Monthly Archive: August 2008

Gorilla City Discovered?

Gorilla City Discovered?

While we’re certainly not the only site comparing the recent discovery of a massive population of gorillas living in a secluded region of the jungle to the hidden "Gorilla City" of DC Comics, here’s hoping the word gets out to all the wanna-be Dian Fosseys out there: beware of any of ’em named "Grodd." That one is baaaaaad news.

According to CNN:

Researchers said Tuesday they have found 125,000 Western lowland gorillas living in a swamp in northern Republic of Congo, a rare positive discovery that adds significantly to the existing population of the threatened species.

The last census of Western lowland gorillas, done in the 1980s, estimated 100,000 worldwide — and researchers thought the number had been cut in half since then.

Sure, it’s great news and all… but seriously, watch out for Grodd.

Milo Ventimiglia and Top Cow Announce “Berserker” Comic

Milo Ventimiglia and Top Cow Announce “Berserker” Comic

Another day, another project originally intended for television or film being field-tested in the comics world. Case in point: today’s announcement that Heroes star Milo Ventimiglia (who already has another project, Rest, in production at Devil’s Due Publishing) and Russ Cundiff of DiVide Pictures will be partnering with Top Cow Productions on Berserker, a new comic book series created by screenwriter Rick Loverd.

“Berserker is about people discovering they have superhuman ancient Norse powers as they’re pulled into an underground war that’s been raging for a thousand years,” explained Loverd. But the writer pointed out there are bigger themes. “It’s about people dealing with all the curves the world throws, accepting yourself,” he said. “It’s about not feeling helpless in the face of new challenges and, when someone builds a wall in front of you, smashing right through it with your bare hands. And, of course, it’s about bone-popping bloodlust, spine-crushing action, and saving the world from total destruction!”

While the official press release (posted after the jump) is filled with compliments for everyone involved in the project, the announcement doesn’t shy away from looking beyond comics to the long-term goals, too:

“Top Cow is a company that is known for good art and great stories and to be partnered with them on Berserker seemed like the right fit,” said Cundiff, who noted they plan to develop the property into something more, perhaps a film.

“We want to see people wearing Berserker T-shirts, maybe carrying lunchboxes,” smiled Cundiff. “Until then, we are looking to make a kick-ass book.”

The series is scheduled to debut in 2009.  Dale Keown provided the accompanying art.


“Wonder Woman” Trailer on Yahoo Movies

“Wonder Woman” Trailer on Yahoo Movies

Yahoo Movies has the new trailer for Wonder Woman, and I must say that it’s looking pretty decent. Before you get too excited, keep in mind that this is the direct-to-DVD animated film — not the on-again, off-again live-action film Joss Whedon departed last year.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to hear the voice everyone’s buzzing about: Nathan Fillion as Col. Steve Trevor. You do, however, get to hear Keri Russell voicing everyone’s favorite Amazon princess. Like DC’s previous D2DVD features, the film is packed with notable voices, including Alfred Molina, Rosario Dawson and Virginia Madsen. IMDB has the full cast list.

You can find out more about the film and sign up for updates over at the official Wonder Woman website. The film is scheduled for a February 2009 release.

ComicMix Radio: Hack Slash And Heroes Mix Comics and Film

ComicMix Radio: Hack Slash And Heroes Mix Comics and Film

It’s our weekly trip to the comic shop and we bring out the Big Guns to  arm you with all sorts of important info on what to check out. For example:

  • Dan Didio lets the fans have a say on Who Will Be Batman
  • Justin Marks talks on taking Hack Slash from comics to film
  • Milo Ventimigila explains what his new series is all about

Grab your shopping list and Press the Button!


And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!

White Viper: The Way of the Snake

White Viper: The Way of the Snake


In today’s brand new episode of White Viper, by Erin Holroyd, Dick Giordano and Frank McLaughlin, our heroine learns to fight in the style of the snake.  Particularly, the viper.  Hmmm, I bet that’s going to be important.  Also, the bad guys decide to ride into town again.


