Mike Gold: Violence and Comic Books

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com and on iNetRadio, www.iNetRadio.com (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check www.getthepointradio.com above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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4 Responses

  1. I’ve always been under the tutelage that it’s not the fault of the media. It’s the fault of the parent. Growing up, I had access to movies, TV, comics, and books that all contained morally reprehensible material. And I turned out just fine. Why? Because my parents made sure that first and foremost, I living in an environment where I could question the things I see. Secondly because they monitored what I consumed, and ensured I asked the right questions. There’s a line to be drawn, yes, and it should be made at the level of the creator. But I’d be hard-pressed to say I’d prefer Scott Snyder or anyone ‘tames’ a concept or story because they feel they are crossing the line. If it serves the purpose of the story? Do it. And then, as a publisher, ensure parents know on the cover the book (be it a floppy, trade, omnibus or infogas) ensure they know what kind of mature content will be found therein.

  2. Jeremiah Avery says:

    It’s aggravating when the “moral guardians” start blaming comics, movies, video games, etc. for various horrors but if someone casts blame on the acutal weapon(s) used, then they recoil and say, “No, it’s the person that did it!”. Hurray for hypocrisy!

    Comics sure have gotten more violent than when I was a kid and it’s really messed up how the people at my comic shop say that they have had to steer kids away from Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, etc. due to the content in them. Considering the head honchos at the publishers have gone on record that they don’t think kids read comics, I don’t see them ever really scaling things back or even writing material that will appeal to a wider audience. Best bet, look at something from the other publishers instead.

    • Mike Gold says:

      Just wait. Much of the blame will be placed on “violent” video games. Well, maybe it’s their turn. Certainly the Comics Code Authority, the movie rating system, the teevee rating system and Parental Advisory Warnings on rock music each have stopped their evil mind control over our nation’s youth, so it MUST be the video games, right?

      It can’t possibly be our near-total lack of parenting, could it? Parents who think that our schools should stand up to their children because they, the parents, are too lazy or, worse and more common, don’t want to be seen by their precious precious as “the bad guy.” Parents who don’t want to be bothered to supervise their children’s media input — teevee, Internet, whathaveyou?

      I will support the right of any parent to veto their child’s choice of entertainment. However, this can get me in trouble. This happened several times, but here’s the best case:

      I was at a comic book store signing copies of Howard Chaykin’s Blackhawk. It was a fairly sophisticated story — you really had to want to use your brain — and it was a labeled comic book: it was labelled “Chaykin.” So when a kid of about eight wanted me to sign it, I asked his father if it was okay since the book was heady, rather violent, and had, you know, blow jobs and stuff. Daddy went apeshit: “Give my kid what he wants!” he screamed, and went on and on about how I’m not his parent. Hey, I was only asking. I signed the book and tried to figure out how to slip some S. Claw Wilson stuff into his bag.

  3. Jeremiah Avery says:

    It’s never a parenting problem, nope. It’s the responsibility of the tv or computer they stick their kids in front of rather than talking to them.

    As much as my mother supported my comic collecting (she read them as a child and also figured my reading anything was a good thing) she also would look at what I was reading. Aside from the joking about how it must be an additional superpower of the women in the comics to be able to fit into those next-to-nothing costumes, I had a wide berth as to what I could read but she had no problem saying “no” to various things she didn’t think were appropriate for me. A parent saying “no”, what a concept!