Tagged: Twitter

Why We’re Stopping Using Twitter Tools

Why We’re Stopping Using Twitter Tools

We’re getting sick and tired of Twitter Tools, the WordPress plug-in from CrowdFavorite. Specifically, because their product is supposed to automatically create one daily post from all the tweets from our account.

One daily post. Not thirty-eight, as happened last night; nor the numerous other nights they’ve created multiple posts that have gone out, pushed all our stories off the front page, choked our RSS feeds, and generally made a mess of the place.

As they’ve been unable to track down the problem in any of their support forums, we’ll be leaving them shortly. We understand Twittinesis isn’t bad, does anybody else have any other recommendations?

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-02

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-02

  • Quote of the day: It’s all too easy to confuse the unprecedented with the impossible. — Felix Salmon #
  • @allyngibson Hmm… you may be right, I'll have to check the dates. I'm sure it's the first appearance in comic BOOKS, though. #
  • @jpalmiotti Mazel tov, you crazy kids! #
  • @comixace You're watching it on an iPod patched to a VCR through a magnifying screen? I'm confused… #