Tom Baker Returns Again!

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, and on iNetRadio, (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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2 Responses

  1. Steve Chaput says:

    I would love to see Baker portray The Master in a television episode, if only briefly. Be great to have the new Doctor confronted by his own past likeness. If that's a recent photo, Baker looks pretty good.

  2. Nick says:

    Demon Quest, like the superb Hornet's Nest, will be a BBC production. Excellent as Big Finish are, they haven't worked with Tom Baker yet…