Loserville Volume 1: Press 5 To Stop Being Miserable

…So after the power outage, my house reverted into a tribalist confederacy and it was up to me to reunite the kingdoms that spawned throughout the house. I conquered the house room by room until I faced off against King Dad in the living room, and with his defeat I became the new king and we all watched Netflix on my Android for–Oh! Hi! Didn’t see you there. I was just describing my week long debacle in the aftermath of a Fimbulwinter-esque storm that crushed the New England area like a gnat under a giant boot made of ice.

What’s that? You want to hear more about this comic called Loserville: And Then You Might Explode? Well you’re in luck, because I happen to have read it in between my conquests and I have to say, it’s all right. Don’t worry, I’ll explain.

Loserville  is a webcomic written and illustrated by Alex J. Cox and published by SLG Publishing, and it’s all about a (relatively) young couple trapped in the mundane machinery of their day to day lives. But this isn’t like any of the normal planets you and I might occupy, oh no. There’s talking animals, time portals, a mascot that haunts your diabetic comas, and a neurological disease that causes you to spontaneously combust.