Credits: Erin Holroyd (Writer), Dick Giordano (Penciller), Frank McLaughlin (Inker), Lovern Kindzierski (Colorist), John Workman (Letterer), Mike Gold (Editor)


Circuit City Bans MAD Magazine (Temporarily)

Circuit City Bans MAD Magazine (Temporarily)

After the August issue of DC Comics’ MAD Magazine featured a spoof on consumer electronics retailer Circuit City titled "Sucker City," the retailer’s corporate office had the publication banned from stores, according to a recent report from Associated Press. The ban was lifted a short time later, however, and the store issued an apology to customers and MAD Magazine.

"We apologize for the knee-jerk reaction, and have issued a retraction order; the affected stores are being directed to put the magazines back on sale," spokesman Jim Babb said in an e-mail response. "The parody of our newspaper ad in the August MAD was very clever. Most of us at Circuit City share a rich sense of humor and irony … but there are occasional temporary lapses."

The spoof features advertisements for items like HDTVs and video games, including the Nintendo Wii "Guaranteed In Stock … if you’re friends with an employee who hid it in the back for you. Otherwise, ooh, sorry, all sold out."

What made this story especially interesting to me, though, was the sense of humor the retailer showed in its response:

"As a gesture of our apology and deep respect for the folks at MAD Magazine, we are creating a cross-departmental task force to study the importance of humor in the corporate workplace and expect the resulting Powerpoint presentation to top out at least 300 pages, chock full of charts, graphs and company action plans."

At least, I think that was a joke. It had to be a joke, right?

Check out the AP story for more on the Circuit City/MAD Magazine hub-bub, including the customary, humorous response from the MAD crew.

Man Finds Will Eisner Printing Plates

Man Finds Will Eisner Printing Plates

Here’s a story that might be more suited to PBS’s Antiques Roadshow than a comics audience, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless.

A man in Woodbury Heights, New Jersey picked up some old printing plates and then, years later, he checked them out and found some were of little-known Will Eisner cartoons.

This article in the South Jersey Courier-Journal retells the story.

In his studio, Getsinger stood by thin, metal comic strip printing plates stacked neatly in hundreds of rows. The collection’s value is unknown, but Getsinger believes the entire collection is worth more than $1 million with printing and publishing possibilities.

Getsinger has two almost-complete collections of Will Eisner’s first published comic strips, "Harry Karry" and "Uncle Otto."

"I found these "Harry Karry’ plates by a "Willis B. Rensie,’ which is Eisner spelled backward," Getsinger said. "I did some research and also learned that these "Life in the Roar’ comics by "Kane’ were early comics of "Batman’ creator Bob Kane.

"It’s like discovering the Holy Grail."

Getsinger has more than 80 plates of Kane and 85 plates of comic book legend and "The Spirit" creator Eisner, who died in 2005.

Interview: Jamie Bamber on the End of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Pulse 2”

Interview: Jamie Bamber on the End of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Pulse 2”

Actor Jamie Bamber has had a diverse and successful career, gaining noteriety playing Lt. Archie Kennedy in the Hornblower series of TV movies, working in HBO’s Band of Brothers and guest appearances on the series Cold Case and Ghost Whisperer. However, Bamber’s career rocketed into the spotlight when he took the role of Lee "Apollo" Adama in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica television series — which is soon to broadcast its final season on the Sci-Fi Channel.

During the recent San Diego Comic-Con, I had a chance to speak to Bamber about his upcoming direct-to-DVD feature film Pulse 2: Afterlife and Battlestar Galactica. We discussed what made him interested in Pulse 2, how he feels about the end of Battlestar Galactica and what moments from the show were his favorites.

COMICMIX: Jamie, what can you tell us about Pulse 2: Afterlife?

JAMIE BAMBER: It’s like Kramer vs. Kramer in an armageddon backdrop, featuring a dad who is trying to put his life back together. He’s working on his relationships and putting them back together in the aftermath of an Internet-fueled apocolypse zombie scenario.

CMix: What made you take on this film?

JB: I had time. I liked the character and I could relate to what he’s going through. I can understand and empathize with a dad and his fear for his child in a dangerous world.

CMix: Having been on such a strong ensemble show like BSG, playing the lead in a film must have been appealing…

JB: I liked the idea of fronting a movie on the quiet, which as an actor is quite a useful thing to do without it being everywhere. This is also a straight-to-DVD project, which also appealed to me.

CMix: You’ve finished shooting on Battlestar now, right?
