How much would you pay for Batman ’66 on DVD?

Vinnie Bartilucci

Freelance pontificator - unsubstantiated opinions for a reasonable fee

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3 Responses

  1. George Haberberger says:

    They would have to pay me.

  2. Rene Narciso says:

    Okay, Vinnie. Call me a liar then. But I still don’t want to own this show.

    Now that we do have plenty of other depictions of superheroes in media, I don’t hate this show like I once did. Now I am just indifferent to it.

    I’m lukewarm to camp, and I’m lukewarm to formulaic television. So you might imagine what I feel about formulaic camp television.

    The Twilight Zone is the only show in this bunch that I’d like to have the DVD set. Perhaps Star Trek if they offered it really cheap.

  1. January 23, 2014

    […] How much would you pay for Batman '66 on DVD? They're going to have to make a difficult decision with the pricing on the release of Batman on DVD – do they go high and run the risk of people choosing not to buy it, or go low and maximize sales? Let's comparison shop. There's 120 episodes. How much … Read more on […]