Radio: Final Crisis – A Guide (Sort Of)

ComicMix Radio: Final Crisis – A Guide (Sort Of)

A lot of comic fans have found that the biggest reaction to DC’s Final Crisis has been "Huh?". Executive Editor, Dan DiDio gives us his take on what it’s all about and where it’s going, plus:

  • Batman RIP scores another sell out
  • Youngblood gives you a chance to play "catch-up"
  • Smallville finally moves ahead in the Superman mythos

Our world famous tour of this new comics and DVDs starts when you Press the Button!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

ComicMix Radio: Hellboy II Fireworks Begin

ComicMix Radio: Hellboy II Fireworks Begin

Guillermo Del ToroHellboy II: The Golden Army begins screenings in just a few days, and in our exclusive talk with director Guillermo Del Toro we reveal just one of the big "easter eggs" everyone will be talking about. You get it here first, plus:

  • Wonder Woman is on the way to DVD
  • The Goon is on the way to the big screen
  • Harry Dresden is on the way to comics

Shout "Happy Birthday America" and then Press the Button!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

ComicMix Radio: Dealing A ‘Royal Flush’

ComicMix Radio: Dealing A ‘Royal Flush’

Looking for some quick, fun beach reading that covers comics, movies, indie music, comedy, web radio and more? We take a look at Royal Flush Magazine, plus:

Invincible scores a sell-out

Flash gets a boost from a TV scribe

— More on those nifty Collection Drawers and a cool new product you will want, too!

Inside the mind of Gary Busey? Really? Press the button if you dare!



And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!