Tagged: NSFW

‘Incredible Hulk’ Countdown Roundup

‘Incredible Hulk’ Countdown Roundup

With the release of The Incredible Hulk looming, there have been a few items of note hitting the ‘Net that might be worth, well… noting. While I could probably re-write that sentence to make it read a little better, I think it fits in well with the overall Hulk vibe, which seems to go something like this:


Over at Marvel.com, The Incredible Hulk Smash game is a free, online game in which you play as the Hulk and try to smash everything in sight — which consists of buildings, taxis and military vehicles. Apparently, Hulk really hates taxis. While I understand the whole "power-up" and "super smash" abilities, I’m not quite sure I understand why Hulk is also able to freeze time in this game. But anyways…

Did anyone catch the "Hulk Up" episode of American Gladiators last night? I missed it, but I’d love to hear how that cross-promotion turned out. It was a nice idea, so I’m curious about viewer reaction. At least one reviewer wasn’t impressed. Anyone else have an opinion? Is anyone who reads ComicMix watching American Gladiators?

Feeling a bit nostalgic for the old Hulk television series? SciFi Channel is currently running a marathon of the series, with 10 episodes airing each day until Friday’s film release.

Oh, and on a completely unrelated-to-the-movie but Hulk-related all the same, I wonder if the Elias Hulk album "Unchained" is feeling the effects of all the Hulk mania. Just check out that excellent, semi-NSFW album cover!

Be sure to keep an eye on ComicMix this week for our special ComicMix TV video interviews with the people behind The Incredible Hulk, as well as our review of the film later this week.

Jon Sable is NSFW

Jon Sable is NSFW


In today’s brand-new episode of Jon Sable: Freelance, by Mike Grell, Maggie the Cat lives up to her reputation.  With diamonds — and other things — size matters.


Comic Strips Tell the Stories of Sex Workers

Comic Strips Tell the Stories of Sex Workers

A recent post on BoingBoing regarding comics based on the lives of sex workers has led to an interesting interview with Peter S. Conrad, a writer and artist whose latest project involves turning sex workers’ stories into comic strips. The interview, along with the four-page strip titled "Going Back" can be found at The Reverse Cowgirl.

RC: How did you create the artwork for the stories?

PSC: As much as possible, I don’t want to be in the way of the story. I print out the words typed by the person who told the story and use a pencil to make marks where I think page divisions will go. Sometimes I have to make a lot of cuts, or sometimes I replace a bunch of words with a picture that gets the idea across, so I know I am having an effect on the story, but I use as much as I can verbatim. My goal is to be invisible, because it’s not really my story to tell.

Keep in mind, the art and story are both of the NSFW variety, as they contain adult material.