Mike Gold: Comic Books Take A Hike!

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com and on iNetRadio, www.iNetRadio.com (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check www.getthepointradio.com above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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2 Responses

  1. I’m okay with monthlies vanishing from B&N’s shelves. I just wish they could be replaced with something.

    I’ve said it MANY times, and am so convinced it’s the right idea it’s one I’m dedicated in bankrolling as soon as I hit the lotto. Wal-mart and the like need to be given their own special comics that STAY in print.

    A series of one-and-done comics in the style of DC’s Secret Files and Origins books from a few years back. Four or five pages of new material, some info pages, and a mess of reprints. A primer for the characters. Fill it with ads for the other ones, and have the comicbook.com ad on the back cover. And keep it in print – do four to six of them a year, no more.

    And make it cheap. Not “sell at a loss” cheap, but go back to newsprint, no glossy covers, anything that can be done to get the price down. Three bucks, but for at least 64 pages.

    Get comics into kids’ hands. It’s imperative. Marvel has that Spider-Man magazine that they get into the magazine racks at the register. Mad expensive, but WELL worth it. DC really should do that as well. Something on the order of Dynamite or Bananas from when I was a kid.

    LOTS of cross-sell to the local shops, and Comixology. A FAR more interactive website than DC has now.

    And more important than ALL of those…

    Get the law about what can be advertised on kids’ TV amended so that comics of a character are allowed to be advertised on that character’s show. Right now, even that little plug at the end of Adventures of Superman would be illegal.

  2. Rene Narciso says:

    Vinnie, there is a theory that holds that the decline of the readership of comic books among younger kids has no relation to content or advertising or outlet. That decline correlates first with the boom of inexpensive television in the 1960s, and later with the boom of inexpensive videogames in the 1990s.

    I’m not saying that comic book companies couldn’t get more comics into kids’ hands. Just that the olden times when millions of kids would buy comics is probably never returning, and that is why comic companies first turned to teenagers and then to middle-aged men.