59, by John Ostrander

Mike Gold

ComicMix's award-winning and spectacularly shy editor-in-chief Mike Gold also performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com and on iNetRadio, www.iNetRadio.com (search: Hit Oldies) every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check www.getthepointradio.com above for times and on-demand streaming information.

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5 Responses

  1. Russ Rogers says:

    I think the Beatles' sense of humor, that sort of nonsensical, nonconformist, up beat, off the wall, cracked but clever stuff is in a very similar vein to Jay Ward's. There's no questioning their musical influence. But I would say that "Hard Days Night" and "HELP" had a profound influence on comedy too. Lenon was a very funny and absurd writer on his own. Certainly there would have been no "Monkees" without those two movies. But I can see a link between the Beatles humor and say, Laugh-In, The Firesign Theater, Monty Python into SNL.

  2. Paul McCall says:

    Happy Belated Birthday John. I've enjoyed your comics work for many decades now. You've got 5 years on me. Guy Williams was Disney's ZORRO. Guy Madison was a revisionist Wild Bill Hickok. I too disliked the Beatles when they first appeared but that was more my natural contrariness than anything else. I came to my senses in high school right about the time they broke up.

    • John Ostrander says:

      There was a screaming little voice inside me that KNEW i had it wrong and that Guy Madison was Hickock (in a series that was NOWHERE as interesting as the real man). I forgot to do that last fact check before sending in the column. Thanks for setting it right. Guy Williams may always be MY Zorro because he was my FIRST Zorro and he was pretty damn good!

  3. mike weber says:

    Harvey introduced me to The Spirit in two over-sized twenty-five cent issues. They were different, they were strange, but I never had the sense at the time that they were reprints. I had no idea that the stories I was reading were probably older than I was at that point. Oh, yeah.I found and haunted the local distributor's office in Greenville SC and wound up on first-name terms with the staff (and discovered Travis McGee and Matt Helm) hoping for the third issue that Harvey promised but never delivered. (I'm about five months plder than you.)And, let me tell you – people who are upset about what it looks like Miller is doing to The Spirit should see the stories presented in their original form in the Harvey books … and then contrast them (particularly "The Awful Book") against what Eisner himself did to some of them in the later reprints…But we got Will's own favourite story, "Gerhard Schnobble, the Man Who Coud Fly" in one of them…

  4. Martha Thomases says:

    Happy birthday, John! Thanks for being older than me. And I'm older than dirt (but younger than springtime).