Michael Davis: The Greatest Story Never Told, Conclusion

Michael Davis

Master Of The Universe, Lord Of All Media, Most Interesting Black Man In the World, Sexiest Man on Earth, Mentor, Writer, Artist, Producer & Uppity.

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12 Responses

  1. Jarrod Buttery says:

    The long-awaited conclusion — now with MORE added suspense! Thanks, Michael — a great, great read and you sure know how to keep the fans coming back!

  2. Mark Turner says:

    Some true nuggets of advice throughout this installment for creators. It almost echoes shades of the Sun-tzu….instead of “The Art of War” one might call it “The Art of the Deal”! And thank you for sharing the art….looks like this project will be worth the wait.

    • Mark,
      I ounce wrote a weekly column called “The Art Of The Deal” in fact that was the original name for this column for a sec.
      Regarding the art-I think the project worth eating for but I wish Comicmix would have found a way to make the images here bigger.

      Clearly the work is shown so small because I’m black…

      Hey-I have not used that in a while, give me a break!

      • NOW-I’ll try the above reply without the crack pipe…


        I ounce wrote a weekly column called “The Art Of The Deal” in fact that was the original name for this column for a sec.

        Regarding the art-I think the project is worth waiting for but I wish Comicmix would have found a way to make the images here bigger.

        Clearly the work is shown so small because I’m black…

        Hey-I have not used that in a while, give me a break!

      • Glenn Hauman says:

        I would think a black man wouldn\’t have to bring size into it…

  3. Reg says:

    DUDE! That’s some GREAT looking art! I’ve seen glimmers of your skillz in past articles, but…I repeat…Dude!

    And respect again for dropping the science. I’ve taken it to heart and am eagerly looking forward to seeing the ‘IDEA of the decade’ come out of the birth canal.

  4. Jeremiah Avery says:

    I want that art!!!

    Great advice and definitely applicable in other venues. I know I felt desperate when I was unemployed but people assured me that doing repeat follow-ups would not make me seem eager but rather a nuisance and companies aren’t going to hire one of those.