Popeye gets discharged in Europe

Glenn Hauman

Glenn is VP of Production at ComicMix. He has written Star Trek and X-Men stories and worked for DC Comics, Simon & Schuster, Random House, arrogant/MGMS and Apple Comics. He's also what happens when a Young Turk of publishing gets old.

3 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    "Just don't let us know about it here in America, as King Features Syndicate still holds the copyright and trademark here and plan on vigorously enforcing it."So what? Popeye's gonna go public domain in America someday, so quit your whining and complaining until that day has arrived!

    • Glenn Hauman says:

      "Popeye's gonna go public domain in America someday, so quit your whining and complaining until that day has arrived!"Boy, are you an optimist. You wouldn't believe the efforts the Walt Disney Company has made to keep Mickey Mouse and Winnie The Pooh in their own hands. Which is ironic, considering the money they've made off of public characters like Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid, Aladdin…

      • Anonymous says:

        "So what? Popeye's gonna go public domain in America someday, so quit your whining and complaining until that day has arrived!"Hey man I get what you are trying to say and I agree, can't wait for Popeye to go public domain in North America? then move to Europe, simple as that. Remember the drawback to public domain is that ANYONE can do what they want. Ask yourself this: Would you like to see let's say the video game company Rockstar put Popeye in one of their Grand Theft Auto video games where one mission has Nico Bellic blowing Popeye's head off with a Sniper Rifle and then take his corpse to the car crusher? I wouldn't and neither would King Features for that matter. Of course the law is the law whether we like it or not and everything will eventually become public domain someday, we just have to deal with the lunatics who would go out there and disgrace some of these characters if they choose to do so. Good message my friend although you should have put your user name down at the end of the message otherwise good work."You wouldn't believe the efforts the Walt Disney Company has made to keep Mickey Mouse and Winnie The Pooh in their own hands."Now we go from the anonymous poster's awesome 5 star message to another one of Glenn Hauman's rants that is the equivalent of a Vince Russo car wreck! Hey I can't blame Disney for not wanting the Mick and Winnie for not going public domain but the law is the law and there's nothing that Disney can do about it when that day comes, you just have to ignore the lunatics who want to disgrace these characters."Which is ironic, considering the money they've made off of public characters like Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid, Aladdin…"If Disney feels the need to make money off of Hans Christian Andersen's works, more power to them, that's their right Hauman whether you like it or not and I'm sure Disney has some ideas for their own version of Popeye when he goes public domain in North America someday and if you don't like it Hauman then don't support it. Ironically it should be funny to see other companies profit off of Disney's original characters when they go public domain in the future just like how Disney has made a profit off of Andersen and others works."Boy, are you an optimist."I'd respond to that one Hauman but since this is Comicmix, I'll just say, go play Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and pretend that you're Giovanni Casa because that's exactly who you remind me of right now!HoganisBald3:16