Mike Gold: Nancy’s Tale

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com and on iNetRadio, www.iNetRadio.com (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check www.getthepointradio.com above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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2 Responses

  1. Mindy Newell says:

    I could never stand NANCY, Mike. Just like I hated LITTLE LOLA. I felt like fat kids were being made fun of.

    • Mike Gold says:

      Ah, that’s Little Lotta. At first I thought Little Lulu wasn’t so little anymore. Little Lotta certainly had her eating neurosis — but that was NOTHING compared to her best friend, Little Dot. I mean, there’s a kid with REAL problems. OCD over spots? Really? And did she ever catch on to all those “uncles” and “aunts” her parents kept on bringing over?

      Nancy at her most surreal was one of the most centered characters in comics.

      But Fritzi should take her to a different beauty parlor.