Dennis O’Neil: The Elephant in the Punch Bowl

Dennis O'Neil

Dennis O'Neil was born in 1939, the same year that Batman first appeared in Detective Comics. It was thus perhaps fated that he would be so closely associated with the character, writing and editing the Dark Knight for more than 30 years. He's been an editor at Marvel and DC Comics. In addition to Batman, he's worked on Spider-Man, Daredevil, Iron Man, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern/Green Arrow, the Question, The Shadow and more. O'Neil has won every major award in the industry. His prose novels have been New York Times bestsellers. Denny lives in Rockland County with his wife, Marifran.

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3 Responses

  1. Potent, sobering, and witty to boot. Well stated, sir. These are the questions we all ask.

  2. Roger Buck says:


    And also I noted how earlier this year you mentioned that you found it especially gratifying when one of your 70s “socially relevant” works was reprinted – even while you were dismayed that so little had seemed to change since the 70’s.

    In the language of your Catholic upbringing: we are fallen, very, very fallen.

    Meanwhile, those 70s “socially relevant” comics remain one of the great joys of all of comics to me (along with some of your later efforts as well).

    I hope we might still see more from you …

    And after reading the above, it occurred to me that if you treated the above topic in a major way, I do not know about it.

    And the following leapt to my mind …

    I could not help it:

    GL/GA visit a colony planet filled with indiscriminate and accidental killing based on reverence for the laws and “rights” like America’s second amendment, based on the twisted adoration of the colony planet’s “founding fathers” …

  3. Dan McFarland says:

    If you want a exhaustive opinion by someone who understands guns and the law go to this site
    You may not like what he has to say but understands the arguments on both sides.